Nope, just me. My dad will occasionaly play wii tennis.Edit: When MK: Wii comes out my sister said she's gonna play that with me.does everyone in your family play Wii
Only I play the Wii console, no one else in my family really cares about gaming.
My wife plays Mario Party, Warioware, and Wii sports. She doesn't really play one-player games. (She wanted to play Zelda WW and got as far as the room on the ship where you have to swing on the ropes. She said, ''can you get me past this point?'' I said, ''no, this is teaching you how to control Link, and if you don't beat this you'll get into trouble later.'' So she gave up, which was fine with me, because I didn't want to have to get her past every hard part in thewhole rest of thegame, and she'd probably give up, or get bored anyway.) My two-year-old plays a lot of Wii. I have a broken GC controller that I cut the cord off of, and I tell her she's helping me. My four-year-old doesn't fall for this trick anymore, shecan almost play Wii sports.
Nope. But my little brother does.
Just me. I occasionally play bowling and tennis with my friends and family, but the novelty has worn off a bit lol.
Only my brother,at times.
Sometimes. My Mom and my brother used to play Wii sports a lot when i first got it, then they played a bit of Mortal Kombat, and now they play street fighter 2 sometimes. My mom is probably going to play SMG though.
my two borhters do, but my third only plays our 360, my parents will sometimes play Wii Sports or Warioware
nah... I just can't seem to get my parents to...
im the only one who plays regularlymy dad use to play wii tennis but he got bored of it and my bro occasionaly places Rayman Raving Rabbids
I wonder if any family ACTUALLY plays like in the Wii would like to play commercials.
Only my brothers and I play Wii together... My dad tried tennis like twice and my mom did boxing once...that was it
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I wonder if any family ACTUALLY plays like in the Wii would like to play commercials.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure they don'
I hoard my system, after how long it took me to get it, I can't risk it. They wouldn't want to anyway. It's a good situation.
Nope, just me and my sister
well my family played it a lot when i first got it, but now they don't have time for it. they played mostly wii sports and strikers
if controllers weren't so damn expensive...
I have no kids, so no. My wife will sometimes play my DS, she likes puzzle games, Zoo Keeper is her fav. Other than that, I mainly play it unless I have friends or cousins over.
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