Recently, I want to play Biohazard zero%261(remake) with Wii. Using component cable , set progressive scan on. Is there any improvement about graphic, or may be I'd better turn off the progressive scan. By the way, anyone got the English script of these two games. Thank you very much.Wii for NGC games questions? help!!!
Well if you do run it in progressive scan then yes, the graphics will improve somewhat. But if your asking if playing GC games in a Wii will improve the graphics then your answer is no. Playing a GC game in a Wii is like playing a PS2 game in a PS2. Nothing changes and graphics remain the same.About the scripts, no I don't know where to find them but if you Google search them I'm sure you'll find them somewhere.Wii for NGC games questions? help!!!
If the game supported P-scan, then you would notice an improvement in the output... just as you'd notice that same improvement if you used the GCN's component cables.Offtopic: The abr. for nintendo gamecube is actually ''GCN'' (''NGC'' refers to the Neo Geo Color)
Some times when you turn on Progressive scan, the graphic degrade somewhat. More sawtooth. Without HDMI and powerful chips.
[QUOTE=''superairlike'']Some times when you turn on Progressive scan, the graphic degrade somewhat. More sawtooth. Without HDMI and powerful chips.[/QUOTE]I think that may be a compatability issue with your TV.
Actually, I means it seemes degrade. I got a LCD . The graphic do improve. But sometimes too ''clear'' is not good. Like Zelda Tp. MP3 perform better.
[QUOTE=''superairlike'']Some times when you turn on Progressive scan, the graphic degrade somewhat. More sawtooth. Without HDMI and powerful chips.[/QUOTE]That's Aliasing. Strictly speaking, it was there to begin with.. the higher quality of P-scan simply makes it more apparent. The way to counteract this is with anti-aliasing, which sadly a lot of GCN games didn't use (despite the system having the capablity). Also, outputing in HDMI wouldn't help in this case (if anything, it'd make the problem worse).
That's my point~! But Wii got limited hardware power for low cost. It's gpu is not power enough to performanti-aliasing,which will do affect its game genre.
[QUOTE=''superairlike'']That's my point~! But Wii got limited hardware power for low cost. It's gpu is not power enough to performanti-aliasing,which will do affect its game genre.[/QUOTE]The Wii does in fact possess Anti-Aliasing. You can see that in the latest Mario Galaxy screens.
Friday, April 16, 2010
too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
i want a wii so friggin bad now that MP3 has been out for the longest time, SSBB is making its way, Bwii looks pretty anticipated, super mario galaxy is also coming soon, mario games in general, and all the other stuffsomeone please tell me where I can find a wii, and will it be hard to get one on xmas?!?my sis wants one, and I secretly do tootoo late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
I used to find mine online. They are really hard to come by.too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
its been like over a year and they're still hard to come by? seriously?
dang now i want one even more lol
try calling your local stores and ask when will they get new shipments.
If your town has Best Buys, Targets, Circuit City's, etc., go at open on Sundays. Thats your best bet, or thats the way it used to be.It will take some luck. I see them at my nearest WalMart from time to time, but even big shipments only last a day or two.
Yes, it's too late for you. We're going to have to leave you behind, as you'd just slow us all down.:PSeriously, you should definately get one if you're interested in the games that the Wii has to offer, and it's never too late! There's a slew of great games already out, and plenty more on the way.
so you're saying that going to every store in the counrty on Sunday's will increase my chances of getting it...even slightly? (lol) and what other games are there that are insanely great for the wii?btw, i need some help convincing my dad to get it, he is paranoid that the wiimote will slip off my hand (i highly doubt that) and fly straight through his precious tv, and he's been like that ever since, what can I do to convince him?!?!
call ur local retail outlets-target, circuit city, walmart, etc.
try ebay. good luck.
it's funny, i read about how rare Wii's are, but our city is pretty sweet, it's about 80,000 people, so we DO get wii's but for some reason i can always find i could go down to rogers video and there are about 3 sitting on the shelf, theres always a good 2-3 sitting at future shop! to bad you don't live here ^_^ otherwise you'd be able to snap one up! maybe i should take advantage of this and start selling them on ebay? hmmmmm!
targets get a new shipment weekly. just spend one night for a couple of hours at the most and you will get your wii. do it now before the rush comes
It's really not that hard, unless you want it right now, in a day or something(ebay/craigslist is your only choice for that).. I've observed improved availability in the last month or so in fact, but things might get tighter towards the holidays. Your best bet is to subscribe to an email/cellphone tracker like . The main problem is that you can't depend on being at your desk and refreshing a tracker site. they can happen anytime and will go out of stock in a few minutes. I got the email alerts on my gmail account and forwarded it to my cell phone. I think you can do that with other email accounts too.. I was hanging around with a few buddies a couple of weeks back and my cellphone went off. I ran in and managed to buy a couple from amazon in about 5 minutes. they went out of stock after about 15 minutes. You can try also for local store availability. It's okay but pretty error prone because stores have been hoarding Wiis for weekend sales so itrackr gets false positives. I signed up(doesnt hurt, but incorrect alerts might be annoying) but didn't end up using it.
I used to find mine online. They are really hard to come by.too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
its been like over a year and they're still hard to come by? seriously?
dang now i want one even more lol
try calling your local stores and ask when will they get new shipments.
If your town has Best Buys, Targets, Circuit City's, etc., go at open on Sundays. Thats your best bet, or thats the way it used to be.It will take some luck. I see them at my nearest WalMart from time to time, but even big shipments only last a day or two.
Yes, it's too late for you. We're going to have to leave you behind, as you'd just slow us all down.:PSeriously, you should definately get one if you're interested in the games that the Wii has to offer, and it's never too late! There's a slew of great games already out, and plenty more on the way.
so you're saying that going to every store in the counrty on Sunday's will increase my chances of getting it...even slightly? (lol) and what other games are there that are insanely great for the wii?btw, i need some help convincing my dad to get it, he is paranoid that the wiimote will slip off my hand (i highly doubt that) and fly straight through his precious tv, and he's been like that ever since, what can I do to convince him?!?!
call ur local retail outlets-target, circuit city, walmart, etc.
try ebay. good luck.
it's funny, i read about how rare Wii's are, but our city is pretty sweet, it's about 80,000 people, so we DO get wii's but for some reason i can always find i could go down to rogers video and there are about 3 sitting on the shelf, theres always a good 2-3 sitting at future shop! to bad you don't live here ^_^ otherwise you'd be able to snap one up! maybe i should take advantage of this and start selling them on ebay? hmmmmm!
targets get a new shipment weekly. just spend one night for a couple of hours at the most and you will get your wii. do it now before the rush comes
It's really not that hard, unless you want it right now, in a day or something(ebay/craigslist is your only choice for that).. I've observed improved availability in the last month or so in fact, but things might get tighter towards the holidays. Your best bet is to subscribe to an email/cellphone tracker like . The main problem is that you can't depend on being at your desk and refreshing a tracker site. they can happen anytime and will go out of stock in a few minutes. I got the email alerts on my gmail account and forwarded it to my cell phone. I think you can do that with other email accounts too.. I was hanging around with a few buddies a couple of weeks back and my cellphone went off. I ran in and managed to buy a couple from amazon in about 5 minutes. they went out of stock after about 15 minutes. You can try also for local store availability. It's okay but pretty error prone because stores have been hoarding Wiis for weekend sales so itrackr gets false positives. I signed up(doesnt hurt, but incorrect alerts might be annoying) but didn't end up using it.
wii qesttions
sorry about the spelling but which game system should i get a wii or a Xbox360?? is the wii have free wifi?? and are the grafics good??wii qesttions
Don't let people on forums make your decision. Get whichever.wii qesttions
[QUOTE=''Imperial_blader'']sorry about the spelling but which game system should i get a wii or a Xbox360?? is the wii have free wifi?? and are the grafics good??[/QUOTE]this is probably the wrong form for this discussion, but then again I'm not sure what forum is the right one, maybe system wars. The wii's wifi is free and they are really starting to bump up support for online gaming later this year and beyond.
Do you mean ''does it have the Wifi adapter built-in'' or ''is the online play free''? Well, yes either way.
It's a system wars topic. You compare 2 consoles. I think JordanElek will close this.
Look videos, read what you need to read and try both consoles. This is your choose.
oh boy! such simple questions.. Must be the thousandth time, they never stop eyeshadow
Don't let people on forums make your decision. Get whichever.wii qesttions
[QUOTE=''Imperial_blader'']sorry about the spelling but which game system should i get a wii or a Xbox360?? is the wii have free wifi?? and are the grafics good??[/QUOTE]this is probably the wrong form for this discussion, but then again I'm not sure what forum is the right one, maybe system wars. The wii's wifi is free and they are really starting to bump up support for online gaming later this year and beyond.
Do you mean ''does it have the Wifi adapter built-in'' or ''is the online play free''? Well, yes either way.
It's a system wars topic. You compare 2 consoles. I think JordanElek will close this.
Look videos, read what you need to read and try both consoles. This is your choose.
oh boy! such simple questions.. Must be the thousandth time, they never stop coming..
Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...
I originally though it would come out this Friday (19th) but on the preview channel it clearly says the release date is the 17th, which is Wedesday. Game's are traditionally released on fridays so.... wtf? :(Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...
I thought it was comn out on the 26th Oct in the UK. I live in Australia so i have to wait till 8th Nov. Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...
The release date for MP3 in NZ should be the same as in Australia right? I'm going to be gutted if I have to wait any longer than necessary:P Manicfoot i thought it arrived on the 26th lol> you'd be best to check in at an EB games or something and see when they're supposed to get it in.
I believe you have mistaken the game's release date for a movie's. There is a movie coming to the Metroid Preview Channel the 17th. The game's release date is the 26th.
I thought it was comn out on the 26th Oct in the UK. I live in Australia so i have to wait till 8th Nov. Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...
The release date for MP3 in NZ should be the same as in Australia right? I'm going to be gutted if I have to wait any longer than necessary:P Manicfoot i thought it arrived on the 26th lol> you'd be best to check in at an EB games or something and see when they're supposed to get it in.
I believe you have mistaken the game's release date for a movie's. There is a movie coming to the Metroid Preview Channel the 17th. The game's release date is the 26th.
Should I or shouldn't I?
Recently I've been thinking about buying a Wii. I would lin UNBIASED opinion on whether or not I should buy one and if it's worth the money that I'm going to spend on it.ThanksShould I or shouldn't I?
if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth itShould I or shouldn't I?
its more than worth the money!
You should. - Very unbiased opinion right there...
I think its worth it. Plus it is cheaper than some of the other consoles. If you are more of a causual gamer, than it is a must.
Thanks for your input everyone, I guess I'll start saving up for one and figure out where I'm going to put it.
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth it (corrected).............[/QUOTE] ......... ONLY if you have games on it you like. :)
You're in the wrong place for an unbiased opinion. Most people here are either big Nintendo fans, or Nintendo haters.
There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion. It would not be an opinionif it was unbiased.It is a great system. Look further into it, play a friends, go to an EB games and try it out (if it is availabe to try). I'm sure you'll love it.
i dont get it, u ask if u should or shouldnt get a wii knowing that u dont even have the money too, why bother asking this question when clearly u have answered your own question for yourself. you should ask are you able or unable too and when your able too then you should still ask yourself if your able or unable too, and u just might not be able too still when york able too this year cause of xmas is right around the corner and might be hard to come by
if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth itShould I or shouldn't I?
its more than worth the money!
You should. - Very unbiased opinion right there...
I think its worth it. Plus it is cheaper than some of the other consoles. If you are more of a causual gamer, than it is a must.
Thanks for your input everyone, I guess I'll start saving up for one and figure out where I'm going to put it.
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth it (corrected).............[/QUOTE] ......... ONLY if you have games on it you like. :)
You're in the wrong place for an unbiased opinion. Most people here are either big Nintendo fans, or Nintendo haters.
There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion. It would not be an opinionif it was unbiased.It is a great system. Look further into it, play a friends, go to an EB games and try it out (if it is availabe to try). I'm sure you'll love it.
i dont get it, u ask if u should or shouldnt get a wii knowing that u dont even have the money too, why bother asking this question when clearly u have answered your own question for yourself. you should ask are you able or unable too and when your able too then you should still ask yourself if your able or unable too, and u just might not be able too still when york able too this year cause of xmas is right around the corner and might be hard to come by
I need help, why biohazard series don't ...
I really loves biohazard series. But I can just understand part of the plot because there is no caption with CG, Why capcom always don't add subtitles to CG. Did anyone can find english script of BIO 0,1,2,3,4 ,veronica. It will be highly appreciated!My E_Mail: also my msn account.
trade in value?
