Monday, April 12, 2010

getting a wii what games should i get an ...

I am getting a wii and was wondering what games I should get.getting a wii what games should i get an ...
get 3 more wiimotes and nunchuck (trust me wii sports will not be the same without a large group)
As for games: Get Zelda TP First, Super Ppaper Mario, Metriod Prime: 3, Resident Evil 4 Wii edition (even if you have the GC or PS2 version trust me its that much better), Wario Ware, Rayman. 
Games coming out you should get: Super Mario Galaxy, Batalian Wars II, Zack and Wiki, Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash borhters(I will be getting these games too)
VC: Zelda OOT, Mario Kart 64, Zelda: LTTP, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Star Fox, and Paper Mario
these games should keep you busy for a whilegetting a wii what games should i get an ...
Oh yeah i forgot to say get some gamecube controllers (if you do not have any) you need them for VC games plus buy some gamecube games (if you did not have a gamecube, I recommend Zelda:WW, Mario kart). And get a classic controller (Some SNES games are almost unplayable using the Gamecube controller) also don't for get componet cables if you ahve an HD-TV.
Metroid Prime 3, Zelda Twilight Princess, and in a few weeks Battalion Wars 2 and Zack and Wiki.;O
RE4, Metroid, Zelda, paper mario out now is good.... and also for multiplayer, get mario party and warioware.raving rabbids
Oh yes, RE4 is a must too.
And you should atleast try out Red Steel.
I really enjoyed that game, despite a lot of people saying it sucks and all the bad reviews it got...
Very underrated title if you ask me. :)
Zelda, Mario Strikers, MP3, Red Steel, and RE4 are my personal favorites...
Zelda TP, Mario Strikers, RE4, Super Paper Mario and Warioware and games you should get. As for accessories, get another Wiimote and nunchuk
[QUOTE=''chansaet'']get 3 more wiimotes and nunchuck (trust me wii sports will not be the same without a large group)
As for games: Get Zelda TP First, Super Ppaper Mario, Metriod Prime: 3, Resident Evil 4 Wii edition (even if you have the GC or PS2 version trust me its that much better), Wario Ware, Rayman.
Games coming out you should get: Super Mario Galaxy, Batalian Wars II, Zack and Wiki, Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash borhters(I will be getting these games too)
VC: Zelda OOT, Mario Kart 64, Zelda: LTTP, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Star Fox, and Paper Mario
these games should keep you busy for a while[/QUOTE]Well...if ur not rich and you dont want to spend 500 bucks on games...Get Wii Play (comes with an extra controller), Zelda TP, Metroid, Super Mario Galaxy (11/12/07), Resident evil 4 (only 30 bucks), and SSBB
Wii Sports is going to keep your attention for a surprisingly long time and yes ZeldaTP is still the obligatory 2nd game, though I must confess I haven't tried Metroid yet; things may have changed.If you plan on having others over to play, definitely get WarioWare; between that and wiisports, your friends should be happy. Only get Red Steel if your friends want to play a multiplayer FPS, otherwise get RE4 and wait to see if the Red Steel sequel is any better.I would've recommended Trauma Center at the beginning of the year but now I'll just say to also wait for the sequel coming out.If you're looking for a GTA experience, get Godfather (unless you already got it for another system) but do NOT get DriverPL.So far it's mostly the Wiimakes that are worth the price. In another year or two we'll start to see original games that will take more than a weekend to play through.
- Begin sophisticated informative rant:

* open previous thread, highlight the 30 responses before it was locked, ctrl+v, switch back to this thread, ctrl+v *

Another game recommendations thread. Where's a mod when you need one?

Rather than telling you which games you should get, I'm going to teach you how to use the Gamespot. Gamespot has a Wii page on it you can look at, it mentions all the games and their types. If you like a certain type of game you could click on the link and look at the game list that comes up. You can even sort it by rank, usually the 9.0 ranked games means you should read the reviews and see if they fit what you are looking for. The 8.0 games means you should like the genre to love them (special interest) or are pretty good games for those looking to expand your horizons. But a lot of people don't believe in gamespots rank very much, so that is why there are user reviews. You can read those too and find out if you would like them and usually give a different view of the game than gamespots. Trust me this works! Try it, the top 7 items in the Wii Top Rated of All time will have 95% of everyone's responses so far. So much for people thinking the scores don't work...

If you don't believe gamespot, you can go to gamerankings ( which will add up rankings from all over the web and put one 'averaged' score on it. If you do this you will note that 95% of everyones responses are in the top 4. As you can see people make gaming sites to help people find the best games out there for your system. You should try using them. And leave the forums for people who want to talk about something other than what games a bunch of strangers would recommend to a complete stranger.

- End sophisticated informative rant -
Sorry dosu178 for blasting you... It's not you in particular, just the thread subject. Here is my full explaination

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