Monday, April 12, 2010

anyone try this with tp

well right now I;m trying to make a envoriment for the models I think I would be done by the weekend right.Right now the I just need 2 add alot of details to it.These are ripped off the game but i;m making new weptions,eviroments to work with them

[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]anyone try this with tp
WTH!!!anyone try this with tp

I wish I knew what it is you are trying to accomplish... whatever it is, it looks mind boggling...

keep up the good work? :P:lol:
i;m gonna try to show the envorment by friday but i;m still a beginner with modeling though
3ds max.. the biggest waste of 2000 bucke i ever wasted.. maya is soo much better...any way. how did you rip the moddles? straight off the disk or internet?
[QUOTE=''mariomusicmaker''] 3ds max.. the biggest waste of 2000 bucke i ever wasted.. maya is soo much better...any way. how did you rip the moddles? straight off the disk or internet?[/QUOTE]That's what I was wondering.
I'm sure no one else has. :?
I'm pretty sure you're the only person messing with, correct me if I'm wrong, C++ around here.
That makes little to no sense. That's like if I asked ''hey, has anyone ever tried doing a double backflip off the top of an elephant?'' Kind of obscure if you ask me.
[QUOTE=''bob_newman'']That makes little to no sense. That's like if I asked ''hey, has anyone ever tried doing a double backflip off the top of an elephant?''[/QUOTE]What's wrong with that question?
What are you a game developer?

I'm not sure but it looks like this may be against the rules as ''homebrew'', although it's just a mod.
Dont know anyone who made a mod for tp....but do know a guy who moded MP3.......was pretty well made too made the Ice missle a Diffusion missle...(well was really just like the Phazon missle but not corrupted and turs stuff to ice if doesnt die)

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