Monday, April 12, 2010

No Zelda vibe in TP?

I enjoyed Twilight Princess a lot but the Zelda vibe just wasn't therefor me. Don't get me wrong TP was well excuted but I had a lot more fun playing games like OoT and MM. Maybe because I was a bit younger and gaming was the one thing I really enjoyed and now I have a full-time job and a wife. Anyways I think part of the reason is I think Zelda's games play a lot better when your kid Link instead of teen/adult Link. Yes in OoT you played a lot of the game as teen Link but that was just simply bad ass. The transformation in that game was well excuted. I believe in MM you were a little more grown up/mature then OoT Link but still around the same age. That is my gripe with TP even though I enjoyed the game and a good addition to the Zelda games. Looking forward to what happens next for the full fledged Wii Zelda!No Zelda vibe in TP?
Sorry for the grammer but it is 4:45am and I have been at work all nightNo Zelda vibe in TP?
I know what you mean. This ''Zelda-feeling'' you get from playing Zeldas wasn't as strong for me in TP for some reason. It's an awesome game, but could've been better. Could've been more epic and mysterious. I believe that TP lacked much personality that other Zelda games had. Take the characters, for example. They just weren't very interesting in TP, in my opinion. I don't remember the characters' personalities in TP, but I remember almost everyone in Wind Waker. This could be a reason why TP wasn't as mind-blowing as Wind Waker or Ocarina of Time.
I got the zelda vibe from TP and I enjoyed it way more then WW.
yeah, i didn't feel connected with the other characters at all (exept for Midna, she was the best ever)
I agree Midna is what kept me in this game emotionally
[QUOTE=''spidermonkey11'']I agree Midna is what kept me in this game emotionally [/QUOTE]Yeah, since she is basically the only one with personality.. I liked Zant, though, but there was too little in the game about him.
It felt like I played Twilight Princess because of peer pressure more than actually enjoying it
Yah, I can see that because I remember steeling my dads credit card so I could pre-orderMajora's Mask and have it the first day. Totally worth it!
[QUOTE=''Yarcofin'']It felt like I played Twilight Princess because of peer pressure more than actually enjoying it[/QUOTE]That sucks.. I, myself, hyped this game more than I've ever hyped any game before, and I kind of got what I didn't expect to get. I had all these ideas, before it was out, about how it was going to be and stuff. I've learned a lesson from this. Do not do that, cause you will end up dissapointed in the end.
Yah I try not to hype games to much but it was impossible not to for TP
I thought it was a great game as well, but you're right, I was not as ''attached'' to the game or story as I was with OoT or even A Link to the Past. Those two games I just feel are a whole level above the rest. This one, while great was not quite at the level of those other 2. I also agree that age might have something to do with it.
The main issue for me was really the lack of development of the characters throughout the world. I liked the game, sure, because I like dungeon crawling, but unlike Majora's Mask, Windwaker, and even OOT, the characters don't seem to be anything more than moving signposts...
[QUOTE=''roboccs'']I thought it was a great game as well, but you're right, I was not as ''attached'' to the game or story as I was with OoT or even A Link to the Past. [/QUOTE]Aggreed. Best Zelda's ever
I think it didn't have the Zeldaness because you were playing as a non-character. Link was never developed. There was some small attempt at the begining, but it went away as soon as you left the village. After that, Link was just Midna's pupet more than a character. The story was about her, not about Link being/becoming a hero.
[QUOTE=''Always-Honest'']yeah, i didn't feel connected with the other characters at all (exept for Midna, she was the best ever)[/QUOTE] TBH i felt connected with many characters in the game, Colin is one of my favourite of the game
I, not being a fan of the zelda series, found this game to be very fun and enjoyable
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
For me TPis the best Zelda I played, but I understand your point of view.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. TP was an excellent Zelda experience.
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