Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Is anyone getting it. I warn you, I pwn.i mostly excited about online play, tis one of the few games im good ator am Iim at the rate where i can beat very hard ss4 vegeta,ss4 goku and ss4 gogeta at the same time,is that good(on very hard)Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] Is anyone getting it. I warn you, I pwn.i mostly excited about online play, tis one of the few games im good ator am Iim at the rate where i can beat very hard ss4 vegeta,ss4 goku and ss4 gogeta at the same time,is that good(on very hard)[/QUOTE] im getting it. and i dont know if its good because i never had 2. but i played it at my friends house and it was soo much fun and im defienatly picking up 3. But as for me playing online i will proboaly want to beat 1p mode first so i can get good at the fighting then go online.Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
is 2 good? and is it hard?
2 is fantastic and nearly impossible on hardbut you should wait for 3edit: its nearly impossible to get 100%....becuase of the hidden missionsim on the one its raditz vs not gonna take the time to upgrade him..not worth it
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] 2 is fantastic and nearly impossible on hardbut you should wait for 3[/QUOTE] UM lol Are you sure... i thought it was easy and that the first 1 was ver hard on hard
Numeber 2 was way to easy. I hope they make the next one hard. I am getting it and will go online
The online is laggy at least that's what I hear but I'm still getting it.
Im getting it!!! Cant wait to dominate everybody with piccolo!!!!!
I am getting it but Im mad that they still wont fix some things. Like making 4 different characters for each Vegeta and Goku when they could all be put into one character just as different transformations.I hope they tighten the screws and make this game really good. Even though these games have petty mistakes that should not be there the games are so fun.
I doubt you're as good as you think. I thought I was good after I beat it 100%, but then I started playing competitively against my friend who is very good. Now I'm multitudes ahead ofwhere I was.
The problem with 2 was there were some characters that if exploited for there unfair moves could not be beaten. My mate is only good with those characters.He beat the crap out of me with Hercule by using his special non stop and then charging and then repeating. Of course these characters might need to have moves like that to make the single player possible but when multiplayer comes into play i hate it so much.Thats my problem with 2 i hope 3 has a better balance, although i doubt it with all those characters. BABY VEGETA''S FIGER BLAST, most annoying move of all.However, im definatly getting 3.

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