Friday, April 16, 2010

Give Bleach a chance?

I am looking for a fighter and wondering if I should give Bleach a chance for the Wii? Anybody have hands on expierence with the game and what they think of it. Mainly looking for a good groupof fighters that have a vast aray of different specialties between them and tight controls.Give Bleach a chance?
AI sucks onnormalas is typical in fighting games but battles between people are considered quite good. It does have an interesting cell shaded visual style and lots of stuff to unlock. So if you like Bleach by all means by it. It's 39.99 in a lot of stores. It's part of the buy 2 get 1 free toy's r us deal and you can do the deal online if you live in the states. Give Bleach a chance?
go for can be a fun fast paced sword fighting game. I've only managed to beat it with one character so far haha
have not played the game but i love the anime series so i also have some interest in it
All-we-are-say-ing, is-give-bleach-a-chance. All-we-are-say-ing, is-give-bleach-a-chance.
Yes if your only into the anime series and some quick fighting
I have been thinking of giving it a shot, though I already have DBZ and it wasn't that hot.
i guess
I didn't play it yet but it looks good i say go for it.
I thought Bleach DS Souten ni Kakeru Unmei, and Bleach DS 2nd Kokui Hirameku Reqiuem, games were better than this one. You can rent it though.

[QUOTE=''Warfust'']I have been thinking of giving it a shot, though I already have DBZ and it wasn't that hot.[/QUOTE]DBZ BT2 is awesome.
I'm a huge Bleach fan, and I think the games look fun, however I dont think that the games so far have done alot of justice into capturing the series.
Yeah. Definitely give it a chance. It's a really fun game, and having friends come over and swing that Wii remote around like a real sword is REALLY funny. :D
Im looking forward to naruto actually, but i have seen this game and i too was wondering if its worth it. But if it has any comparison to naruto then whats the point right? I mean same fighting style and everything...
I've never played this game but from what I know about games that are based on shows they don't tend to be great as games that aren't based on shows. So basically I wouldn't get it but I would RENT it and see if its any good, but thats just me.
i hate bleach, it just f***ed up my sweatshirt earlier todayoh...are we talking about video games?
Thanks for the comments, I will probably rent it or if I find it below $40 I might buy it.
awesome game! good controls, good gameplay, good characters, and decent visuals. It's also 2x as fun with a friend to play.
39.99 last time I looked and it's part of the toy's r us buy 2 get 1 free game deal.
I would definately pick this up if I didn't have all my money tied up in Zack and Wiki, Fire Emblem, SMG, and RE:UC but eventually it will be mine

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