Just wondering the trade in value for a wii, classic controller, RE4, and Paper Mario?trade in value?
you'll get next to nothing, the wii is way to valuable to trade in, i traded my 60g ps3 for a wii, 2 wiimotes w/ nunchuks 4 games and a modded ps2 w/ 14 gamestrade in value?
Maybe you could use an internet auction site, and had you some common sense you could have just run a search on one to check prices rather than making a pointless thread.
seriously put it on ebay because you will easily make $400+ especially with the games and extra controller. For some reason the Wii is still hard to come by in alot of places.
that would be the worst timing ever...
you'll get next to nothing, the wii is way to valuable to trade in, i traded my 60g ps3 for a wii, 2 wiimotes w/ nunchuks 4 games and a modded ps2 w/ 14 gamestrade in value?
Maybe you could use an internet auction site, and had you some common sense you could have just run a search on one to check prices rather than making a pointless thread.
seriously put it on ebay because you will easily make $400+ especially with the games and extra controller. For some reason the Wii is still hard to come by in alot of places.
that would be the worst timing ever...
BWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2
which do you want more their like a tie for me what do you thinkBWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2
BWii, it is original. Heroes is not. Simple as that.BWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2
BWii loved the first, Heroes 2 could end up being rough
I'll be getting both. I've never played Battalion Wars 1 and I really like FPSs so if I only got one it would be Heroes (32 players online it going be awesome!)
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']BWii, it is original. Heroes is not. Simple as that.[/QUOTE] shocked about duckmans choice
MOH, im better at FPS >.>
If I could only choose one, it would be MoH: Heroes 2. However, I know good and well I'll get both!
Definetly Heroes 2. Realistic, better online.
[QUOTE=''Sants412'']Definetly Heroes 2. Realistic, better online.[/QUOTE] I agree with you on that:P
i am going 4 medal it is wii frist online fps
is heroes 2 going to be arcade type or is it going to be a regualr moh game.
I could care less about Bwii while Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is one of my most anticipated games.
I dont know the first battalion wars was laughable in my opinion and wasnt worth buying. Medal of honor isnt looking so swift either. the first sucked so much, i hated it. In my opinion you shouldnt geteither of them. Save you money for better games to come.
BWii, because it's something you haven't played a thousand times before.
Bwii but I would be crazy notto get both.
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is what I would get and am getting
BWII for sure
Bwii. If I want a real fps, online experience I'll turn to my other gaming platforms.
i want MOH:H2 for 32 Player online, but BWii will be more fun. its different, MOH:H2 is still a friggin WW2 shooter.
BWii, it is original. Heroes is not. Simple as that.BWii or Metal of Honor Heroes 2
BWii loved the first, Heroes 2 could end up being rough
I'll be getting both. I've never played Battalion Wars 1 and I really like FPSs so if I only got one it would be Heroes (32 players online it going be awesome!)
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']BWii, it is original. Heroes is not. Simple as that.[/QUOTE] shocked about duckmans choice
MOH, im better at FPS >.>
If I could only choose one, it would be MoH: Heroes 2. However, I know good and well I'll get both!
Definetly Heroes 2. Realistic, better online.
[QUOTE=''Sants412'']Definetly Heroes 2. Realistic, better online.[/QUOTE] I agree with you on that:P
i am going 4 medal it is wii frist online fps
is heroes 2 going to be arcade type or is it going to be a regualr moh game.
I could care less about Bwii while Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is one of my most anticipated games.
I dont know the first battalion wars was laughable in my opinion and wasnt worth buying. Medal of honor isnt looking so swift either. the first sucked so much, i hated it. In my opinion you shouldnt geteither of them. Save you money for better games to come.
BWii, because it's something you haven't played a thousand times before.
Bwii but I would be crazy notto get both.
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is what I would get and am getting
BWII for sure
Bwii. If I want a real fps, online experience I'll turn to my other gaming platforms.
i want MOH:H2 for 32 Player online, but BWii will be more fun. its different, MOH:H2 is still a friggin WW2 shooter.
does everyone in your family play Wii
if so which gamesdoes everyone in your family play Wii
Nope, just me. My dad will occasionaly play wii tennis.Edit: When MK: Wii comes out my sister said she's gonna play that with me.does everyone in your family play Wii
Only I play the Wii console, no one else in my family really cares about gaming.
My wife plays Mario Party, Warioware, and Wii sports. She doesn't really play one-player games. (She wanted to play Zelda WW and got as far as the room on the ship where you have to swing on the ropes. She said, ''can you get me past this point?'' I said, ''no, this is teaching you how to control Link, and if you don't beat this you'll get into trouble later.'' So she gave up, which was fine with me, because I didn't want to have to get her past every hard part in thewhole rest of thegame, and she'd probably give up, or get bored anyway.) My two-year-old plays a lot of Wii. I have a broken GC controller that I cut the cord off of, and I tell her she's helping me. My four-year-old doesn't fall for this trick anymore, shecan almost play Wii sports.
Nope. But my little brother does.
Just me. I occasionally play bowling and tennis with my friends and family, but the novelty has worn off a bit lol.
Only my brother,at times.
Sometimes. My Mom and my brother used to play Wii sports a lot when i first got it, then they played a bit of Mortal Kombat, and now they play street fighter 2 sometimes. My mom is probably going to play SMG though.
my two borhters do, but my third only plays our 360, my parents will sometimes play Wii Sports or Warioware
nah... I just can't seem to get my parents to...
im the only one who plays regularlymy dad use to play wii tennis but he got bored of it and my bro occasionaly places Rayman Raving Rabbids
I wonder if any family ACTUALLY plays like in the Wii would like to play commercials.
Only my brothers and I play Wii together... My dad tried tennis like twice and my mom did boxing once...that was it
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I wonder if any family ACTUALLY plays like in the Wii would like to play commercials.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure they don'
I hoard my system, after how long it took me to get it, I can't risk it. They wouldn't want to anyway. It's a good situation.
Nope, just me and my sister
well my family played it a lot when i first got it, but now they don't have time for it. they played mostly wii sports and strikers
if controllers weren't so damn expensive...
I have no kids, so no. My wife will sometimes play my DS, she likes puzzle games, Zoo Keeper is her fav. Other than that, I mainly play it unless I have friends or cousins eyeshadow
Nope, just me. My dad will occasionaly play wii tennis.Edit: When MK: Wii comes out my sister said she's gonna play that with me.does everyone in your family play Wii
Only I play the Wii console, no one else in my family really cares about gaming.
My wife plays Mario Party, Warioware, and Wii sports. She doesn't really play one-player games. (She wanted to play Zelda WW and got as far as the room on the ship where you have to swing on the ropes. She said, ''can you get me past this point?'' I said, ''no, this is teaching you how to control Link, and if you don't beat this you'll get into trouble later.'' So she gave up, which was fine with me, because I didn't want to have to get her past every hard part in thewhole rest of thegame, and she'd probably give up, or get bored anyway.) My two-year-old plays a lot of Wii. I have a broken GC controller that I cut the cord off of, and I tell her she's helping me. My four-year-old doesn't fall for this trick anymore, shecan almost play Wii sports.
Nope. But my little brother does.
Just me. I occasionally play bowling and tennis with my friends and family, but the novelty has worn off a bit lol.
Only my brother,at times.
Sometimes. My Mom and my brother used to play Wii sports a lot when i first got it, then they played a bit of Mortal Kombat, and now they play street fighter 2 sometimes. My mom is probably going to play SMG though.
my two borhters do, but my third only plays our 360, my parents will sometimes play Wii Sports or Warioware
nah... I just can't seem to get my parents to...
im the only one who plays regularlymy dad use to play wii tennis but he got bored of it and my bro occasionaly places Rayman Raving Rabbids
I wonder if any family ACTUALLY plays like in the Wii would like to play commercials.
Only my brothers and I play Wii together... My dad tried tennis like twice and my mom did boxing once...that was it
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I wonder if any family ACTUALLY plays like in the Wii would like to play commercials.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure they don'
I hoard my system, after how long it took me to get it, I can't risk it. They wouldn't want to anyway. It's a good situation.
Nope, just me and my sister
well my family played it a lot when i first got it, but now they don't have time for it. they played mostly wii sports and strikers
if controllers weren't so damn expensive...
I have no kids, so no. My wife will sometimes play my DS, she likes puzzle games, Zoo Keeper is her fav. Other than that, I mainly play it unless I have friends or cousins over.
Again.. just to get it off my chest.. WE ...
i KNOW I KNOW... it sucks.. Wii Not getting Assassin's creed. It's one game i really wanted to play! REALLY!So i'm making this thread for one reason, get it off your chest.. I already feel better :)Again.. just to get it off my chest.. WE ...
ehh we get bwii manhunt and galaxy i can careless about assassin creedAgain.. just to get it off my chest.. WE ...
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Yeah I wouldnt mind playing this game on the Wii, it doesnt need to be chock full of motion controls either. Especially since they made a DS version, who knows maybe we will see a port at some point next year.
...[/QUOTE]Like that's not original or anything lol.But seriosuly, who needs assassin's creed with our '08 lineup.
[QUOTE=''Sepewrath'']Yeah I wouldnt mind playing this game on the Wii, it doesnt need to be chock full of motion controls either. Especially since they made a DS version, who knows maybe we will see a port at some point next year.[/QUOTE] that would be awesome if they ported it but oh well im getting the pc version as soon as it comes out
Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?
says you....
Oh my goodness, this topic takes me by shock! You mean the Wii's awesome graphics capabilities can't handle Assassins Creed? ABSURD!
[QUOTE=''Oilers99'']Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?[/QUOTE] Or upgrade your computer and get it there.
I have yet to see anything about Assassin's Creed that made me say anything other than ''meh.'' I'm not impressed, and can think of a dozen other 360/ps3 games I'd rather play.
Assassin's Creed kind of dropped off the map with all of the great games coming out. It might be good, but I'm personally not interested.
Try to get a 360 or PS3. The Wii is not getting a LOT of games.
Need Assassin's Creed...looks.... so....awesome (reason for such broken speech is due to drooling at the 8 minutes of gameplay video and starved from not getting a new wii game since MP3C on September 7).
[QUOTE=''bionicle_lover''] says you....[/QUOTE]:lol::lol::lol:
yeah i dont really care. the game looks okay but not wii material
Why would the wii get a major 3rd party game like that? Anyways I got the wii mostly for its 1st party games, i know most 3rd party games it ''does'' get are multi-platform and i'll get the PS3 version anyways. accept it, the wii is a 1st party machine mostly.
[QUOTE=''FlaminDeath''][QUOTE=''Oilers99'']Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?[/QUOTE] Or upgrade your computer and get it there.[/QUOTE]upgrade ur compute?u have to upgrade ur comp in order to play assassin creed on ur computer?
Who cares. It looks like a typical Ubisoft game. 10 bucks says despite it looking great in bullshots, it'll be a big, sloppy, buggy mess come release.
[QUOTE=''sicario146''][QUOTE=''FlaminDeath''][QUOTE=''Oilers99'']Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?[/QUOTE] Or upgrade your computer and get it there.[/QUOTE]upgrade ur compute?u have to upgrade ur comp in order to play assassin creed on ur computer?[/QUOTE] depends on how good your computer is
ehh we get bwii manhunt and galaxy i can careless about assassin creedAgain.. just to get it off my chest.. WE ...
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Yeah I wouldnt mind playing this game on the Wii, it doesnt need to be chock full of motion controls either. Especially since they made a DS version, who knows maybe we will see a port at some point next year.
[QUOTE=''Sepewrath'']Yeah I wouldnt mind playing this game on the Wii, it doesnt need to be chock full of motion controls either. Especially since they made a DS version, who knows maybe we will see a port at some point next year.[/QUOTE] that would be awesome if they ported it but oh well im getting the pc version as soon as it comes out
Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?
says you....
Oh my goodness, this topic takes me by shock! You mean the Wii's awesome graphics capabilities can't handle Assassins Creed? ABSURD!
[QUOTE=''Oilers99'']Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?[/QUOTE] Or upgrade your computer and get it there.
I have yet to see anything about Assassin's Creed that made me say anything other than ''meh.'' I'm not impressed, and can think of a dozen other 360/ps3 games I'd rather play.
Assassin's Creed kind of dropped off the map with all of the great games coming out. It might be good, but I'm personally not interested.
Try to get a 360 or PS3. The Wii is not getting a LOT of games.
Need Assassin's Creed...looks.... so....awesome (reason for such broken speech is due to drooling at the 8 minutes of gameplay video and starved from not getting a new wii game since MP3C on September 7).
