Friday, April 16, 2010

BWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2

which do you want more their like a tie for me what do you thinkBWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2
BWii, it is original. Heroes is not. Simple as that.BWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2
BWii loved the first, Heroes 2 could end up being rough
I'll be getting both. I've never played Battalion Wars 1 and I really like FPSs so if I only got one it would be Heroes (32 players online it going be awesome!)
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']BWii, it is original. Heroes is not. Simple as that.[/QUOTE] shocked about duckmans choice
MOH, im better at FPS >.>
If I could only choose one, it would be MoH: Heroes 2. However, I know good and well I'll get both!
Definetly Heroes 2. Realistic, better online.
[QUOTE=''Sants412'']Definetly Heroes 2. Realistic, better online.[/QUOTE] I agree with you on that:P
i am going 4 medal it is wii frist online fps
is heroes 2 going to be arcade type or is it going to be a regualr moh game.
I could care less about Bwii while Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is one of my most anticipated games.
I dont know the first battalion wars was laughable in my opinion and wasnt worth buying. Medal of honor isnt looking so swift either. the first sucked so much, i hated it. In my opinion you shouldnt geteither of them. Save you money for better games to come.
BWii, because it's something you haven't played a thousand times before.
Bwii but I would be crazy notto get both.
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is what I would get and am getting
BWII for sure
Bwii. If I want a real fps, online experience I'll turn to my other gaming platforms.
i want MOH:H2 for 32 Player online, but BWii will be more fun. its different, MOH:H2 is still a friggin WW2 shooter.

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