Friday, April 16, 2010

did you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...

it has beautiful graphicslook at the flying aircraft on left hand side it looks awesome you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...
Look at any of the pics with water in them.did you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...
Yes i did cant wait for this game
[url][/url]I like the style, but it's nothing mind-blowing.
look at it on here, it's bigger
is it just me or are they surprisingly crisp for a wii game?
has someone finally decided to use antialiasing while in 480p?
[QUOTE=''monty_4256'']look at it on here, it's bigger
is it just me or are they surprisingly crisp for a wii game?
has someone finally decided to use antialiasing while in 480p?[/QUOTE]To me it doesn't look too different from the GC game..
Forgivable. I don't think you really remember when BW looks like. BWII is much cleaner/sharper.
Here's a comparison between BW1 and 2, just for fun:GC:Wii:
yep, just one more game on the wii that looks like the n64!! lol i was never into this game but now i will have to at least rent it
[QUOTE=''mdisen2'']Forgivable. I don't think you really remember when BW looks like. BWII is much cleaner/sharper.[/QUOTE]I actually thought the GC version looked a bit better. I take what I said in my previous post back. The GC version probably looks better in motion than in the screenshots, though, and if they made the second game for the GC too, I'm sure it would look better than the first game.
Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. Try this.[IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=''young_link511''] it has beautiful graphicslook at the flying aircraft on left hand side it looks awesome[/QUOTE]looks OK, I wouldn't say beautiful by any means.
[QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf'']Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..
Does it frikkin matter? It's Battalion Wars, it's not meant to be realistic.
[QUOTE=''Litchie''][QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf''] Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..[/QUOTE]Dude, are you serious? Just look at the water! Such awesome water...
[QUOTE=''ekalbtwin'']yep, just one more game on the wii that looks like the n64!! lol i was never into this game but now i will have to at least rent it[/QUOTE]The N64 could never render poylgons that smooth, or that far into the background.
[QUOTE=''Litchie''][QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf''] Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..[/QUOTE]Hater. Give the Wii version some credit. I'm not reallylooking foward toBWii that much myself, but I'll give it much better props in visuals compared to the GC version
The graphical upgrade from BWii to the first BW are the effects and the environments are bigger. The textures look cleaner too. It's not really about the polygons.
Cant wait for this game :D
This game makes me want to buy an HDTV. Preferrably a 50 inch+ one :P.IguessI'llsettleforfinallygettingthosecomponentcablesthough.

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