[QUOTE=''bionicle_lover''] says you....[/QUOTE]:lol::lol::lol:
yeah i dont really care. the game looks okay but not wii material
Why would the wii get a major 3rd party game like that? Anyways I got the wii mostly for its 1st party games, i know most 3rd party games it ''does'' get are multi-platform and i'll get the PS3 version anyways. accept it, the wii is a 1st party machine mostly.
[QUOTE=''FlaminDeath''][QUOTE=''Oilers99'']Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?[/QUOTE] Or upgrade your computer and get it there.[/QUOTE]upgrade ur compute?u have to upgrade ur comp in order to play assassin creed on ur computer?
Who cares. It looks like a typical Ubisoft game. 10 bucks says despite it looking great in bullshots, it'll be a big, sloppy, buggy mess come release.
[QUOTE=''sicario146''][QUOTE=''FlaminDeath''][QUOTE=''Oilers99'']Well, you could go buy a 360, and enjoy Assassin's Creed, along with many other high quality games on that system as well. Maybe that's too simple a solution, though. If you'd prefer, perhaps you could hold the developers hostage until they complete a Wii version?[/QUOTE] Or upgrade your computer and get it there.[/QUOTE]upgrade ur compute?u have to upgrade ur comp in order to play assassin creed on ur computer?[/QUOTE] depends on how good your computer is
My Wii's FLASHING!! - I got the DEMO Cha ...
Lastnight my Wii started flashing, I turned it on and low and behold its the Demo Channell!!The first Demo on there is Metriod Prime Corruption. This is great, we have all been waiting for this channel - Thanks Nintendo.My Wii's FLASHING!! - I got the DEMO Cha ...
THERES A DEMO CHANNEL?!?!?! (runs to wii)My Wii's FLASHING!! - I got the DEMO Cha ...
im very optimistic but the demo channel is being released november 1st
I have it now - I am in Australia. It came last night.
ummm i havent found it are u sure? i am not thinking this is ligit, it would have been anounced
Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.
[QUOTE=''Deku_Grumble'']Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.[/QUOTE]Not in AU ;) .
It looks like Aussies are the first in the world to get these Demos on their Wiis - Go Aussies!! About time we got something first!
wait is it just metroid prime 3thats from months ago!
[QUOTE=''JarrodTagni'']It looks like Aussies are the first in the world to get these Demos on their Wiis - Go Aussies!! About time we got something first![/QUOTE]People in North America got them about five or so months ago.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''JarrodTagni'']I have it now - I am in Australia. It came last night.[/QUOTE]Germens always get all the luck LOL
that's not a demo....
can you play or is it vidsname a few of the vids if its vids
[QUOTE=''leegar88''] [QUOTE=''Deku_Grumble'']Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.[/QUOTE]Not in AU ;) .[/QUOTE]Oh you mean trailers not demos your silly we got that a long time ago................I love you guys
That's a preview channel... :
|[QUOTE=''aleco2012''][QUOTE=''leegar88''] [QUOTE=''Deku_Grumble'']Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.[/QUOTE]Not in AU ;) .[/QUOTE]Oh you mean trailers not demos your silly we got that a long time ago................I love you guys[/QUOTE]You mean you all already have the preview channel, hm I wonder what the tc means then.
[QUOTE=''JarrodTagni'']It looks like Aussies are the first in the world to get these Demos on their Wiis - Go Aussies!! About time we got something first![/QUOTE]LULZ they think they actually got something before Americans.
Very misleading topic..
It truely(sp) is misleading, I got my hopes up for squat...
THERES A DEMO CHANNEL?!?!?! (runs to wii)My Wii's FLASHING!! - I got the DEMO Cha ...
im very optimistic but the demo channel is being released november 1st
I have it now - I am in Australia. It came last night.
ummm i havent found it are u sure? i am not thinking this is ligit, it would have been anounced
Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.
[QUOTE=''Deku_Grumble'']Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.[/QUOTE]Not in AU ;) .
It looks like Aussies are the first in the world to get these Demos on their Wiis - Go Aussies!! About time we got something first!
wait is it just metroid prime 3thats from months ago!
[QUOTE=''JarrodTagni'']It looks like Aussies are the first in the world to get these Demos on their Wiis - Go Aussies!! About time we got something first![/QUOTE]People in North America got them about five or so months ago.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''JarrodTagni'']I have it now - I am in Australia. It came last night.[/QUOTE]Germens always get all the luck LOL
that's not a demo....
can you play or is it vidsname a few of the vids if its vids
[QUOTE=''leegar88''] [QUOTE=''Deku_Grumble'']Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.[/QUOTE]Not in AU ;) .[/QUOTE]Oh you mean trailers not demos your silly we got that a long time ago................I love you guys
That's a preview channel... :
|[QUOTE=''aleco2012''][QUOTE=''leegar88''] [QUOTE=''Deku_Grumble'']Wow, I got the Metroid Prime 3 preview a long time ago... demos are old news.[/QUOTE]Not in AU ;) .[/QUOTE]Oh you mean trailers not demos your silly we got that a long time ago................I love you guys[/QUOTE]You mean you all already have the preview channel, hm I wonder what the tc means then.
[QUOTE=''JarrodTagni'']It looks like Aussies are the first in the world to get these Demos on their Wiis - Go Aussies!! About time we got something first![/QUOTE]LULZ they think they actually got something before Americans.
Very misleading topic..
It truely(sp) is misleading, I got my hopes up for squat...
Connecting to other players.... HELP!
So I've had a week from hell trying to get an online game going on Madden 08 and FIFA 08. Now I have no problem connecting my wii to the internet and I have no problem getting on EA's servers. The problem is when I try to challenge another player, the system thinks and then gives me the message ''Connection to opponent lost. Session has ended.''At first I thought it was a port forwarding issue so I did some research and forwarded all the ports required. When that didn't work, I thought maybe my router itself was the problem so I went out and spent a hundred bucks on a linksys. I went through the whole port forwarding/triggering routine but after hours upon hours on the phone with tech support and doing research on online forums, I still could not connect to other players online. At this point I am suspecting the problem may be my ISP (I'll get to that later).Interesting side note, I took my Wii over to a friend's apartment and I got connected to online players within seconds. He also uses a router (however, we didn't need to forward any ports or make any adjustments) but he uses a different ISP than myself.I also became suspicious that my ISP is the problem after the tech person from linksys and i spent hours exhausting all my options. He told me that it seems that the problem might be eminating from my ISP. So to test whether the problem is my ISP I went out and bought a LAN adapter for the wii and tried to connect to a game through a wired connection. Again, the internet worked, I got a connection to EA's server but still could not connect to a game with other players.My ISP's name is Novus (local downtown Vancouver cable and internet provider) and they actually provide an extremely fast fibre optic ethernet connection straight out of the wall (no modem, the entire building is wired for fibre optic internet). When I called Novus' help desk, the guy insisted that they don't block any ports and that he ''personally knows people who game online with the wii through Novus' internet service.'' What put me off quite a bit is that nobody at Telus, EA, or Nintendo had any clue or suggestions as to why I cannot connect to other players online. So I humbly and desperately have come to this forum in hopes of finding an answer (even if that answer tells me i'm screwed, at least I would know and can move on!)So, my question to all of you is: is there some issue that prevents the wii from working with fibre optic internet providers? Is there anything else I could do to get these games working online? Is there anything I can demand my ISP to do? By the way, I asked them to give me a static IP to see if that would help and they answered ''we don't give out static IPs for testing purposes.''Connecting to other players.... HELP!
I have the same problem but I don't know how to fix it. However, I can sometimes avoid it. All I do is create a game and wait till someone joins it and then SOMETIMES it connects. I just keep trying till I find someone I can connect to. I also thought it was a port forwarding issue and I still do. No matter how many times I've tried to forward all my ports, for computer apps, I still don't become connectable. The only thing I can think of is that my ISP is somehow doing this.Connecting to other players.... HELP!
It likely is the isp. ISPs often have some protocol codeor other issuethat can result in games not connecting or having issues. Thisalso occurs with hardware as well.The Nintendo Wifi USB connector doesn't work with AOL and a few other ISPs unless you do a workaround. Call the Novus help desk again and ask for a more senior guy especially an engineer if the one you get still insists they don't do anything that could block the connections.
I have the same problem but I don't know how to fix it. However, I can sometimes avoid it. All I do is create a game and wait till someone joins it and then SOMETIMES it connects. I just keep trying till I find someone I can connect to. I also thought it was a port forwarding issue and I still do. No matter how many times I've tried to forward all my ports, for computer apps, I still don't become connectable. The only thing I can think of is that my ISP is somehow doing this.Connecting to other players.... HELP!
It likely is the isp. ISPs often have some protocol codeor other issuethat can result in games not connecting or having issues. Thisalso occurs with hardware as well.The Nintendo Wifi USB connector doesn't work with AOL and a few other ISPs unless you do a workaround. Call the Novus help desk again and ask for a more senior guy especially an engineer if the one you get still insists they don't do anything that could block the connections.
RE:UC Question.
Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?RE:UC Question.
[QUOTE=''fireshinigami2'']Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?[/QUOTE]they havent said yet so i doubt it. i bet it wont come with the link gameRE:UC Question.
[QUOTE=''dinofan01''] [QUOTE=''fireshinigami2'']Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?[/QUOTE]they havent said yet so i doubt it. i bet it wont come with the link game[/QUOTE] Actually the Wii Zapper comes with Link's Crossbow Training:![]()
[QUOTE=''fireshinigami2''][QUOTE=''dinofan01''] [QUOTE=''fireshinigami2'']Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?[/QUOTE]they havent said yet so i doubt it. i bet it wont come with the link game[/QUOTE] Actually the Wii Zapper comes with Link's Crossbow Training:
[/QUOTE]probably not in the uc pack though
NA events were the game were shown always hinted at. In fact when the zapper was mentioned at E3 it was implied.
[QUOTE=''fireshinigami2'']Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?[/QUOTE]they havent said yet so i doubt it. i bet it wont come with the link gameRE:UC Question.
[QUOTE=''dinofan01''] [QUOTE=''fireshinigami2'']Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?[/QUOTE]they havent said yet so i doubt it. i bet it wont come with the link game[/QUOTE] Actually the Wii Zapper comes with Link's Crossbow Training:
[QUOTE=''fireshinigami2''][QUOTE=''dinofan01''] [QUOTE=''fireshinigami2'']Does Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles comes with a Wii Zapper like on Japan?[/QUOTE]they havent said yet so i doubt it. i bet it wont come with the link game[/QUOTE] Actually the Wii Zapper comes with Link's Crossbow Training:
NA events were the game were shown always hinted at. In fact when the zapper was mentioned at E3 it was implied.
Scarface Wii (Boats So Weak!!)
Hi!... i am playing scarface in tthe mision of ''Talk to the manager of Swansong Hotel'' And when i am in the boat a few shoots and i am dead... why i have to do? its this normal?:(Scarface Wii (Boats So Weak!!)
[QUOTE=''Diablo_Rasta'']Hi!... i am playing scarface in tthe mision of ''Talk to the manager of Swansong Hotel'' And when i am in the boat a few shoots and i am dead... why i have to do? its this normal?:([/QUOTE] ow
Make sure you have bought enough boats...I had most of them at that time...take boats with highest armor and when your boat is about to explode...jump out and immediately call your driver and ask for another boat...that's how I did it.How is the game so far?just want your opinion :)Scarface Wii (Boats So Weak!!)
[QUOTE=''Lto_thaG''][QUOTE=''Diablo_Rasta'']Hi!... i am playing scarface in tthe mision of ''Talk to the manager of Swansong Hotel'' And when i am in the boat a few shoots and i am dead... why i have to do? its this normal?:([/QUOTE] ow
Make sure you have bought enough boats...I had most of them at that time...take boats with highest armor and when your boat is about to explode...jump out and immediately call your driver and ask for another boat...that's how I did it.How is the game so far?just want your opinion :)[/QUOTE]Well.. I dunno why the people put 6.0 - of rank but.. is very good , interesting good music, but i am staked in that mission, and i cant destroy that boat.. is so strong.. what are u recomended to flunk that?
hope u get this message, cause i know how u feel. if u havent beaten it already, here's the best strategy i got for u. once u see evena slight pixel of the boat. start shooting, dont aim for the other boats, ull die. try to alternate slowing down and speeding up, it might minimize the damage. once he's dead, run like hell. as soon as the confermation pops up that u completed the mission, u might want to jump out the boat before it explodes
hope u get this message, cause i know how u feel. if u havent beaten it already, here's the best strategy i got for u. once u see evena slight pixel of the boat. start shooting, dont aim for the other boats, ull die. try to alternate slowing down and speeding up, it might minimize the damage. once he's dead, run like hell. as soon as the confermation pops up that u completed the mission, u might want to jump out the boat before it explodes
you could try looking up cheats because I had the same problem but I had SCARFACE on ps2
[QUOTE=''Diablo_Rasta'']Hi!... i am playing scarface in tthe mision of ''Talk to the manager of Swansong Hotel'' And when i am in the boat a few shoots and i am dead... why i have to do? its this normal?:([/QUOTE] ow
Make sure you have bought enough boats...I had most of them at that time...take boats with highest armor and when your boat is about to explode...jump out and immediately call your driver and ask for another boat...that's how I did it.How is the game so far?just want your opinion :)Scarface Wii (Boats So Weak!!)
