Monday, April 12, 2010

Mario Galaxy 30 FPS :/

Is this true? In IGNs hands on preview they said galaxy would run at 30 frames per second. i thought the big guns ran at 60? is this a typo??link: Galaxy 30 FPS :/
It MUST be...Mario Galaxy 30 FPS :/
some of them do....but galaxys graphics wouldnt work with 60's can only display 30 fps
30 fps isn't bad. Many games use 30 fps, such as many 360 titles like Gears of War. FPS doesn't = quality of graphics.
I find this most disturbing. Not the actual news, but rather, that people actually care. :P
FPS only matters on fast paced games where a lot of stuff is going on
Can you tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps anyways? Most people can't, unless they are looking hard for it.
[QUOTE=''blingchu55'']'s can only display 30 fps [/QUOTE] Not true. Interlace is limited to 30fps (or more accurately, 60 partial frames per second), however progressive scan (which the Wii supports) is 60 full frames per second (NTSC). But yeah, strictly speaking the difference is negligible as far as human perception is concerned.
mario doesnt exactly run very fast and mario isnt an extremely fast paced game (unless you're doing that speed run stuff) so i dont see 30 fps as that bad
uh, yeah, and that matters because...?tv's run at 30 fps, and movies run at 24! i really don't think it makes a difference.
so, i think that whole 60 fps garbage is just something companies use to make people who don't know any better think a game is so muchbetter lookingfor having 60 fps instead of 30
When i first read the topic title i thought it said Mario galaxy 3D FPS. SO i thought it ment that there was going to be a first person shooter mario galaxy in 3d. And then i read the first post and i was sad:(
Doesn't matter one bit to me, the graphics look great from the gameplay videos.
It still looks gorgeous.
solid 30fps is fine, but i thought it was 60fps.. either way, it will be great without a doubt. i'm SO looking forward to it.
So what, 30 or 60 FPS doesn't change the games quality.
So after being awed by videos, you learn that it runs at 30 FPS and you suddenly become sad?
[QUOTE=''Always-Honest'']solid 30fps is fine, but i thought it was 60fps.. either way, it will be great without a doubt. i'm SO looking forward to it.[/QUOTE]As long as it's a solid 30 fps then it's fine like you said. But I am with you in that I thought it was gonna run at 60 fps. I remember reading an article on IGN where they said this. Can't find it (I did actually look) but definitely could have sworn they said that. And to people saying TVs can't display 60fps, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption runs at 60 fps. Like someone said, it's interlaced that can't run at 60 fps, you need the component cables so you can get pro-scan enabled. But as long as Galaxy looks nice and plays fine I'm happy. I just can't wait till it comes out.-Shark2k
[QUOTE=''japanesegoth'']uh, yeah, and that matters because...?tv's run at 30 fps, and movies run at 24! i really don't think it makes a difference.[/QUOTE]Well, for movies it actually does make a difference, and I'll attempt to explain why:As you just stated, movies run (or rather, are filmed at) 24 frames per second. Now the problem is that your TV can't run at 24FPS; it can only run at divisible of 50 (PAL) or 60 (NTSC) hertz. Thus, in order to play a movie on a television set, frames must be added (via duplicating previous ones). These extra frames are really where the choppiness comes from at interlace speed. Now obviously to get 60FPS, you must also add a number of frames. However the difference here is that these extra frames can be spread out further, to the point that they're no longer perceivable.Of course this whole point becomes meaningless if your actual output framerate is equal to what the TV can display.
Steady framerate >>>> framerate that's high sometimes and low other times. Besides, Mario doesn't need to be 60. A game like Metroid Prime works better at 60 because of the nature of the game (same with F-Zero), but most platformers are fine at 30 FPS.

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