Monday, April 12, 2010

DDR Hottest Party is a Complete Rip-off! ...

As a long time Nintendo fan, I only owned a Nintendo GameCube cause my parents were pretty poor, and I loved to play DDR at the arcades(although I wasn't exactly that good), so i was psyched when i found out DDR was coming out for the Gamecube, but i was severely dissapointed. It was just a DDR hack with mario pasted on it. Now I own a Wii, when i saw that a real DDR game with no sight of Mario was coming to the Wii, i bought the game in a heartbeat. It was better, but it wasn't much better than Mario Mix. I mean, just compared to all the other DDR games coming out on the other systems, they were far superior to Hottest Party! I see no reason why this is. I don't have time to go over the details right now, but I don't know whatKonami and Nintendowere thinking. They thought that if You just added a wii remote and nunchuck to the gameplay it would be more fun, but it's horrible! They took out everything that gave the game Replayability, the mods, the editing, and so on. Now I just downloaded Stepmania, which does everything that Hottest Party failed to do, AND ITS FREE!!!!Ok, all in all, I just have to say that whenever a multi console game comes out on a nintendo system, it turns out inferior. If your considering buying the game, I strongly suggest that you don't, download Stepmania, its better and it's 70$ cheaper. Im sorry i just had to get my anger out.Anyone feel the same way i do?DDR Hottest Party is a Complete Rip-off! ...
It's DDR what is supposed to be different exactly?DDR Hottest Party is a Complete Rip-off! ...
DDR is fun.
If your a DDR gamer you should have got a ps2.
your right, any multiconsole game that appears on a nintendo system fails. Take Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Critically acclaimed by my friend with a 360 and just stinks on wii and gc!:x
[QUOTE=''zaku101'']If your a DDR gamer you should have got a ps2.[/QUOTE]That, unfortunately is probably true.
DDR isn't great and has never really been.
I know, when is Nintendo ever going to get a real DDR game? I mean seriously, I'm also sick of all of the American songs being added to the list, I want my good ol' BeForU, Captain Jack, Naoki, etc.!. I mean I have a PS2, but most of the newer DDRs are going to be released on the 360....maybe I should buy one of those too (Eternal Sonata grabs my interest in the 360 too....I just don't have the money, I'd buy it, but I'm short 400$). :P.EDIT : Yeah, I'm Japanese, go figure, I love DDR (and why I also pointed out Eternal Sonata).....yep I play on Heavy :P. So Deep on Heavy ftw :P.
I have DDR for the Wii and I think its great. I never played DDR before this one so I can't compare it to the other ones. Can you be more specific as to why its not as good as the other ones? I don't know why you are complaining about the Wiimote and nunchuk interaction. It definitely doesn't hurt the gameplay and you can always turn it off if you don't like it.
[QUOTE=''Bass7'']I know, when is Nintendo ever going to get a real DDR game? I mean seriously, I'm also sick of all of the American songs being added to the list, I want my good ol' BeForU, Captain Jack, Naoki, etc.!. I mean I have a PS2, but most of the newer DDRs are going to be released on the 360....maybe I should buy one of those too (Eternal Sonata grabs my interest in the 360 too....I just don't have the money, I'd buy it, but I'm short 400$). :P. [/QUOTE] I see you lack a Microsoft 30% discount. :P
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''Bass7'']I know, when is Nintendo ever going to get a real DDR game? I mean seriously, I'm also sick of all of the American songs being added to the list, I want my good ol' BeForU, Captain Jack, Naoki, etc.!. I mean I have a PS2, but most of the newer DDRs are going to be released on the 360....maybe I should buy one of those too (Eternal Sonata grabs my interest in the 360 too....I just don't have the money, I'd buy it, but I'm short 400$). :P. [/QUOTE] I see you lack a Microsoft 30% discount. :P [/QUOTE]Yep :P. My friend's dad doesn't work at Microsoft anymore :evil:. At least I still have my family connections to Nintendo :P.
[QUOTE=''Bass7''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''Bass7'']I know, when is Nintendo ever going to get a real DDR game? I mean seriously, I'm also sick of all of the American songs being added to the list, I want my good ol' BeForU, Captain Jack, Naoki, etc.!. I mean I have a PS2, but most of the newer DDRs are going to be released on the 360....maybe I should buy one of those too (Eternal Sonata grabs my interest in the 360 too....I just don't have the money, I'd buy it, but I'm short 400$). :P. [/QUOTE] I see you lack a Microsoft 30% discount. :P [/QUOTE]Yep :P. My friend's dad doesn't work at Microsoft anymore :evil:. At least I still have my family connections to Nintendo :P. [/QUOTE] I'm getting a 360 elite for 50 bucks this week. :P not sure if I'll keep it or sell it yet though.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''Bass7''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''Bass7'']I know, when is Nintendo ever going to get a real DDR game? I mean seriously, I'm also sick of all of the American songs being added to the list, I want my good ol' BeForU, Captain Jack, Naoki, etc.!. I mean I have a PS2, but most of the newer DDRs are going to be released on the 360....maybe I should buy one of those too (Eternal Sonata grabs my interest in the 360 too....I just don't have the money, I'd buy it, but I'm short 400$). :P. [/QUOTE] I see you lack a Microsoft 30% discount. :P [/QUOTE]Yep :P. My friend's dad doesn't work at Microsoft anymore :evil:. At least I still have my family connections to Nintendo :P. [/QUOTE] I'm getting a 360 elite for 50 bucks this week. :P not sure if I'll keep it or sell it yet though.[/QUOTE]>_> I'll buy it for 250 dollars :P
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I'm getting a 360 elite for 50 bucks this week. :P not sure if I'll keep it or sell it yet though.[/QUOTE]Jeez, you're willing to pay that much money?
[QUOTE=''token08''] I have DDR for the Wii and I think its great. I never played DDR before this one so I can't compare it to the other ones. Can you be more specific as to why its not as good as the other ones? I don't know why you are complaining about the Wiimote and nunchuk interaction. It definitely doesn't hurt the gameplay and you can always turn it off if you don't like it.[/QUOTE] They took away all of the other features and replaced it with the new Wiimote function.
Wrong. Any ddr vet will tell you the wiimote and gimmicks make the game more complex espcially since you can crank up the difficulty on even the expert course. There are two sets of difficultys one applies to the other.
ok i ahve to ask... what is DDR?
I like it and it helps lose wieght for sure. just turn off a lot of things to make it like the other DDR games on the 360 and stuff
[QUOTE=''chang_1910'']ok i ahve to ask... what is DDR?[/QUOTE]Dance Dance Revolution. You know the game with a carpet and you dance with it. It's a complete rip-off on any console.
ooohhhhh.... ok... Thx... yea.. as obvious.. no a fan :P
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