[QUOTE=''Lto_thaG''][QUOTE=''Diablo_Rasta'']Hi!... i am playing scarface in tthe mision of ''Talk to the manager of Swansong Hotel'' And when i am in the boat a few shoots and i am dead... why i have to do? its this normal?:([/QUOTE] ow
Make sure you have bought enough boats...I had most of them at that time...take boats with highest armor and when your boat is about to explode...jump out and immediately call your driver and ask for another boat...that's how I did it.How is the game so far?just want your opinion :)[/QUOTE]Well.. I dunno why the people put 6.0 - of rank but.. is very good , interesting good music, but i am staked in that mission, and i cant destroy that boat.. is so strong.. what are u recomended to flunk that?
hope u get this message, cause i know how u feel. if u havent beaten it already, here's the best strategy i got for u. once u see evena slight pixel of the boat. start shooting, dont aim for the other boats, ull die. try to alternate slowing down and speeding up, it might minimize the damage. once he's dead, run like hell. as soon as the confermation pops up that u completed the mission, u might want to jump out the boat before it explodes
hope u get this message, cause i know how u feel. if u havent beaten it already, here's the best strategy i got for u. once u see evena slight pixel of the boat. start shooting, dont aim for the other boats, ull die. try to alternate slowing down and speeding up, it might minimize the damage. once he's dead, run like hell. as soon as the confermation pops up that u completed the mission, u might want to jump out the boat before it explodes
you could try looking up cheats because I had the same problem but I had SCARFACE on ps2
BWII IGN Hands-on lame :/
I don't want to link it, but its there. He said the controls do little for the experience, the online was devoid of tactics because its a face off of last man standing so yeah.BWII IGN Hands-on lame :/
Well that sucks.BWII IGN Hands-on lame :/
why don't you want to link it?\
[QUOTE=''nintendo-4life'']why don't you want to link it?\[/QUOTE] because i'm lying :roll:[URL][/URL]
Yeah, not expecting anything really from this game.
Ignore what I said before. Just read the hands-on, and I guess you're right. I'll still wait for the game to come out to see if I'll really like it.
A bit disappointing,Hopefully they'll include more online options in the final game.
This game could have probably bin made on the GC.
None of you are reading the preview!!! They were blown away by it.
[QUOTE=''Cactuar_Scott''] None of you are reading the preview!!!They were blown away by it.[/QUOTE]Yeah, although the TC should have just posted the link.
[QUOTE=''Cactuar_Scott'']None of you are reading the preview!!! They were blown away by it.[/QUOTE]They never said it blow them away but they said that they liked it even with the limited optionsso thats good (Iam geting it)
I think they were just being a little extra negative because they wouldn't let them play the single player. Matt's a drama queen, ya know.
[QUOTE=''Cactuar_Scott'']None of you are reading the preview!!! They were blown away by it.[/QUOTE] Um, no they were far from it.
That's because they weren't playing the strategy mode, just the straight-up battle one. :roll:EDIT: And yes, I mean multiplayer. I believe the strategy mode is called Assault...or maybe that's the battle one.
[QUOTE=''dieworm'']That's because they weren't playing the strategy mode, just the straight-up battle one. :roll:[/QUOTE]Yeah andthey still had a littlefun with the limited demo and the new vids look great god I need this game.
Good preview. If it's anything like the first one, it's clearly a good game.
[QUOTE=''Mr_Doodle'']:shock::evil::lol: You had me worried for a moment.[/QUOTE] he is telling the truth, the preview was much more positive but what he said is still the truth :?
Sounds like Matt just wasn't a big fan of the Skirmish mode, which was probably on limited display to begin with. Does anyone know the objective of the Assault mode? Maybe it'll feature more strategy to be successful.
THeres still the Single Player and 2 more multiplayer modes that haven't been seen yet.
Why do you people even care what IGN thinks? If you don't agree with them or you find their ''article'', (or that tripe they call content), questionable then simply disregard their opinion and move eyeshadow
Well that sucks.BWII IGN Hands-on lame :/
why don't you want to link it?\
[QUOTE=''nintendo-4life'']why don't you want to link it?\[/QUOTE] because i'm lying :roll:[URL][/URL]
Yeah, not expecting anything really from this game.
Ignore what I said before. Just read the hands-on, and I guess you're right. I'll still wait for the game to come out to see if I'll really like it.
A bit disappointing,Hopefully they'll include more online options in the final game.
This game could have probably bin made on the GC.
None of you are reading the preview!!! They were blown away by it.
[QUOTE=''Cactuar_Scott''] None of you are reading the preview!!!They were blown away by it.[/QUOTE]Yeah, although the TC should have just posted the link.
[QUOTE=''Cactuar_Scott'']None of you are reading the preview!!! They were blown away by it.[/QUOTE]They never said it blow them away but they said that they liked it even with the limited optionsso thats good (Iam geting it)
I think they were just being a little extra negative because they wouldn't let them play the single player. Matt's a drama queen, ya know.
[QUOTE=''Cactuar_Scott'']None of you are reading the preview!!! They were blown away by it.[/QUOTE] Um, no they were far from it.
That's because they weren't playing the strategy mode, just the straight-up battle one. :roll:EDIT: And yes, I mean multiplayer. I believe the strategy mode is called Assault...or maybe that's the battle one.
[QUOTE=''dieworm'']That's because they weren't playing the strategy mode, just the straight-up battle one. :roll:[/QUOTE]Yeah andthey still had a littlefun with the limited demo and the new vids look great god I need this game.
Good preview. If it's anything like the first one, it's clearly a good game.
[QUOTE=''Mr_Doodle'']:shock::evil::lol: You had me worried for a moment.[/QUOTE] he is telling the truth, the preview was much more positive but what he said is still the truth :?
Sounds like Matt just wasn't a big fan of the Skirmish mode, which was probably on limited display to begin with. Does anyone know the objective of the Assault mode? Maybe it'll feature more strategy to be successful.
THeres still the Single Player and 2 more multiplayer modes that haven't been seen yet.
Why do you people even care what IGN thinks? If you don't agree with them or you find their ''article'', (or that tripe they call content), questionable then simply disregard their opinion and move on.
wii hardware ****
wii is a good system dont get me wrong but his hardware sucks . outdated technology . i think nintendo should released the wii with stronger specs atleast with half the power of the xbox 360 that would be enough to the wii to really compete wii hardware ****
Then it would be more expensive. The hardware is a bit outdated but is still competent in being able to make some great graphics.
Then it would be more expensive. The hardware is a bit outdated but is still competent in being able to make some great graphics.
What's Your Wii's Total Play Time? (Mine ...
Make an estimate of how much time you've played each of your games. I looked at my history from December 25, 2006 to today, so see how much I played the games. I rounded off a bit. Anyways, this isn't how much I played them. This is how much everyone has played the games that have played my Wii combine:Mario Strikers Charged: 35 hoursExcite Truck: 22 hoursSuper Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz: 15 hoursRed Steel: Probably around 15 hoursResident Evil: Wii Edtion: Probably around 25 hoursSuper Paper Mario: 25 hoursThe Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess: 53 hoursWii Play: No idea. Probably around 10 hoursWii Sports: No idea. Probably around 10 hours.Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. No idea. Probably around 10 hours.VC games probably all amount to 10 hours.So my Wii has been played for about 220 hours from December 25, 2006 to October 14, 2007. What about you guys?What's Your Wii's Total Play Time? (Mine ...
im not sure since the day i got it (december 21) but since june 28 ive racked up 150 hours but i didnt have my wii for all of august also. yea i know, i spend a lot of time on my wii.What's Your Wii's Total Play Time? (Mine ...
Too many hours to count.Probably in the several hundreds.
I've probably played my Wii for like 150 hours I'd say...Wii Sports - 10 hours
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -40 hours
Sonic and the Secret Rings -10 hours
Super Paper Mario - 20 hours
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - 30 hours (multiple playthroughs)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 25 hours (multiple playthroughs)
I'm bored so I'll go have a quick look.... I've beaten Red Steel, Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, The Godfather, etc so I imagine mine is at least 200 hours as well.
Three... Maybe four hours xDI just got mine a few weeks ago.
The people at Nintendo should make the Wii tell you how many hours you played a game in total. And how many hours you played your Wii.
Since November 19, 2006:
Total Time Spent: 200 hours approx.
Most Hours Played In A Day: 10:37 hours (Nov. 19)
Longest Without Playing: 20 days in a row.Hours Per Title (According to saved games):
The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess: 50 hours
The Godfather:Blackhand Edition: 40 hours
Super Paper Mario: 30 hours
Red Steel: 15 hours
MySims: 15 hours
Super Monkey Ball:Banana Blitz: Undetermined (Estimated 10 hours)
Wii Sports: Undetermined (By process of elimination, 40 hours*)Slightly flawed since a little bit of Internet Channel time was included in the total... but still wtf, I spent more time playing Wii Sports than Paper Mario? [IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=''darkmark91'']The people at Nintendo should make the Wii tell you how many hours you played a game in total. And how many hours you played your Wii.[/QUOTE]I wish they did that. But I was surprised at some of my times. I played Excite Truck almost as much as I played Super Paper Mario? What the crap?
[QUOTE=''Yarcofin'']Since November 19, 2006:
Total Time Spent: 200 hours approx.
Most Hours Played In A Day: 10:37 hours (Nov. 19)
Longest Without Playing: 20 days in a row. Hours Per Title (According to saved games):
The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess: 50 hours
The Godfather:Blackhand Edition: 40 hours
Super Paper Mario: 30 hours
Red Steel: 15 hours
MySims: 15 hours
Super Monkey Ball:Banana Blitz: Undetermined (Estimated 10 hours)
Wii Sports: Undetermined (By process of elimination, 40 hours*)Slightly flawed since a little bit of Internet Channel time was included in the total... but still wtf, I spent more time playing Wii Sports than Paper Mario?[/QUOTE]Nice chart. You played MySims fifteen hours? Hmmm... I was wondering if I should get this game, but I heard it doesn't last that long. Fifteen hours is a great length, though, so I might check it out.The only thing I don't really understand is Wii Sports. Maybe you have a lot of people in your family that play it, but forty hours? That title is really shallow. It's fun and all, but I would never put in forty hours into a game as simple as Wii Sports. But I can understand other games, like Twilight Princess, reaching that amount.
[QUOTE=''MooCowRocks''] Three... Maybe four hours xDI just got mine a few weeks ago. [/QUOTE]I got mine only yesterday and already spent about 12 hours on it :lol:
At least 200+ hours since I got it, and that's not including the time playing GC games... probably another 100 hours.The majority was either Zelda: TP or Wii Sports, and the VC takes up a good chunk of the time.
I'd say around 125-150. Not sure, though.
probably like 8 hours or so...but i only have 3 games.
alot....maybe if im bored sometime il count
Didn't keep track. Mostly Wii Sports, Tennis to be precise.
ummm, totaly depends if you count internet channel. I've only had mine since july, and i bet i have at least 150 hours in internet channel. Youtube/GS/IGN/Flash stuff = tons of ours on internet channel. I don't feel like couting all the time, but i know its been at least 200 hours since july.
[QUOTE=''haloagain'']Didn't keep track. Mostly Wii Sports, Tennis to be precise.[/QUOTE]Dont ya just love that game! i have't played in a few weeks but for at least 2 months, i played at least 1 game aday. Once you can easily beat the pro guys without a sweat *litterally* it loses its appeal, but the target practice game is fun too, i think my top is like 35 or somethign.. i forget.
ive had mine since launch and im not going to go and check back for this
More than 300 hours, I know that much.
I had it since launch and was the first in line at the store that opened first in my whole province.
im not sure since the day i got it (december 21) but since june 28 ive racked up 150 hours but i didnt have my wii for all of august also. yea i know, i spend a lot of time on my wii.What's Your Wii's Total Play Time? (Mine ...
Too many hours to count.Probably in the several hundreds.
