Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Miis in third-party games?

Does anyone know what Nintendo's policy for allowing third-party developers to use Miis in their games?There does not seem to be any third-party games which incorporate Miis. Why doesn't Nintendo allow third-parties to do so? Such a move would help strengthen third-party support and chances of success on the platform. Nintendo needs to keep third parties happy in order to ensure long-term success.Miis in third-party games?
Fifa 08 uses them, I'm sure some other games do as well but I don't have them. Miis in third-party games?
I'm pretty sure Madden 08 uses them, too.
Mario %26 Sonic at the Olympic Games, which is published by Sega, uses them and they are playable.
MLB Power Pros
Right now Nintendo is a bit limited, but soon there'll be Miis everywhere.
Even the new wrestling game (Smackdown vc Raw 08?) uses them.
I think you should do a little research before saying that there aren't any 3rd party games that use Miis.
I did a google search before posting, the only titles I could confirm were Fifa and Mario %26 Sonic go to the Olympics (which imo does not count since Nintendo is involved with the project).I apologize for claiming there are no third-party Mii games. Still, the number is very scarce and it is hard to easily find information about them.

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