Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm officially getting BWii

I just got some GC controllers and Memory Card. Then, I rented Batallion Wars. It's a ton of fun. The only thing missing is playing against someone. I can't wait to buy BWii with WiFi.I'll overlook the friend code BS AND no headset support to get some human opponents. This game is going to own.PS. I'm getting the campaign logos and stuff later on my lunch break. I'm at work right now.I'm officially getting BWii
i am getting it 2 looks greatI'm officially getting BWii
me 3. At first I thought the game was crap but I started to REALLY think about the core gameplay and I knew I'd lie it cus Im a fan of RTS's. PLus i have yet to play a online wii game and this game is looking pretty good.
Me too. The screens look great! FPS doesn't matter to me. ;)
Yup i am most certainly getting this game.
not to be a jerk, but why does everyone make topics detailing all thier life choices. This is not worth making a topic about.
Unfortunately I head the multiplayer for BWii is dissappointing and the controllers aren't really using motion sensing like they should. I was hoping they would have the insight to make it so you can highlight the soldier todecide which one to choose in stead of using the buttons which is still tedious. If they used the wiimote right they could have really advanced BWii and close the lines between Third Person Shooter and RTS.
I will rent it first. it doesnt looks something special... maybe im wrong
Ehm, congratulations? I guess...
We should start gathering a group together of people who know they are going to get Battalion Wars 2 for sure and have WiFi. I know I am, I'm just waiting to get my friend code so I can finish my new signature tag for it :P.We definately need to get some BWii tournaments set up once the game is out.
The Duckman will be most pleased to hear this.

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