Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Clearly there is ''Chinese finger tr ...

What I a mean by that analogy is that the more awsome games that Nintendo releases the btter the Wii does, but it also discourages Third party support because for some reason they can barely compete with Nintendo when it comes to software.This is a major problem and when Nintendo held back on the First Party games we got the major droughts from the GC.My point is when is this tension going to end????It seems like the devs are so difficult to deal with when it comes to Nintendo. Did anyone see the article where Heatseeker dev blamed Wii fans for bad sales on the game Heatseeker? He said the reason it did bad was that most Wii fans were little kids. This is such a load of crap its not even funny. Devs make TERRIBLE games on Wii and then blame the fanbase and Nintendo's first party success for their failure. Not to mention tat they completely ignore the graphics which are important.did it ever occur to Third Party companies that just like Sony and MS, if you make a good game your pretty sure to make some money. Third Party support is filled with terrible games that looks grim.Does anyone even know if there will be an end to this terrible tension that I dont see why its even there.Clearly there is ''Chinese finger tr ...
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]Clearly there is ''Chinese finger tr ...
When the 3rd party devs start giving more importance to the making of the game than the relase date, they want to make the game fast, put it on the market and see how it sales.

Of course thre are 3rd partys that make good efforts, like ubisoft, konami.
it tends to be the american developers, who make american style games (which means they try their best to make the wiimote movements up left right and down) who complain about not being able to compete
there is a reason they can't compete, it's cos their games suck.
There was actually a pretty decent article in this month's issue of EGM that addressed this very problem. Apparently, Nintendo's standards for third party publishers are almost non-existant. If the big N is gonna continue to allow a bunch of shovelware on their console, the Wii will end up being GCN version 2. I hope this doesn't happen, but it's looking bleak.
[QUOTE=''BigJerm1'']There was actually a pretty decent article in this month's issue of EGM that addressed this very problem. Apparently, Nintendo's standards for third party publishers are almost non-existant. If the big N is gonna continue to allow a bunch of shovelware on their console, the Wii will end up being GCN version 2. I hope this doesn't happen, but it's looking bleak.[/QUOTE] umm the GC was the opposite way round, they may have opened the floor to anyone for a license, but it still had to reach a quality test
and their standards ended up not complying with a few major publishers (Eidos) and it really hurt their rep as compared to the likes of sony, who let anything and anyone do anything
[QUOTE=''monty_4256''] [QUOTE=''BigJerm1'']There was actually a pretty decent article in this month's issue of EGM that addressed this very problem. Apparently, Nintendo's standards for third party publishers are almost non-existant. If the big N is gonna continue to allow a bunch of shovelware on their console, the Wii will end up being GCN version 2. I hope this doesn't happen, but it's looking bleak.[/QUOTE] umm the GC was the opposite way round, they may have opened the floor to anyone for a license, but it still had to reach a quality test
and their standards ended up not complying with a few major publishers (Eidos) and it really hurt their rep as compared to the likes of sony, who let anything and anyone do anything[/QUOTE]I don't know what Nintendo's quality assurance standards were like in the GCN days, but the article leads you to believe that they haven't had a formal approval process in a very long time. I'm not really talking about Sony though, as this is the Wii board. The comparison I was trying to make about the GCN was that it had a very strong lineup of first-party games, but its completelack of decent third-party support was what dug it such an early grave.
[QUOTE=''Supersegs'']When the 3rd party devs start giving more importance to the making of the game than the relase date, they want to make the game fast, put it on the market and see how it sales. Of course thre are 3rd partys that make good efforts, like ubisoft, konami.[/QUOTE]I agree with that, if they focues more on the game than the release date, the games would be much better, and they would sell more... the just have to invest a little more time
its the same thing with the DS when it started, but now 3rd parties are doing reletively better
Third-party developers need to understand that a single concept can't make a game anymore. Also, the Wii controls add charm to a game, but ''waggle'' controls can take away from them. As you guys said, time isthe main factor. Look at brawl. They've pushed that game back multiple times, showing that they aren't gonna put out a game that's half finished in their eyes. There's a direct connection there.
[QUOTE=''EYEInferno'']You've got a point there, I think Nintendo should do something about this, 3rd party games should be alot better. And that argument of the dev of Heatseaker is wrong, kids could buy that game just as much as adults, and its also b***sh*t only kids buy the Wii, because where i work at we sell most Wiis to adults/families. 3rd party supporters should ask Nintendo for help to improve their games..[/QUOTE]^^^ Pretty much what I had in mind.
