Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Only 4 more weeks for mohh2 is any 1 els ...

ONLY 4 MORE WEEKS FOR MOHH2 I CANT WAIT!:D Is any 1 else excited?Only 4 more weeks for mohh2 is any 1 els ...
I AM! Its my most hyped wii game.Only 4 more weeks for mohh2 is any 1 els ...
More excited for BWii.
Super mario galaxy then Moh but hopefully the online is almost lag free
im hearing no split screen multiplayer, like offlinethis news sickens me, but i will still probably pick up the game
yeah it looks realy cool. but bw2 is looking good to. i can only get 1
i am really looking forward to the online in this game
This is the only game coming out this year that's going to give Nintendo's on-line a respectable name. Heck yes, I'm excited.
Oh yes. Cannot wait!
Anyone know the UK release date? I think its november but I don't know the day and yeah I can't wait, sounds awesome.
Im gonna get BWii first then Galaxy, then this one. It looks pretty cool but i dont know if ill even beat the campaign on this one. I havn't played Medal Od Honor sence the PS1, cuz of Call Of Duty always beting it IMO. So this will cool to get, the 32 online multiplayer is what is the most intriging about this game. I hope it wont get to laggy an hopefuly lots of people get it.
Can't wait to destroy!!!
this game is gunna rock!
No. not excited. All games made by third party devs that people get excited for all fail.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']More excited for BWii.[/QUOTE]ive never played batallion wars. whats so good about it?
I'm pretty excited, I just don't want to be dissapointed (again)

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