Friday, April 16, 2010

Do you think Wii games will get better o ...

What I mean is, we all complain about how the Wii is always getting shody half-assed ports of games instead of actual ''Wii'' games designed from the ground up and given the proper attention and make use of the hardware and controller. Let's face it - what we're really talking about are PS2 games that become Wii ''version''. They don't start with the 360 version and bring the games specs down a little untill they max out the Wii, which would look great incidentally, or much of the time do they make Wii specific version from the ground up, but take the version for last generation's weakest system and convert that. What a load of bollocks!Now in a year or so when the PS2 is finally dead and we are truly left with just this generation, consisting of the Wii, PS3, and 360 only, developers will no longer have crappy last gen games to work with as the foundation. If logic serves me properly then that should mean that the quality of a lot of the offshoot and 3rd party games will increase as they'll only be taylored for all three more powerful systems or really be developed from the ground up for the Wii. Right? I mean it's gotta be that way. That actually makes me pretty excited!Thoughts?And a poll for fun....Do you think Wii games will get better o ...
The devs will probabaly get their senses together and start making some respectable games. I am really tired of devs making crap on Wii and then blaming Nintendo and its fans for utter failure.Do you think Wii games will get better o ...
WHy wont it show new posts?
Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, alwasy Wii, No more Heros, coming out next year looks origanal, cel-shaded graphix, but origanal and always ment for the wii. 360 took about 2 years befor it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probly take the Wii two years to be realy good, maybe more, or less.
Well in theory it should, since there will be nowhere to port games from. All Wii games should be ports from other next gen consoles, or more likely games built from the ground up. Also I think that they will make better use of the Wii's hardware instead, because they will probaly start designing engines specifically for the Wii.
[QUOTE=''Jonthin'']Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, alwasy Wii, No more Heros, coming out next year looks origanal, cel-shaded graphix, but origanal and always ment for the wii. 360 took about 2 years befor it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probly take the Wii two years to be realy good, maybe more, or less.[/QUOTE]Beleieve it or not the GC still Sells a little bit. As long as it makes the money.
I can only see new post when I post myself because of this glitch.
need a link avatar to post here?
[QUOTE=''Jonthin'']Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, always Wii, No more Heroes, coming out next year looks original, cel-shaded graphics, but original and always meant for the wii. 360 took about 2 years before it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probably take the Wii two years to be really good, maybe more, or less.[/QUOTE]Two years is usually what it takes for any system to be fully realized, heck even the NES took a couple of year to really get going. I don't think the Wii will have better games as a result of developers moving away from the Playstation 2, I think it will have better games because developers will have a better idea of what does and doesn't work on the Wii.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
lol I said this very same thing a while ago...
[QUOTE=''mov'']need a link avatar to post here?[/QUOTE]just thinking the same thing
[QUOTE=''sonic_rusher'']I can only see new post when I post myself because of this glitch.[/QUOTE] SAme here It has been going crazy the past few days...
Either devs will start giing it real attention or they will ignore it even more, it could go either way.
if you are going to blame anyone, blame Nintendo themselves. This has nothing to do with PS2, PS3, Xbox360. 1st party developers from Nintendo need to actually put together a new title instead of re-using the same old franchise. And second of all, the Wii to me is in a completely different category because of its unique game-play. Don't blame other consoles, think about Nintendo's issues...there are plenty. It's quite sad that the same franchises are re-used over and over and over again by adding in a few waving controls for the wii remote and consumers continue to buy them. If you want to send out a message to Nintendo, stop buying crappy re-hashed games. I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.
[QUOTE=''gokuofheaven'']if you are going to blame anyone, blame Nintendo themselves. This has nothing to do with PS2, PS3, Xbox360. 1st party developers from Nintendo need to actually put together a new title instead of re-using the same old franchise. And second of all, the Wii to me is in a completely different category because of its unique game-play. Don't blame other consoles, think about Nintendo's issues...there are plenty. It's quite sad that the same franchises are re-used over and over and over again by adding in a few waving controls for the wii remote and consumers continue to buy them. If you want to send out a message to Nintendo, stop buying crappy re-hashed games. I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.[/QUOTE]Comes from the guy whose MS promised us Halo 3 would end the story and they lied with that. It has nothing to do with Nintendo first party. Nintendo first party games are so fun the third party companies have trouble competing. So if anything they have to make less games. So your just plain wrong. Besides that Nintendo has made battalion wars, Pikmin, and a couple others like that but you wouldnt notice it because the only games you like are shooters cause that all xbox ever will have to offer.
The only flaw I see here is that you expect the PS2 to die so quickly. Have you seen the numbers? That damned system is still selling. The quicker it dies, the better as far as I'm concerned. Don't get me wrong, I loved my PS2, but its time to move on everyone who's still buying them. But, yes, if it ever dies, the Wii will be better for it.
[QUOTE=''gokuofheaven''] I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.[/QUOTE] Elebits is NOT amazingly fun... its amazingly frustrating. I really don't understand how that single game has managed to sustain you for almost a year.... unless you're 9 and your parents won't buy you another videogame until you beat that one.
me hate glitch on gs
  • scars
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