TC, how is that any different than the other systems out ther that have 3rd party support...As with N, the other companies that produce and devel. their own games are liekly going tohave better looking games, but has that stopped those 3rd party devs from making good games that compete with the 1st party games? Not really...So, it really isnt any diff with N, esp since the wii is easier to develop for...As we all knwo, the devs from 3rd party companies neglected the wii at first and now they are honestly catchign up to make games for the wii now that it is salign liek hotcakes...its not N's fault. its the 3rd party devs that need to take the heat and get on the ball and get some good games prodiced that will rival N's first party games.
[QUOTE=''specialed''] TC, how is that any different than the other systems out ther that have 3rd party support...As with N, the other companies that produce and devel. their own games are liekly going tohave better looking games, but has that stopped those 3rd party devs from making good games that compete with the 1st party games? Not really...So, it really isnt any diff with N, esp since the wii is easier to develop for...As we all knwo, the devs from 3rd party companies neglected the wii at first and now they are honestly catchign up to make games for the wii now that it is salign liek hotcakes...its not N's fault. its the 3rd party devs that need to take the heat and get on the ball and get some good games prodiced that will rival N's first party games.[/QUOTE]Ok your post was kinda hard to understand but I am gonna give a go at it anyway.I am not trying to diss Nintendo and it may not necessarily be their fault (it may tho, i dont know), but there is a major difference in third party support on Wii and 360. It seems like devs are just using Wii as testing grounds/a quick buck. That was tolerable last year but its getting old now. Soo these software ''glitches'' are gonna catch up with the Wii.I read many articles saying the that devs dont think Wii will last and that its just a trend, but a trend does not last this long if it lacks quality. The iPod is a major trend, yet it would not last long unless they do all the things they do with it. I dont get why a major company like Ubisoft wont just try top release a game that surpasses N64 graphics and really utulizes Wii controls. Why cant they just give it a chance and try to make a game that is a s important as Splinter Cell 5> Why cant they make a new series on Wii?Honestly I really want to see this because I am tired of seeing devs throw crap at Nintendo and then give 360 and PS3 and PC huge budgeted games. Devs keep blaming mediocre sales on the wrong things and their publishers are buying this bS, somewhere along the line its gotta stop.
[QUOTE=''sonic_rusher''][QUOTE=''specialed''] TC, how is that any different than the other systems out ther that have 3rd party support...As with N, the other companies that produce and devel. their own games are liekly going tohave better looking games, but has that stopped those 3rd party devs from making good games that compete with the 1st party games? Not really...So, it really isnt any diff with N, esp since the wii is easier to develop for...As we all knwo, the devs from 3rd party companies neglected the wii at first and now they are honestly catchign up to make games for the wii now that it is salign liek hotcakes...its not N's fault. its the 3rd party devs that need to take the heat and get on the ball and get some good games prodiced that will rival N's first party games.[/QUOTE]Ok your post was kinda hard to understand but I am gonna give a go at it anyway.I am not trying to diss Nintendo and it may not necessarily be their fault (it may tho, i dont know), but there is a major difference in third party support on Wii and 360. It seems like devs are just using Wii as testing grounds/a quick buck. That was tolerable last year but its getting old now. Soo these software ''glitches'' are gonna catch up with the Wii.I read many articles saying the that devs dont think Wii will last and that its just a trend, but a trend does not last this long if it lacks quality. The iPod is a major trend, yet it would not last long unless they do all the things they do with it. I dont get why a major company like Ubisoft wont just try top release a game that surpasses N64 graphics and really utulizes Wii controls. Why cant they just give it a chance and try to make a game that is a s important as Splinter Cell 5> Why cant they make a new series on Wii?Honestly I really want to see this because I am tired of seeing devs throw crap at Nintendo and then give 360 and PS3 and PC huge budgeted games. Devs keep blaming mediocre sales on the wrong things and their publishers are buying this bS, somewhere along the line its gotta stop.[/QUOTE] true say the devs gotta really listen to the people and really find out who isreally playing the games , cuz it aint all kids we are teens(me) and adultsand its not that kids dont buy their games its that smart gamers dont buy their BS that they produce 4 us to playthey should follow N lead on how to make a good game like they doing with MoH2 following MP3 waycontrol and gaming
3rd party devs are still riding the ''newness'' of the wii and hashing out remakes and half assed ports and such. patience, the good ones will come.
