Friday, April 16, 2010

Should I or shouldn't I?

Recently I've been thinking about buying a Wii. I would lin UNBIASED opinion on whether or not I should buy one and if it's worth the money that I'm going to spend on it.ThanksShould I or shouldn't I?
if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth itShould I or shouldn't I?
its more than worth the money!
You should. - Very unbiased opinion right there...
I think its worth it. Plus it is cheaper than some of the other consoles. If you are more of a causual gamer, than it is a must.
Thanks for your input everyone, I guess I'll start saving up for one and figure out where I'm going to put it.
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth it (corrected).............[/QUOTE] ......... ONLY if you have games on it you like. :)
You're in the wrong place for an unbiased opinion. Most people here are either big Nintendo fans, or Nintendo haters.
There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion. It would not be an opinionif it was unbiased.It is a great system. Look further into it, play a friends, go to an EB games and try it out (if it is availabe to try). I'm sure you'll love it.
i dont get it, u ask if u should or shouldnt get a wii knowing that u dont even have the money too, why bother asking this question when clearly u have answered your own question for yourself. you should ask are you able or unable too and when your able too then you should still ask yourself if your able or unable too, and u just might not be able too still when york able too this year cause of xmas is right around the corner and might be hard to come by

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