I've probably played my Wii for like 150 hours I'd say...Wii Sports - 10 hours
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -40 hours
Sonic and the Secret Rings -10 hours
Super Paper Mario - 20 hours
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - 30 hours (multiple playthroughs)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 25 hours (multiple playthroughs)
I'm bored so I'll go have a quick look.... I've beaten Red Steel, Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, The Godfather, etc so I imagine mine is at least 200 hours as well.
Three... Maybe four hours xDI just got mine a few weeks ago.
The people at Nintendo should make the Wii tell you how many hours you played a game in total. And how many hours you played your Wii.
Since November 19, 2006:
Total Time Spent: 200 hours approx.
Most Hours Played In A Day: 10:37 hours (Nov. 19)
Longest Without Playing: 20 days in a row.Hours Per Title (According to saved games):
The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess: 50 hours
The Godfather:Blackhand Edition: 40 hours
Super Paper Mario: 30 hours
Red Steel: 15 hours
MySims: 15 hours
Super Monkey Ball:Banana Blitz: Undetermined (Estimated 10 hours)
Wii Sports: Undetermined (By process of elimination, 40 hours*)Slightly flawed since a little bit of Internet Channel time was included in the total... but still wtf, I spent more time playing Wii Sports than Paper Mario? [IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=''darkmark91'']The people at Nintendo should make the Wii tell you how many hours you played a game in total. And how many hours you played your Wii.[/QUOTE]I wish they did that. But I was surprised at some of my times. I played Excite Truck almost as much as I played Super Paper Mario? What the crap?
[QUOTE=''Yarcofin'']Since November 19, 2006:
Total Time Spent: 200 hours approx.
Most Hours Played In A Day: 10:37 hours (Nov. 19)
Longest Without Playing: 20 days in a row. Hours Per Title (According to saved games):
The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess: 50 hours
The Godfather:Blackhand Edition: 40 hours
Super Paper Mario: 30 hours
Red Steel: 15 hours
MySims: 15 hours
Super Monkey Ball:Banana Blitz: Undetermined (Estimated 10 hours)
Wii Sports: Undetermined (By process of elimination, 40 hours*)Slightly flawed since a little bit of Internet Channel time was included in the total... but still wtf, I spent more time playing Wii Sports than Paper Mario?[/QUOTE]Nice chart. You played MySims fifteen hours? Hmmm... I was wondering if I should get this game, but I heard it doesn't last that long. Fifteen hours is a great length, though, so I might check it out.The only thing I don't really understand is Wii Sports. Maybe you have a lot of people in your family that play it, but forty hours? That title is really shallow. It's fun and all, but I would never put in forty hours into a game as simple as Wii Sports. But I can understand other games, like Twilight Princess, reaching that amount.
[QUOTE=''MooCowRocks''] Three... Maybe four hours xDI just got mine a few weeks ago. [/QUOTE]I got mine only yesterday and already spent about 12 hours on it :lol:
At least 200+ hours since I got it, and that's not including the time playing GC games... probably another 100 hours.The majority was either Zelda: TP or Wii Sports, and the VC takes up a good chunk of the time.
I'd say around 125-150. Not sure, though.
probably like 8 hours or so...but i only have 3 games.
alot....maybe if im bored sometime il count
Didn't keep track. Mostly Wii Sports, Tennis to be precise.
ummm, totaly depends if you count internet channel. I've only had mine since july, and i bet i have at least 150 hours in internet channel. Youtube/GS/IGN/Flash stuff = tons of ours on internet channel. I don't feel like couting all the time, but i know its been at least 200 hours since july.
[QUOTE=''haloagain'']Didn't keep track. Mostly Wii Sports, Tennis to be precise.[/QUOTE]Dont ya just love that game! i have't played in a few weeks but for at least 2 months, i played at least 1 game aday. Once you can easily beat the pro guys without a sweat *litterally* it loses its appeal, but the target practice game is fun too, i think my top is like 35 or somethign.. i forget.
ive had mine since launch and im not going to go and check back for this
More than 300 hours, I know that much.
I had it since launch and was the first in line at the store that opened first in my whole province.
Wi-Fi Help
I try playing madden online and it is very inconsistent. Out of about 30 attempts to play a game i have actually been able to play a game twice, and even then the connection was lost. My router connects to the servers and downloads the rosters. What is going on?Wi-Fi Help
bumpWi-Fi Help
I'm not sure but I've heard Madden's online is a bit of a mess. Not sure though. Haven't tried it myself.
Please search this is a known issue. EA admitted they fubared the game on all consoles. Each version has major bugs and issues that were known to QA as well as game reviewers. EA rushed out the game rather then delay it and game reviewers were embargoed from giving the game less then a 90% or even mentioning the bugs.
bumpWi-Fi Help
I'm not sure but I've heard Madden's online is a bit of a mess. Not sure though. Haven't tried it myself.
Please search this is a known issue. EA admitted they fubared the game on all consoles. Each version has major bugs and issues that were known to QA as well as game reviewers. EA rushed out the game rather then delay it and game reviewers were embargoed from giving the game less then a 90% or even mentioning the bugs.
worst wii game ever?
Whats the worst wii game made?worst wii game ever?
Rampala Tournament fishing.worst wii game ever?
youre a towl
spider man 3 Wiior SPongebob Kreature From The Krusty Krab
spider man 3 wii
That would be Far Cry Vengance. No contest. You shouldn't be able to walk through trees and walls... it was just bad.
Chicken Shoot?
from what I've heard far cry, rampage, and Rapala
Red Steel -- i hate that game w/ a passion.
That I've played...Pokemon Battle Revolution.
[QUOTE=''Never_Fear'']That I've played...Pokemon Battle Revolution.[/QUOTE]Okay, for me, this wasn't the WORST game on the Wii. But it WAS the biggest dissapointment since finding out that the Blue LED light on the Wii wasn't always on. With the technology and inovation that Nintendo has, there is no reason for this game to look like crap and have no depth.
Mortal Kombat Armageddon.
[QUOTE=''MrDziekuje'']Chicken Shoot?[/QUOTE]Chicken Shoot.
[QUOTE=''l8bitz'']That would be Far Cry Vengance. No contest. You shouldn't be able to walk through trees and walls... it was just bad.[/QUOTE] I liked Far Cry ... :)
i'd have to say spiderman 3its funny cause imade this same topic a few weeks ago....copier?? haha just kidding:P
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I believe Chicken Shoot is the winner... hands down.
Maybe Far Cry Vengeance, Spiderman 3, or that one airplane game.
[QUOTE=''Sants412''][QUOTE=''MrDziekuje'']Chicken Shoot?[/QUOTE]Chicken Shoot.
[/QUOTE] yep
I dunno I'd have to say Wii play or Mario Party 8.
Rampala Tournament fishing.worst wii game ever?
youre a towl
spider man 3 Wiior SPongebob Kreature From The Krusty Krab
spider man 3 wii
That would be Far Cry Vengance. No contest. You shouldn't be able to walk through trees and walls... it was just bad.
Chicken Shoot?
from what I've heard far cry, rampage, and Rapala
Red Steel -- i hate that game w/ a passion.
That I've played...Pokemon Battle Revolution.
[QUOTE=''Never_Fear'']That I've played...Pokemon Battle Revolution.[/QUOTE]Okay, for me, this wasn't the WORST game on the Wii. But it WAS the biggest dissapointment since finding out that the Blue LED light on the Wii wasn't always on. With the technology and inovation that Nintendo has, there is no reason for this game to look like crap and have no depth.
Mortal Kombat Armageddon.
[QUOTE=''MrDziekuje'']Chicken Shoot?[/QUOTE]Chicken Shoot.
[QUOTE=''l8bitz'']That would be Far Cry Vengance. No contest. You shouldn't be able to walk through trees and walls... it was just bad.[/QUOTE] I liked Far Cry ... :)
i'd have to say spiderman 3its funny cause imade this same topic a few weeks ago....copier?? haha just kidding:P
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I believe Chicken Shoot is the winner... hands down.
Maybe Far Cry Vengeance, Spiderman 3, or that one airplane game.
[QUOTE=''Sants412''][QUOTE=''MrDziekuje'']Chicken Shoot?[/QUOTE]Chicken Shoot.
[/QUOTE] yep
I dunno I'd have to say Wii play or Mario Party 8.
Do I need a GC memory card to save GC ga ...
I thought I didn't as the Wii has an internal hard drive/memory (however small it may be)but I've been playing Rogue Squadron and I can't save, it says there's no memory card,so I take it I need to buy a GC memorycard,or do Ineed to change a setting on the Wii. Do I need a GC memory card to save GC ga ...
Aye, you need a memory card laddie. That's wai it's oon top.Do I need a GC memory card to save GC ga ...
OK cheers, bloody snidey trick though.
Not really tricky. I mean, the manual says it and the fact that there are mem card slots on the wii right beside the controller inputs sorta tells you that they are needed.
Yes, unfortunetely you do. They are fairly cheap, but it makes it much easier for transfering game files to your friends.
Yeah people read the manual. 99% of problems with an electronic device can be avoided if you read the manual before turning it on or setting it up.
Well, it has internal Flash memory (no Hard Drive)... but anyways...Basically what happens when the Wii plays GCN games, it effectively BECOMES a GCN. It's for this reason that it cannot use the Wii's memory while playing GCN games (it doesn't recognize the internal memory in this mode, since the GCN never had any... similar to how the PS2 couldn't recognize PS2 memory cards while playing PS1 games).
Aye, you need a memory card laddie. That's wai it's oon top.Do I need a GC memory card to save GC ga ...
OK cheers, bloody snidey trick though.
Not really tricky. I mean, the manual says it and the fact that there are mem card slots on the wii right beside the controller inputs sorta tells you that they are needed.
Yes, unfortunetely you do. They are fairly cheap, but it makes it much easier for transfering game files to your friends.
Yeah people read the manual. 99% of problems with an electronic device can be avoided if you read the manual before turning it on or setting it up.
Well, it has internal Flash memory (no Hard Drive)... but anyways...Basically what happens when the Wii plays GCN games, it effectively BECOMES a GCN. It's for this reason that it cannot use the Wii's memory while playing GCN games (it doesn't recognize the internal memory in this mode, since the GCN never had any... similar to how the PS2 couldn't recognize PS2 memory cards while playing PS1 games).
Is online free
Sorry for being so dumb. :?Is online free
yes, except for downloading VC games.Is online free
No, you have to buy a Wii Live Gold Membership and pay $60 a month.Of course its free.
Oui oui.
^^ Wow, I even know more french then you, its spelt wee wee, everyone knows that.
[QUOTE=''Ryder123'']^^ Wow, I even know more french then you, its spelt wee wee, everyone knows that.[/QUOTE]:lol:
Yeah it is! And we got such a great collection to choose from Strikers or Pokemon Battle Revolution!
[QUOTE=''suitmypants'']Yeah it is! And we got such a great collection to choose from Strikers or Pokemon Battle Revolution![/QUOTE]lol. Don't forget about Madden and NBA Live.
[QUOTE=''Sants412''][QUOTE=''suitmypants'']Yeah it is! And we got such a great collection to choose from Strikers or Pokemon Battle Revolution![/QUOTE]lol. Don't forget about Madden and NBA Live.
[/QUOTE] And Fifia.
[QUOTE=''suitmypants'']Yeah it is!And we got such a great collection to choosefrom Strikersor Pokemon Battle Revolution![/QUOTE] Baby steps baby steps. More online games are coming.
Thanks for your help.
oui oui sounds more like hey hey in japanese
technically no, u must rent or buy internet from a provider first before u can use the wii's online featuresblue eyeshadow
yes, except for downloading VC games.Is online free
No, you have to buy a Wii Live Gold Membership and pay $60 a month.Of course its free.
Oui oui.
^^ Wow, I even know more french then you, its spelt wee wee, everyone knows that.
[QUOTE=''Ryder123'']^^ Wow, I even know more french then you, its spelt wee wee, everyone knows that.[/QUOTE]:lol:
Yeah it is! And we got such a great collection to choose from Strikers or Pokemon Battle Revolution!
[QUOTE=''suitmypants'']Yeah it is! And we got such a great collection to choose from Strikers or Pokemon Battle Revolution![/QUOTE]lol. Don't forget about Madden and NBA Live.
[QUOTE=''Sants412''][QUOTE=''suitmypants'']Yeah it is! And we got such a great collection to choose from Strikers or Pokemon Battle Revolution![/QUOTE]lol. Don't forget about Madden and NBA Live.
[/QUOTE] And Fifia.
[QUOTE=''suitmypants'']Yeah it is!And we got such a great collection to choosefrom Strikersor Pokemon Battle Revolution![/QUOTE] Baby steps baby steps. More online games are coming.