3d party games will get better. nintendo has been working on wii games way longer then most 3rd parties who just cashed in on wiis sucess
[QUOTE=''BigJerm1''][QUOTE=''monty_4256''] [QUOTE=''BigJerm1'']There was actually a pretty decent article in this month's issue of EGM that addressed this very problem. Apparently, Nintendo's standards for third party publishers are almost non-existant. If the big N is gonna continue to allow a bunch of shovelware on their console, the Wii will end up being GCN version 2. I hope this doesn't happen, but it's looking bleak.[/QUOTE] umm the GC was the opposite way round, they may have opened the floor to anyone for a license, but it still had to reach a quality test
and their standards ended up not complying with a few major publishers (Eidos) and it really hurt their rep as compared to the likes of sony, who let anything and anyone do anything[/QUOTE]I don't know what Nintendo's quality assurance standards were like in the GCN days, but the article leads you to believe that they haven't had a formal approval process in a very long time. I'm not really talking about Sony though, as this is the Wii board. The comparison I was trying to make about the GCN was that it had a very strong lineup of first-party games, but its completelack of decent third-party support was what dug it such an early grave. [/QUOTE] Well that was it, Nintendo fans first and foremost will choose Nintendo made games. They have made quality title after quality title for the last 20 yrs. However 3rd parties try to bring the same mentality that they do on the other 3rd party driven consoles to Nintendo systems. However Nintendo fans who are use to such high quality titles dont look kindly on these games, so the slells suffer. Add that with the GC's small fanbase and the 3rd party devs just packed it in. Now with the Wii being market leader its tough to just walk away from developing for it, but as long as 3rd party devs make games that look meek in comparison to Nintendo titles, this rocky relationship will go on. Devs just need to step up and they will see sells go through the roof. I mean look at RE4 Wii edition, a great game and almost a million seller. Heatseeker a lackluster game with even more lackluster sells.
[QUOTE=''Sepewrath''][QUOTE=''BigJerm1''][QUOTE=''monty_4256''] [QUOTE=''BigJerm1'']There was actually a pretty decent article in this month's issue of EGM that addressed this very problem. Apparently, Nintendo's standards for third party publishers are almost non-existant. If the big N is gonna continue to allow a bunch of shovelware on their console, the Wii will end up being GCN version 2. I hope this doesn't happen, but it's looking bleak.[/QUOTE] umm the GC was the opposite way round, they may have opened the floor to anyone for a license, but it still had to reach a quality test
and their standards ended up not complying with a few major publishers (Eidos) and it really hurt their rep as compared to the likes of sony, who let anything and anyone do anything[/QUOTE]I don't know what Nintendo's quality assurance standards were like in the GCN days, but the article leads you to believe that they haven't had a formal approval process in a very long time. I'm not really talking about Sony though, as this is the Wii board. The comparison I was trying to make about the GCN was that it had a very strong lineup of first-party games, but its completelack of decent third-party support was what dug it such an early grave. [/QUOTE] Well that was it, Nintendo fans first and foremost will choose Nintendo made games. They have made quality title after quality title for the last 20 yrs. However 3rd parties try to bring the same mentality that they do on the other 3rd party driven consoles to Nintendo systems. However Nintendo fans who are use to such high quality titles dont look kindly on these games, so the slells suffer. Add that with the GC's small fanbase and the 3rd party devs just packed it in. Now with the Wii being market leader its tough to just walk away from developing for it, but as long as 3rd party devs make games that look meek in comparison to Nintendo titles, this rocky relationship will go on. Devs just need to step up and they will see sells go through the roof. I mean look at RE4 Wii edition, a great game and almost a million seller. Heatseeker a lackluster game with even more lackluster sells.[/QUOTE]That may be part of this intertwined problem. Maybe, we the Nintendo fans, are so used to being shoved aside by the third party devs ever since the N64 days, that when an average Third Party game like The Godfather comes on the Wii and does mediocre the process goes on of ignoring.GC did not have a small fanbase it is actually bigger than the original Xbox fanbase.also there were times when games that were as bug as First party games dont sell well on Nintendo systems and that is just devastating and frustrating as hell.SOmething has to be done but Nintendo seems to turn a blind eye in light of their new sucess.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

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