64: AwesomeSunshine: AwesomeGalaxy: Simply astoundingFrom 64 to Sunshine to Galaxy: Whats you ...
i agree with duckman.
Super Mario 64's my favorite game. Sunshine's tropical surroundings really appealed me, but I was hoping too much for a prettier SM64. It's not a bad game; it's still one of my favorites on GameCube. Galaxy looks like it might become my new favorite game.
Played mario 64 but not on 64 On DS. I liked it. I never bought mario sunshine but i did play demos. I didnt think that was great. Galaxy looks good but i dont think im going to preorder it.
Mario 64 is perfect. Mario sunshine is crap, one of the worst games ever, no substance, and mario Galaxy, will see......
I never played Sunshine, but I loved 64. I hope this follows suit of 64 in greatness.
i loved all of them and i will love galaxy too. i didnt care about the cheesy acting and ok story. i loved sunshine. it was great. the little screen of mario without fludd on where you pick saves was good enough for me. that just mad me want a 2d mario game on a home console with 3d graphics
Mario 64 is one of my all time favorites, Sunshine is a great game as well, but I think Galaxy will blow them all away.
i loved 64...and sunshine was alot of fun too...i liked playin it and i dont get why ppl didn't like it...galaxy does look pretty interestin to and who doesn't love the bee suit or the boo suit haha
Super mario 64- AwsomeSunshine- never boughtGalaxy - not to hyped for because i havent played a mario game in so long. But i was going to get it next year sometime but now that brawl is delayed ill proboaly get it in december sometime.
super mario 64 simply amazing i still play it today(beaten it over 30 times getting all 120 stars)im sorry to say but i skipped the gamecube generation so i can't comment on super mario sunshineSuper Mario Galaxy will be magnicent due to i haven't played a platformer in a while and my first super mario game in awhile too
- Super Mario 64 - Greatest platformer of all-time.:|
- Super Mario Sunshine - Good platformer,but not up to Super Mario 64 status.
- Super Mario Galaxy - True successor to the greatest platformer of all-time; spectacular,amazing,wonderful,and so on,and so on...
SM64: did not play it until the DS (did not buy it n64 I was poor) and the controls ruined it.
SMS: Awsome. My first gamcube game. I loved it
SMG: Looks awsome
[QUOTE=''themagicbum9720'']i agree with duckman.[/QUOTE] same here
it looks like it's going to be great the only game that made me more exited than super mario galaxy was ff8 and kh2
the visuals on Galaxy look really nice.
[QUOTE=''themagicbum9720'']i agree with duckman.[/QUOTE]Yeah, you pretty much have to agree with everything Duckman says. I think it's a GameSpot by-law or something.Anyway, SM64 is still my favorite game of all time. One of the best things about it is the amount of glitches the game has. Now, normally a glitch in a game is a bad thing, but for some reason, trying to find all the glitches in the game added immense replay value. I'm not sure why...maybe because some of the glitches required enormous amounts of skill to find them. One of my favorite glitches is when you get to the top of the castle...well here, watch this.Another fun one is tilting the cartridge on it's side, and his body implodes and he has no limbs...of course, that can't be good for your system or game...but whatever, it's awesome!I guess that was my main problem with Sunshine, there were not very many glitches. It was still a great game, but it was missing that magical element. Also, I missed the long jump. That was my favorite move in SM64.Now, in Galaxy, the long jump is back. And with the new gravity element added, it's sure to make the possibilites with the long jump endless.
Mario 64 was the kind of game you can play over and over again... it was that great. Sunshine wasa good game that I could never really get into. However, Galaxy looks like it will return to its roots in many ways.I mean, the Bee Suit could be the next Kuribo's Shoe.
64 was awesome. I really love that game. Sunshine was a great game to play, but you just had to get by how ridiculous the story was. Galaxy has me sold completely, wish it would come out tommorrow.
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