Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i finally got a Wii

so i finally was able to find Wii so i picked it up last week with legend of zelda:TP and red steel so far i enjoying it im it playing more than the ps3 right now so today i picked up sonic and the secret rings, trauma center second opinon,metroid prime corruption,and mario strikers charged and some wii points my friend code is in my sig so feel free if anyone want to add me i finally got a Wii
Congrats on the Wii, you picked it up at a great time too. A lot of games are about to come out soon, so you don't have to go through a drought. I'll add you to my friendslist, my Wii code is in my sig.i finally got a Wii
Hey!, I'll play you at Mario Strikers Charged once I get my Wii hooked up to the Internet tomorrow, So If you wan't to Pm me with ur Fc and Nickname and I'll send you mine tomorrow. :D
ok thanks ill add you
Welcome aboard, you'll be glad to know the wii was a great choice, i also have a PS3 as well. see my siggy if you want to add me, if you do pm me.
toysrus is doing a buy 2 get 1 free special on all games right now, you should go check that out if your going to buy any other games.
[QUOTE=''Prince_Denspion'']Welcome aboard, you'll be glad to know the wii was a great choice, i also have a PS3 as well. see my siggy if you want to add me, if you do pm me.[/QUOTE]ok i added you on the wii and i will add you on the ps3 also
[QUOTE=''ADJ2K6'']so i finally was able to find Wii so i picked it up last week with legend of zelda:TP and red steel so far i enjoying it im it playing more than the ps3 right now so today i picked up sonic and the secret rings, trauma center second opinon,metroid prime corruption,and mario strikers charged and some wii points my friend code is in my sig so feel free if anyone want to add me [/QUOTE]my god man use a period once in a while.

how come i don't see people's signatures?
Nice :). Sonic is a great game :).Red Steel is fun too. :)TP is great :):P
congrats and yeah Wii is fun :)
Welcome your just in time for some amazing games comin out
Well done for buying one of the best consoles ever! Dunno why you bought Sonic And The Secret Rings, its one of the worst games i've ever played...
Grats! Zelda TP, Trauma Center, MP3 and Mario Strikers are great purchases. Red Steel and Sonic... not so much. Be sure to get Super Metroid with those points!
Ok I added you to.
Congrats on getting the Wii! Twilight Princess and Red Steel were my first games as well (excellent titles). Enjoy the fun! :)
Congrats!I also just got mine, I'm hoping to hook it up to the internet soon since the VC has a couple of great games that I really want to try!
Wow, you must of went on an epic adventure to hunt down a Wii. You have some great games, I loved Sonic and the Secret Rings, Trauama Center, and (of course Twilight Princess!). Whoa! And you play it more than PS3, you must love it. Make sure to buy Wario Ware for some fun.
Good buy but some games arn't so good. like mario strikers

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