Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blazing Angels - Photography Issue

I just got to the practice photography level in Blazing Angels - Squadrons of WWII. I've tried everything I can think of but can't take a photograph. I press the secondary fire button (C), the primary fire button (Z), both buttons together, but the count of photos taken stays 0/3.I feel like I'm missing something really basic. :( Can anyone point me in the right direction?Blazing Angels - Photography Issue
Do you have the manual? Have you looked in the hints/cheat section to see if there is a walkthrough? Looked on the board that gamespot has setup specificily for the game? You got options use them before you ask. Blazing Angels - Photography Issue
Yes i have the manual that came with the game, it says to press the secondary fire button. Yes I looked at the walkthrough, there is no mention other than saying when to take the photo. I was not aware of a board specifically for the game, perhaps someone else will be kind enough to point out to me where that is. Thanks anyway.
Taken straight from this walkthrough at Photography

After you take off, turn to the left %26 then turn %26
face the group of Allied warships. Face the one
highlighted by the tracking marker. When you get
in range to take the photo a black bar with a
slider will appear in the top-middle portion of
the screen, along with a square consisting only
of visible corners. The corner pieces should turn
green fairly quickly just by lining up a shot with
your target. As you get in range, the slider will
begin moving to the right. When the red triangle
moves between the lines on the bar, the whole bar
will turn green. When the corners %26 bar are green,
hold the secondary fire button down to take a
picture. Take 3 pictures to finish the practice
Just search for the game on gamespot go to the game pag then look at the tabs. Each and every game has their own message board. Search through it.

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