Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In Need of Some Links

Ok so here's a Wii accessory I'd like to purchase but I can only find it in Europe, and the site doesn't ship to the US. So can someone please check this, and please try to find me some links to an American site on where I can purchase this. (No Ebay please). Any help would be appreciated.In Need of Some Links
Where are we suppose to look? Actually, what are we suppose to look for?In Need of Some Links
Oh shoot sorry. Here's the accessory for Wii:'m just trying to find an American site to order from. Thanks for jogging my brain!
Looks way diferent in the States. Comes out Nov. 19 bundled with Link's Crossbow Training
^ That's the Wii Zapper. This is a different accessory, not developed by Nintendo. It's along the same lines as the Zapper, just this is a pistol and made under a differnt company.

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