Thanks for your help.
oui oui sounds more like hey hey in japanese
technically no, u must rent or buy internet from a provider first before u can use the wii's online features
Since we have import VC titles, and now ...
That means we must be getting Castlevania: Rondo of Blood! :DI don't have a PSP, and now I don't need one. :D :D :DSince we have import VC titles, and now ...
are the castlevania series any good? lol =/ but im hoping for resident evil 64 =)Since we have import VC titles, and now ...
RE2 on the N64? It was the best version, I own it.
Doubtful you will see Rondo of Blood for vc, Konami wouldn't cannabalize their own sales of the psp game.
[QUOTE=''LeonIncognito'']RE2 on the N64? It was the best version, I own it.[/QUOTE]i hope so but if we do it takes up alot of space for an n64 game (i think the highest of all of them) but i just hope nintendo gets that hard drive out or allows third party hard drives =)
I'm glad they revealing more consoles for the VC, maybe now the saturn will come eventually, although I don't see how the control scheme could work with the classic controller or the gamecube controller, maybe they're launch a sega saturn wii compatible controller when they announce them for download? hey a guy can dream right?
[QUOTE=''Prince_Denspion'']I'm glad they revealing more consoles for the VC, maybe now the saturn will come eventually, although I don't see how the control scheme could work with the classic controller or the gamecube controller, maybe they're launch a sega saturn wii compatible controller when they announce them for download? hey a guy can dream right?[/QUOTE]Actually, Saturn might be possible using the classic. Either by mapping two of the face buttons to the two Z buttons, or alternatively mapping some of the face buttons to the right analog stick (similar to what they did with the N64's C-buttons).The bigger issue is the Saturn Hardware itself. It was an absurdly difficult system to design for, and has proven even more difficult to emulate.
if saturn games were to be released on the VC the control scheme would probably be much like the genesis VC control scheme. For SEGA kids, it's kind of a ''make do'' situation.
[QUOTE=''ThePlothole''][QUOTE=''Prince_Denspion'']I'm glad they revealing more consoles for the VC, maybe now the saturn will come eventually, although I don't see how the control scheme could work with the classic controller or the gamecube controller, maybe they're launch a sega saturn wii compatible controller when they announce them for download? hey a guy can dream right?[/QUOTE]Actually, Saturn might be possible using the classic. Either by mapping two of the face buttons to the two Z buttons, or alternatively mapping some of the face buttons to the right analog stick (similar to what they did with the N64's C-buttons).The bigger issue is the Saturn Hardware itself. It was an absurdly difficult system to design for, and has proven even more difficult to emulate.[/QUOTE]Thats true but nothing will beat the confort of the saturn controller
are the castlevania series any good? lol =/ but im hoping for resident evil 64 =)Since we have import VC titles, and now ...
RE2 on the N64? It was the best version, I own it.
Doubtful you will see Rondo of Blood for vc, Konami wouldn't cannabalize their own sales of the psp game.
[QUOTE=''LeonIncognito'']RE2 on the N64? It was the best version, I own it.[/QUOTE]i hope so but if we do it takes up alot of space for an n64 game (i think the highest of all of them) but i just hope nintendo gets that hard drive out or allows third party hard drives =)
I'm glad they revealing more consoles for the VC, maybe now the saturn will come eventually, although I don't see how the control scheme could work with the classic controller or the gamecube controller, maybe they're launch a sega saturn wii compatible controller when they announce them for download? hey a guy can dream right?
[QUOTE=''Prince_Denspion'']I'm glad they revealing more consoles for the VC, maybe now the saturn will come eventually, although I don't see how the control scheme could work with the classic controller or the gamecube controller, maybe they're launch a sega saturn wii compatible controller when they announce them for download? hey a guy can dream right?[/QUOTE]Actually, Saturn might be possible using the classic. Either by mapping two of the face buttons to the two Z buttons, or alternatively mapping some of the face buttons to the right analog stick (similar to what they did with the N64's C-buttons).The bigger issue is the Saturn Hardware itself. It was an absurdly difficult system to design for, and has proven even more difficult to emulate.
if saturn games were to be released on the VC the control scheme would probably be much like the genesis VC control scheme. For SEGA kids, it's kind of a ''make do'' situation.
[QUOTE=''ThePlothole''][QUOTE=''Prince_Denspion'']I'm glad they revealing more consoles for the VC, maybe now the saturn will come eventually, although I don't see how the control scheme could work with the classic controller or the gamecube controller, maybe they're launch a sega saturn wii compatible controller when they announce them for download? hey a guy can dream right?[/QUOTE]Actually, Saturn might be possible using the classic. Either by mapping two of the face buttons to the two Z buttons, or alternatively mapping some of the face buttons to the right analog stick (similar to what they did with the N64's C-buttons).The bigger issue is the Saturn Hardware itself. It was an absurdly difficult system to design for, and has proven even more difficult to emulate.[/QUOTE]Thats true but nothing will beat the confort of the saturn controller
What do u think Bioware & pandemic a ...
I think We'll be gettting Full Spectrum Wariors from Pandemic and Jade Empire from Bioware or a new space themed RPG. And if we're Lucky Mercs. 2.
SD card problem....
I need help with this one...I bought a nintnendo certified sandisk sd card for my wii and it wont work..It says the device in the SD card slot cant be used..i downloaded all of the updates and it still says it cant be used..I took it out of the wii and put it in my computer and it works fine...So my question is that is this a common problem? Would it be the card or the wii? And how can i fix this problem? lolSD card problem....
well what r u trying to do when it says it wont work. (sand disks can easily be placed in the wrong direction)SD card problem....
You did the firmware update? Nintnendo would reveal it to be a fake. The sd card is used for the photo, moving messages to the sd card for storage, saved games for storage, vc games for archival after all if you finished the vc game how likely is it you are going to be repeatdly playing it, music for supported games such as Excite truck.
It isnt in the wrong direction.,,All im trying to do is just access it to copy saves to it
umm... if it is a nintendo sand disk i would try calling nintendo. They would know more about it than anyone on these forums.
well what r u trying to do when it says it wont work. (sand disks can easily be placed in the wrong direction)SD card problem....
You did the firmware update? Nintnendo would reveal it to be a fake. The sd card is used for the photo, moving messages to the sd card for storage, saved games for storage, vc games for archival after all if you finished the vc game how likely is it you are going to be repeatdly playing it, music for supported games such as Excite truck.
It isnt in the wrong direction.,,All im trying to do is just access it to copy saves to it
umm... if it is a nintendo sand disk i would try calling nintendo. They would know more about it than anyone on these forums.
Nw Bwii Trailer (I think)
Looks great!! Bwii Trailer (I think)
[QUOTE=''ants83'']Looks great!!
Linked.Nw Bwii Trailer (I think)
Thanks man!! I should really learn how to do that :)
[QUOTE=''ants83'']Thanks man!! I should really learn how to do that :)[/QUOTE]Quote him and you will see how.
How about;video;10?, posted yesterday.Taken from Gamespot's Nintendo's Media Summit 2007 deticated webspace:
Pft, girls and old people don't care about Battalion Wars 2. Who are you kidding, Nintendo? :P
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Mmmm sweet. Bwii Trailer (I think)
[QUOTE=''ants83'']Looks great!!
Linked.Nw Bwii Trailer (I think)
Thanks man!! I should really learn how to do that :)
[QUOTE=''ants83'']Thanks man!! I should really learn how to do that :)[/QUOTE]Quote him and you will see how.
How about;video;10?, posted yesterday.Taken from Gamespot's Nintendo's Media Summit 2007 deticated webspace:
Pft, girls and old people don't care about Battalion Wars 2. Who are you kidding, Nintendo? :P
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Mmmm sweet.
Anyone want to play me in Madden 08 righ ...
TOPIC ^^^Anyone want to play me in Madden 08 righ ...
If I had the game...:(Anyone want to play me in Madden 08 righ ...
alright thats cool... but if someone does have it, just post and we can set up a game.
alright man, im going to make a game in the east coast. you will see mattbrw08 and the password will be .... gamespot. I will make it as soon as your ready.
u still want to play ''homboi''
If I had the game...:(Anyone want to play me in Madden 08 righ ...
alright thats cool... but if someone does have it, just post and we can set up a game.
alright man, im going to make a game in the east coast. you will see mattbrw08 and the password will be .... gamespot. I will make it as soon as your ready.
u still want to play ''homboi''
If you are in the stuff for metroid prim ...
any idea ?If you are in the stuff for metroid prim ...
Their is no Metroid prime 4 because it was a trilogy, but anyway to answer your question I would do everything the same way as MP3 while making it more like MP1, higher differculty and less causel friendly.If you are in the stuff for metroid prim ...
[QUOTE=''St_muscat'']Their is no Metroid prime 4 because it was a trilogy, but anyway to answer your question I would do everything the same way as MP3 while making it more like MP1, higher differculty and less causel friendly.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like someone hasn't played Hypermode.
[QUOTE=''NECR0CHILD313''][QUOTE=''St_muscat'']Their is no Metroid prime 4 because it was a trilogy, but anyway to answer your question I would do everything the same way as MP3 while making it more like MP1, higher differculty and less causel friendly.[/QUOTE] Sounds like someone hasn't played Hypermode.[/QUOTE]what is that?
If I am in the stuff? You mean, like if they include me as a piece of scenery or a destrucable object in MP4? I don't know that I want Samus blowing my face off for a few missles or health.
there is no more ''prime'' games, the phazon trilogy is over, it is gonna be a brand new story line. We might not even get another metroid game this gen.
its the mode you get fter you beat any mode in metroid prime 3
I no their is no prime games the last one is 3
[QUOTE=''Dr_Corndog'']If I am in the stuff? You mean, like if they include me as a piece of scenery or a destrucable object in MP4? I don't know that I want Samus blowing my face off for a few missles or health.[/QUOTE] ROFL! exactly what i thought when i saw the title, like.. wtf? if i was in the game? :D
I read the topic heading like eight times and have found myself more confused each time. ''If I am in the stuff'' ...what stuff? And ''what well you do?''...what does that even mean? I'm so confused!!!:?
It's my new favorite part of my sig.What well you do...classic!
[QUOTE=''bob_newman'']It's my new favorite part of my sig.What well you do...classic![/QUOTE]nice sig newman. i must admit for all my time being here this is the most confusing thread i ever read
metroid prime 4 zero-day
I tried. I really did. But I just can't seem to figure out what this thread is about. Can anyone help me out?
[QUOTE=''Vinth''] [QUOTE=''Dr_Corndog'']If I am in the stuff? You mean, like if they include me as a piece of scenery or a destrucable object in MP4? I don't know that I want Samus blowing my face off for a few missles or health.[/QUOTE] ROFL! exactly what i thought when i saw the title, like.. wtf? if i was in the game? :D[/QUOTE] I'd be a missile
I read the title over and over again and I still don't get what ''what well you do ?'' means.
Oh...If you were somehow involved in the production of the new Metroid game, What would you do?Is that what you meant?I'll answer it anyway, I would put in more safari and less track.
[QUOTE=''Master_Saibot''] I read the title over and over again and I still don't get what ''what well you do ?'' means.
Oh...If you were somehow involved in the production of the new Metroid game, What would you do?Is that what you meant?I'll answer it anyway, I would put in more safari and less track. [/QUOTE]
cool sounds a lot like the next pokemon snap!
not any metroid game i need prime game ok
[QUOTE=''miles--prower'']not any metroid game i need prime game ok [/QUOTE] you continue to confuse
[QUOTE=''monty_4256''][QUOTE=''miles--prower'']not any metroid game i need prime game ok [/QUOTE] you continue to confuse[/QUOTE]
blue eyeshadow
Their is no Metroid prime 4 because it was a trilogy, but anyway to answer your question I would do everything the same way as MP3 while making it more like MP1, higher differculty and less causel friendly.If you are in the stuff for metroid prim ...
[QUOTE=''St_muscat'']Their is no Metroid prime 4 because it was a trilogy, but anyway to answer your question I would do everything the same way as MP3 while making it more like MP1, higher differculty and less causel friendly.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like someone hasn't played Hypermode.
[QUOTE=''NECR0CHILD313''][QUOTE=''St_muscat'']Their is no Metroid prime 4 because it was a trilogy, but anyway to answer your question I would do everything the same way as MP3 while making it more like MP1, higher differculty and less causel friendly.[/QUOTE] Sounds like someone hasn't played Hypermode.[/QUOTE]what is that?
