Wednesday, April 14, 2010

differant colored wiis

when do you think nintendo will make differant colored wiis, i would like to see one in bluedifferant colored wiis
They can't meet demand in whiteExpect late 2008 or summer 2009differant colored wiis
they cant meet demand in white now add colour and all hell will break loose, we will have the wii shortage again X10
We might see different colored Wii in the distant future but I haven't heard about differant colored ones. :P
Just get a decal skin or case mod when your 1 year warranty runs out. You can switch the console case you know there are third party cases that look just as good or even better then the default wii console case.
who knows? who *ok ill stop now*
Ehh... idk. It's decalgirl as of now. But who really needs a different colored wii?
Is this a blue enough wii for you?or how about this blue? Or do you want a glowing blue wii?Because these are third party options.
I personally think the current white wii looks really cool.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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