Friday, April 16, 2010

too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(

i want a wii so friggin bad now that MP3 has been out for the longest time, SSBB is making its way, Bwii looks pretty anticipated, super mario galaxy is also coming soon, mario games in general, and all the other stuffsomeone please tell me where I can find a wii, and will it be hard to get one on xmas?!?my sis wants one, and I secretly do tootoo late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
I used to find mine online. They are really hard to come by.too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
its been like over a year and they're still hard to come by? seriously?
dang now i want one even more lol
try calling your local stores and ask when will they get new shipments.
If your town has Best Buys, Targets, Circuit City's, etc., go at open on Sundays. Thats your best bet, or thats the way it used to be.It will take some luck. I see them at my nearest WalMart from time to time, but even big shipments only last a day or two.
Yes, it's too late for you. We're going to have to leave you behind, as you'd just slow us all down.:PSeriously, you should definately get one if you're interested in the games that the Wii has to offer, and it's never too late! There's a slew of great games already out, and plenty more on the way.
so you're saying that going to every store in the counrty on Sunday's will increase my chances of getting it...even slightly? (lol) and what other games are there that are insanely great for the wii?btw, i need some help convincing my dad to get it, he is paranoid that the wiimote will slip off my hand (i highly doubt that) and fly straight through his precious tv, and he's been like that ever since, what can I do to convince him?!?!
call ur local retail outlets-target, circuit city, walmart, etc.
try ebay. good luck.
it's funny, i read about how rare Wii's are, but our city is pretty sweet, it's about 80,000 people, so we DO get wii's but for some reason i can always find i could go down to rogers video and there are about 3 sitting on the shelf, theres always a good 2-3 sitting at future shop! to bad you don't live here ^_^ otherwise you'd be able to snap one up! maybe i should take advantage of this and start selling them on ebay? hmmmmm!
targets get a new shipment weekly. just spend one night for a couple of hours at the most and you will get your wii. do it now before the rush comes
It's really not that hard, unless you want it right now, in a day or something(ebay/craigslist is your only choice for that).. I've observed improved availability in the last month or so in fact, but things might get tighter towards the holidays. Your best bet is to subscribe to an email/cellphone tracker like . The main problem is that you can't depend on being at your desk and refreshing a tracker site. they can happen anytime and will go out of stock in a few minutes. I got the email alerts on my gmail account and forwarded it to my cell phone. I think you can do that with other email accounts too.. I was hanging around with a few buddies a couple of weeks back and my cellphone went off. I ran in and managed to buy a couple from amazon in about 5 minutes. they went out of stock after about 15 minutes. You can try also for local store availability. It's okay but pretty error prone because stores have been hoarding Wiis for weekend sales so itrackr gets false positives. I signed up(doesnt hurt, but incorrect alerts might be annoying) but didn't end up using it.

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