If I am in the stuff? You mean, like if they include me as a piece of scenery or a destrucable object in MP4? I don't know that I want Samus blowing my face off for a few missles or health.
there is no more ''prime'' games, the phazon trilogy is over, it is gonna be a brand new story line. We might not even get another metroid game this gen.
its the mode you get fter you beat any mode in metroid prime 3
I no their is no prime games the last one is 3
[QUOTE=''Dr_Corndog'']If I am in the stuff? You mean, like if they include me as a piece of scenery or a destrucable object in MP4? I don't know that I want Samus blowing my face off for a few missles or health.[/QUOTE] ROFL! exactly what i thought when i saw the title, like.. wtf? if i was in the game? :D
I read the topic heading like eight times and have found myself more confused each time. ''If I am in the stuff'' ...what stuff? And ''what well you do?''...what does that even mean? I'm so confused!!!:?
It's my new favorite part of my sig.What well you do...classic!
[QUOTE=''bob_newman'']It's my new favorite part of my sig.What well you do...classic![/QUOTE]nice sig newman. i must admit for all my time being here this is the most confusing thread i ever read
metroid prime 4 zero-day
I tried. I really did. But I just can't seem to figure out what this thread is about. Can anyone help me out?
[QUOTE=''Vinth''] [QUOTE=''Dr_Corndog'']If I am in the stuff? You mean, like if they include me as a piece of scenery or a destrucable object in MP4? I don't know that I want Samus blowing my face off for a few missles or health.[/QUOTE] ROFL! exactly what i thought when i saw the title, like.. wtf? if i was in the game? :D[/QUOTE] I'd be a missile
I read the title over and over again and I still don't get what ''what well you do ?'' means.
Oh...If you were somehow involved in the production of the new Metroid game, What would you do?Is that what you meant?I'll answer it anyway, I would put in more safari and less track.
[QUOTE=''Master_Saibot''] I read the title over and over again and I still don't get what ''what well you do ?'' means.
Oh...If you were somehow involved in the production of the new Metroid game, What would you do?Is that what you meant?I'll answer it anyway, I would put in more safari and less track. [/QUOTE]
cool sounds a lot like the next pokemon snap!
not any metroid game i need prime game ok
[QUOTE=''miles--prower'']not any metroid game i need prime game ok [/QUOTE] you continue to confuse
[QUOTE=''monty_4256''][QUOTE=''miles--prower'']not any metroid game i need prime game ok [/QUOTE] you continue to confuse[/QUOTE]
did you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...
it has beautiful graphicslook at the flying aircraft on left hand side it looks awesome you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...
Look at any of the pics with water in them.did you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...
Yes i did cant wait for this game
[url][/url]I like the style, but it's nothing mind-blowing.
look at it on here, it's bigger
is it just me or are they surprisingly crisp for a wii game?
has someone finally decided to use antialiasing while in 480p?
[QUOTE=''monty_4256'']look at it on here, it's bigger
is it just me or are they surprisingly crisp for a wii game?
has someone finally decided to use antialiasing while in 480p?[/QUOTE]To me it doesn't look too different from the GC game..
Forgivable. I don't think you really remember when BW looks like. BWII is much cleaner/sharper.
Here's a comparison between BW1 and 2, just for fun:GC:
yep, just one more game on the wii that looks like the n64!! lol i was never into this game but now i will have to at least rent it
[QUOTE=''mdisen2'']Forgivable. I don't think you really remember when BW looks like. BWII is much cleaner/sharper.[/QUOTE]I actually thought the GC version looked a bit better. I take what I said in my previous post back. The GC version probably looks better in motion than in the screenshots, though, and if they made the second game for the GC too, I'm sure it would look better than the first game.
Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. Try this.[IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=''young_link511''] it has beautiful graphicslook at the flying aircraft on left hand side it looks awesome[/QUOTE]looks OK, I wouldn't say beautiful by any means.
[QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf'']Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..
Does it frikkin matter? It's Battalion Wars, it's not meant to be realistic.
[QUOTE=''Litchie''][QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf''] Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..[/QUOTE]Dude, are you serious? Just look at the water! Such awesome water...
[QUOTE=''ekalbtwin'']yep, just one more game on the wii that looks like the n64!! lol i was never into this game but now i will have to at least rent it[/QUOTE]The N64 could never render poylgons that smooth, or that far into the background.
[QUOTE=''Litchie''][QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf''] Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..[/QUOTE]Hater. Give the Wii version some credit. I'm not reallylooking foward toBWii that much myself, but I'll give it much better props in visuals compared to the GC version
The graphical upgrade from BWii to the first BW are the effects and the environments are bigger. The textures look cleaner too. It's not really about the polygons.
Cant wait for this game :D
This game makes me want to buy an HDTV. Preferrably a 50 inch+ one :P.IguessI'llsettleforfinallygettingthosecomponentcablesthough.
Look at any of the pics with water in them.did you see this pic of battalion wars 2 ...
Yes i did cant wait for this game
[url][/url]I like the style, but it's nothing mind-blowing.
look at it on here, it's bigger
is it just me or are they surprisingly crisp for a wii game?
has someone finally decided to use antialiasing while in 480p?
[QUOTE=''monty_4256'']look at it on here, it's bigger
is it just me or are they surprisingly crisp for a wii game?
has someone finally decided to use antialiasing while in 480p?[/QUOTE]To me it doesn't look too different from the GC game..
Forgivable. I don't think you really remember when BW looks like. BWII is much cleaner/sharper.
Here's a comparison between BW1 and 2, just for fun:GC:
yep, just one more game on the wii that looks like the n64!! lol i was never into this game but now i will have to at least rent it
[QUOTE=''mdisen2'']Forgivable. I don't think you really remember when BW looks like. BWII is much cleaner/sharper.[/QUOTE]I actually thought the GC version looked a bit better. I take what I said in my previous post back. The GC version probably looks better in motion than in the screenshots, though, and if they made the second game for the GC too, I'm sure it would look better than the first game.
Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. Try this.[IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=''young_link511''] it has beautiful graphicslook at the flying aircraft on left hand side it looks awesome[/QUOTE]looks OK, I wouldn't say beautiful by any means.
[QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf'']Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..
Does it frikkin matter? It's Battalion Wars, it's not meant to be realistic.
[QUOTE=''Litchie''][QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf''] Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..[/QUOTE]Dude, are you serious? Just look at the water! Such awesome water...
[QUOTE=''ekalbtwin'']yep, just one more game on the wii that looks like the n64!! lol i was never into this game but now i will have to at least rent it[/QUOTE]The N64 could never render poylgons that smooth, or that far into the background.
[QUOTE=''Litchie''][QUOTE=''jfjfjfjfjf''] Wow, good job Litchie, useing one of the oldest pics of BWii there is. [/QUOTE]I just tried to find a picture that looked as much as the GC screenshot I took. Your picture doesn't look much better..[/QUOTE]Hater. Give the Wii version some credit. I'm not reallylooking foward toBWii that much myself, but I'll give it much better props in visuals compared to the GC version
The graphical upgrade from BWii to the first BW are the effects and the environments are bigger. The textures look cleaner too. It's not really about the polygons.
Cant wait for this game :D
This game makes me want to buy an HDTV. Preferrably a 50 inch+ one :P.IguessI'llsettleforfinallygettingthosecomponentcablesthough.
Wii Update Rumours and Truths
Ok i havent updated my wii since the big 3.0U update, what's on this new 3.1U i've downloaded and what are the future updates nintendo has confirmed, im hearing something about a ds game download station via your wii and a demo channel? is this true and what's it all about? whens it happening? ANSWERS PLEASE!Wii Update Rumours and Truths
3.1 (i dont know all of the details) but it allows you to use a usb keyboard on the internet channel. You can copy and paste stuff off the inernet channel and you can now send people links as well on the internet channel.The Ds demo channel (known as the everybody nintendo channel) is coming out in november in japan along with check me out. The wii ware is coming out in march for japan. Also sonic is in brawl. and brawl has been delayed till feburary 10th. Thats all thebig newsWii Update Rumours and Truths
as far as i know 3.1 added keyboard support and allowed other apps to use a keyboard. both the internet channel and everyone votes channel have also been updated to support a for the demo channels n stuff....i have heard of a channel called wii life or something that will provide demos for DS games and also do some other stuff. i dont know if thats solid though. as for wii demos? i got nothing.
3.1 (i dont know all of the details) but it allows you to use a usb keyboard on the internet channel. You can copy and paste stuff off the inernet channel and you can now send people links as well on the internet channel.The Ds demo channel (known as the everybody nintendo channel) is coming out in november in japan along with check me out. The wii ware is coming out in march for japan. Also sonic is in brawl. and brawl has been delayed till feburary 10th. Thats all thebig newsWii Update Rumours and Truths
as far as i know 3.1 added keyboard support and allowed other apps to use a keyboard. both the internet channel and everyone votes channel have also been updated to support a for the demo channels n stuff....i have heard of a channel called wii life or something that will provide demos for DS games and also do some other stuff. i dont know if thats solid though. as for wii demos? i got nothing.
Toysrus Buy 2 games get 1 free!!
I havent seen this posted in the wii forums yet so i decided I would let people know, this week at toysrus they are running a special where you buy 2 games you get the 3rd free! This includes all video games.Toysrus Buy 2 games get 1 free!!
There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:Toysrus Buy 2 games get 1 free!!
Yeah, I heard about it. Thank you very much, anyways, though. I just picked up Mario Versus Donkey Kong 2: March Of The Minis, Yoshi's Island DS, and The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for a total of $69.69. I've played them each for an hour about. All good so far. I was expecting a little more out of Yoshi's Island DS, though.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:[/QUOTE]
i know it sucks, they conveniently did this right before all the big games start coming.
[QUOTE=''etbny22''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:[/QUOTE] i know it sucks, they conveniently did this right before all the big games start coming.[/QUOTE]Bwii, Manhunt 2, and Zack And Wiki launch two weeks from now... Those jerks!
[QUOTE=''DeathScape666''][QUOTE=''etbny22''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:[/QUOTE] i know it sucks, they conveniently did this right before all the big games start coming.[/QUOTE]Bwii, Manhunt 2, and Zack And Wiki launch two weeks from now... Those jerks![/QUOTE]
yea that would have been great to get those 3 games for the price of 2.
I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :(
Is this in canada as well?
what if you preorder?
[QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.[/QUOTE]can you try that and tell me how that works... i wonder if gamestop/ebgames is smart enough to realize that... i mean it really IS a good idea, but im afraid that gamestop is going to know that people are going to try it..
ooooh why this weeek :(
[QUOTE=''remmbermytitans''][QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.[/QUOTE]can you try that and tell me how that works... i wonder if gamestop/ebgames is smart enough to realize that... i mean it really IS a good idea, but im afraid that gamestop is going to know that people are going to try it..[/QUOTE]I do it all the time. There's really nothing to it and it's all on the up and upWhen you buy something all you're doing is buying a new, sealed copy of a game, not THEIR new and sealed copy. So you just bring back a new sealed copy to Gamestop and ask for your money back.Just another example of the power a consumer has if they're willing to do a little legwork lol
Hm...and I was planning on getting a new game this weekend.Now that is very useful information.Thank you,TC.:D
Damn this sucks. I mean it's nice that they're doing this, but no great games are coming out this week.
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''remmbermytitans''][QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.[/QUOTE]can you try that and tell me how that works... i wonder if gamestop/ebgames is smart enough to realize that... i mean it really IS a good idea, but im afraid that gamestop is going to know that people are going to try it..[/QUOTE]I do it all the time. There's really nothing to it and it's all on the up and upWhen you buy something all you're doing is buying a new, sealed copy of a game, not THEIR new and sealed copy. So you just bring back a new sealed copy to Gamestop and ask for your money back.Just another example of the power a consumer has if they're willing to do a little legwork lol[/QUOTE]Yeah, I do this all the time. I find games cheaper online all the time. Only problem is the shipping time. SO I order one online and get the game locally like at EB, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc. When the one online comes I just take that one back to the sotre, new sealed, no hassles.
so are you guys saying that we buy two games and get one free..and then ''return'' one of them to gamestop?
They don't require reciepts?
This is only in US? Would be great if it was in UK, im still yet to pick up BioShock and Halo 3. And Zelda PH.Damn, someone tell me if it is, im desperate.
[QUOTE=''CRAZYCAM_93''] This is only in US? Would be great if it was in UK, im still yet to pick up BioShock and Halo 3. And Zelda PH.Damn, someone tell me if it is, im desperate.[/QUOTE] buy it off the internet
[QUOTE=''lufaru123'']so are you guys saying that we buy two games and get one free..and then ''return'' one of them to gamestop?
They don't require reciepts?[/QUOTE]I think Jasonguy said it b/c the TC had already purchased the games at gamestop, and thus he had a receipt, so when he goes to toys r us and gets the game he wants, he has the gamestop receipt to take the wrapped one back and get his money back...But it involves having a receipt.
