Wednesday, April 14, 2010

can you solve my wi fi problem please!

I installed the hardwareGranted my Wii premissison to connect51340 is my error code.Now my computer is in my kitchen which has a microwave frige and oven and my wii, located in my room is far away from the kitchen. Please help I want to play Strikers online!!!can you solve my wi fi problem please!
Its either the Distance, the installation, or the micro.Close the gap.can you solve my wi fi problem please!
try turning off the microwave and see if it works. if it still doesnt work got online and go to the nintendo web site and type in the error code. you also might want to check if your router works with the wii. Some Comcast routers do not work with it.
You know they do have a website where you can look up the error codes. Lets copy it. The Wii console is not able to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. For each step remove the setting from the wii internet setup then redo the setup process. Otherwise the wii doesn't recognize the usb connector since to it each step especially uninstall and reinstall of the usb connector at your pc makes it a new device connection.
  1. Check for interference.
    1. Check the location of your PC/Wii console
      If possible move the PC and/or Wii console away from walls and off the floor, and try to place them in a central location in your home. Also, try to keep them away from metal objects such as metal filing cabinets which can cause interference.
    2. Attach the extension cable to the USB Connector
      This helps to move it further away from hardware in the PC that may be causing interference.
    3. Wireless noise
      Noise from Cordless devices (cordless phones), or wireless electronics (wireless keyboards, headphones, cell phones), especially those using the 2.4GHz frequency, can interfere with your wireless signal. In addition, older microwave models can cause wireless interference.
  2. Try uninstalling the Nintendo Wi-FI USB Connector software, and re-install. For step-by-step directions, including a link to the latest software,
  3. Does your PC have any security programs (firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-adware, etc.) installed? If you are using the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, and have a software firewall or other computer security program installed on your computer, there may be additional steps you must complete to allow a successful connection.
''Trusted'' Applications:
If your firewall or PC security program keeps a list of trusted applications (also known as a ''trusted zone''), the following programs are installed with the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, and require internet communications. If prompted by your firewall or PC security program, add these to the list of trusted applications. This information may also apply to certain computer security applications, such as anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc.: Nintendo Wi-Fi Connector USB (NintendoWFCReg.exe) Setup.exe (when installing the USB Connector) SoftAPInstDrv.bin mdriver.exe
[QUOTE=''Shroomy343'']my room is far away[/QUOTE]Far away, like... more than thirty feet? I think that's the max recommended distance between your Wii and the USB connector.
Even regular routers have an issue with distance. You have to get other devices to extend the range especially if you got certain materials in the way.

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