There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:Toysrus Buy 2 games get 1 free!!
Yeah, I heard about it. Thank you very much, anyways, though. I just picked up Mario Versus Donkey Kong 2: March Of The Minis, Yoshi's Island DS, and The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for a total of $69.69. I've played them each for an hour about. All good so far. I was expecting a little more out of Yoshi's Island DS, though.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:[/QUOTE]
i know it sucks, they conveniently did this right before all the big games start coming.
[QUOTE=''etbny22''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:[/QUOTE] i know it sucks, they conveniently did this right before all the big games start coming.[/QUOTE]Bwii, Manhunt 2, and Zack And Wiki launch two weeks from now... Those jerks!
[QUOTE=''DeathScape666''][QUOTE=''etbny22''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']There are no good games TO buy this week. :cry:[/QUOTE] i know it sucks, they conveniently did this right before all the big games start coming.[/QUOTE]Bwii, Manhunt 2, and Zack And Wiki launch two weeks from now... Those jerks![/QUOTE]
yea that would have been great to get those 3 games for the price of 2.
I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :(
Is this in canada as well?
what if you preorder?
[QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.[/QUOTE]can you try that and tell me how that works... i wonder if gamestop/ebgames is smart enough to realize that... i mean it really IS a good idea, but im afraid that gamestop is going to know that people are going to try it..
ooooh why this weeek :(
[QUOTE=''remmbermytitans''][QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.[/QUOTE]can you try that and tell me how that works... i wonder if gamestop/ebgames is smart enough to realize that... i mean it really IS a good idea, but im afraid that gamestop is going to know that people are going to try it..[/QUOTE]I do it all the time. There's really nothing to it and it's all on the up and upWhen you buy something all you're doing is buying a new, sealed copy of a game, not THEIR new and sealed copy. So you just bring back a new sealed copy to Gamestop and ask for your money back.Just another example of the power a consumer has if they're willing to do a little legwork lol
Hm...and I was planning on getting a new game this weekend.Now that is very useful information.Thank you,TC.:D
Damn this sucks. I mean it's nice that they're doing this, but no great games are coming out this week.
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''remmbermytitans''][QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''Jehovanny'']I was quite sad when I found out about this yesterday. Why you ask? Because on Friday I went to Gamestop to buy Super Paper Mario and a copy of Bioshock for my neighbor. If only I had known about this I couldve got another game for free :([/QUOTE]So?Go to Toys R Us and buy Super Paper Mario and Bioshock and get your free game then bring the sealed games back to Gamestop (what are you doing buying games there anyway?) and get your money back.Problem solved.[/QUOTE]can you try that and tell me how that works... i wonder if gamestop/ebgames is smart enough to realize that... i mean it really IS a good idea, but im afraid that gamestop is going to know that people are going to try it..[/QUOTE]I do it all the time. There's really nothing to it and it's all on the up and upWhen you buy something all you're doing is buying a new, sealed copy of a game, not THEIR new and sealed copy. So you just bring back a new sealed copy to Gamestop and ask for your money back.Just another example of the power a consumer has if they're willing to do a little legwork lol[/QUOTE]Yeah, I do this all the time. I find games cheaper online all the time. Only problem is the shipping time. SO I order one online and get the game locally like at EB, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc. When the one online comes I just take that one back to the sotre, new sealed, no hassles.
so are you guys saying that we buy two games and get one free..and then ''return'' one of them to gamestop?
They don't require reciepts?
This is only in US? Would be great if it was in UK, im still yet to pick up BioShock and Halo 3. And Zelda PH.Damn, someone tell me if it is, im desperate.
[QUOTE=''CRAZYCAM_93''] This is only in US? Would be great if it was in UK, im still yet to pick up BioShock and Halo 3. And Zelda PH.Damn, someone tell me if it is, im desperate.[/QUOTE] buy it off the internet
[QUOTE=''lufaru123'']so are you guys saying that we buy two games and get one free..and then ''return'' one of them to gamestop?
They don't require reciepts?[/QUOTE]I think Jasonguy said it b/c the TC had already purchased the games at gamestop, and thus he had a receipt, so when he goes to toys r us and gets the game he wants, he has the gamestop receipt to take the wrapped one back and get his money back...But it involves having a receipt.
Battalion Wars II AD!
I just saw one at the top of the gamespot forums, when you are in a topic!OMG NINTENDO CARES!Battalion Wars II AD!
[QUOTE=''ken_drummer'']I just saw one at the top of the gamespot forums, when you are in a topic!OMG NINTENDO CARES![/QUOTE]Aaahhh!!! Hahaha I saw it when I opened this thread! lolBattalion Wars II AD!
umm what?
I saw it 1 to 2 days ago :P
the ad is on top of this fourm on my computer right now
It's there now :P
ahh there it is!!
there it is!!
It's there!
Is it there? Yes!
[QUOTE=''ken_drummer'']I just saw one at the top of the gamespot forums, when you are in a topic!OMG NINTENDO CARES![/QUOTE]Aaahhh!!! Hahaha I saw it when I opened this thread! lolBattalion Wars II AD!
umm what?
I saw it 1 to 2 days ago :P
the ad is on top of this fourm on my computer right now
It's there now :P
ahh there it is!!
there it is!!
It's there!
Is it there? Yes! Not Working?
Is it only for me? Not Working?
[QUOTE=''ken_drummer'']Is it only for me?[/QUOTE] No, it's happening to me to. :? What the hell is going on? I LOVE that site! It's my one stop shop for all Nintendo news. Not Working?
yea i thought it was just for me
Doesn't work for me either.
i was on my wii when i go to go nintendo an dint work.i going check on the computer.
Hasn't been working for me all day.
[QUOTE=''ken_drummer'']Is it only for me?[/QUOTE] No, it's happening to me to. :? What the hell is going on? I LOVE that site! It's my one stop shop for all Nintendo news. Not Working?
yea i thought it was just for me
Doesn't work for me either.
i was on my wii when i go to go nintendo an dint work.i going check on the computer.
Hasn't been working for me all day.
battalion wars 2 supports up to 16 playe ...
go to 1up's preview, awesome! although ign sounded bored, and ign has somecrazy nintendo fanboysbattalion wars 2 supports up to 16 playe ...
No it doesn't I don't even need to look there to know that's wrong.battalion wars 2 supports up to 16 playe ...
I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''[/QUOTE]
:lol:. Sorry TC, your dreams are crushed :(
[QUOTE=''Haziqonfire''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''[/QUOTE]
:lol:. Sorry TC, your dreams are crushed :(
[/QUOTE]He's not the only one.
[QUOTE=''nintendofreak_2''][QUOTE=''Haziqonfire''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''[/QUOTE]
:lol:. Sorry TC, your dreams are crushed :(
[/QUOTE]He's not the only one.[/QUOTE] :lol:! Sorry. :oops:
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']:lol:! Sorry. :oops:[/QUOTE]Well I had only thought it could support around 4 players, but I saw this and then was shot down. The following was my reasction:
Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age.
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.
16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....Did you mean read through the thread? And are you trying to say Nintendo is still in the stone age?
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.[/QUOTE] So that's all you do when posting is read the topic title? No wonder your post doesn't make sense in context of what has been said.
[QUOTE=''Sants412'']16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.[/QUOTE] lol Bwii looks lame arent i right duckman
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.[/QUOTE] So that's all you do when posting is read the topic title? No wonder your post doesn't make sense in context of what has been said.[/QUOTE]My post makes perfect sense. If you lack the intelligence to see that I suggest you stop replying to my post.
[QUOTE=''musicman748''] [QUOTE=''Sants412'']16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.[/QUOTE] lol Bwii looks lame arent i right duckman[/QUOTE] You couldn't be more wrong musicman. :)
[QUOTE=''musicman748''][QUOTE=''Sants412'']16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.[/QUOTE] lol Bwii looks lame arent i right duckman[/QUOTE]This game does look lame. I really don't get why people are so OMG about it.
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.[/QUOTE] So that's all you do when posting is read the topic title? No wonder your post doesn't make sense in context of what has been said.[/QUOTE]My post makes perfect sense. If you lack the intelligence to see that I suggest you stop replying to my post.
[/QUOTE] Explaing how the above post makes any sense eyeshadow
No it doesn't I don't even need to look there to know that's wrong.battalion wars 2 supports up to 16 playe ...
I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''[/QUOTE]
:lol:. Sorry TC, your dreams are crushed :(
[QUOTE=''Haziqonfire''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''[/QUOTE]
:lol:. Sorry TC, your dreams are crushed :(
[/QUOTE]He's not the only one.
[QUOTE=''nintendofreak_2''][QUOTE=''Haziqonfire''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] I just read it anyway and this is what it says ''SCREENS: 16 multiplayer maps will be available in Battalion Wars 2 for online play.''[/QUOTE]
:lol:. Sorry TC, your dreams are crushed :(
[/QUOTE]He's not the only one.[/QUOTE] :lol:! Sorry. :oops:
[QUOTE=''Duckman5'']:lol:! Sorry. :oops:[/QUOTE]Well I had only thought it could support around 4 players, but I saw this and then was shot down. The following was my reasction:
Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age.
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.
16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....Did you mean read through the thread? And are you trying to say Nintendo is still in the stone age?
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.[/QUOTE] So that's all you do when posting is read the topic title? No wonder your post doesn't make sense in context of what has been said.
[QUOTE=''Sants412'']16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.[/QUOTE] lol Bwii looks lame arent i right duckman
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.[/QUOTE] So that's all you do when posting is read the topic title? No wonder your post doesn't make sense in context of what has been said.[/QUOTE]My post makes perfect sense. If you lack the intelligence to see that I suggest you stop replying to my post.
[QUOTE=''musicman748''] [QUOTE=''Sants412'']16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.[/QUOTE] lol Bwii looks lame arent i right duckman[/QUOTE] You couldn't be more wrong musicman. :)
[QUOTE=''musicman748''][QUOTE=''Sants412'']16 players? Man for a second I thought I was actually going to get this game.[/QUOTE] lol Bwii looks lame arent i right duckman[/QUOTE]This game does look lame. I really don't get why people are so OMG about it.
[QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''bunchofpixels''][QUOTE=''Duckman5''] [QUOTE=''bunchofpixels'']Its good to see Nintendo getting out of the stone age. [/QUOTE] Read through the topic speedy.[/QUOTE]I did. ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....
[/QUOTE] Read through the TOPIC again speedy.[/QUOTE]The topic is ''battion wars 2 supports up to 16 players''....The topic is not the same as the thread. Damn kids.[/QUOTE] So that's all you do when posting is read the topic title? No wonder your post doesn't make sense in context of what has been said.[/QUOTE]My post makes perfect sense. If you lack the intelligence to see that I suggest you stop replying to my post.
[/QUOTE] Explaing how the above post makes any sense then.
Dancing with the stars.. anyone?
hellow.... this game is suppos eto be out on Oct 30.. taht is in 2 weeks.. But i do not see any shots, clips, info about gameplay.. nothing/.... so the release date is wrong? or we do not have any info...I look in here, in 1up, and ign... :?ThxDancing with the stars.. anyone?
There have been trailers posted at several sites. with the stars.. anyone?
I didn't even know this game existed... I wonder if it'll be as popular as the show? :P
I'd like to see a LOST
thx... :)i always forget to check gametrailer :)scars
There have been trailers posted at several sites. with the stars.. anyone?
I didn't even know this game existed... I wonder if it'll be as popular as the show? :P
I'd like to see a LOST
thx... :)i always forget to check gametrailer :)
Canadian Wii owners: did you get a msg a ...
I don't leave WiiConnect24 on, because I seem to have to turn off my McAfee firewall to get my Wii online, and since I don't like doing that, I just turn it off long enough to get online, buy the game I want, and get back offline. But a day or two after I heard about those free Wiimote things Nintendo was giving away, I turned WiiConnect 24 online for a few minutes, and didn't get any messages. Did anyone else? Canadian Wii owners: did you get a msg a ...
I did. it said basicially to go to and there will be a place where you can order them. Also they updated the wii with version 3.1 so to get that go to the wii options and say update. and it will download the new version for you.Canadian Wii owners: did you get a msg a ...
I did.
No... but my Wii is not connected to the internet so...
Yeah, I did about 2 weeks ago. Also, here's another ''Canadian Wii owners'' Announcement:I was at the mall (I live in Vancouver) and HMV had a sign that said ''Wii's in stock'' as well as ''New price'' for $169.99Just thought I'd let peeps know.
I had this message last week before I downloaded Sin %26 Punishment and Super Mario Bros Lost Levels.
Yeah I got that message about maybe a week or two ago.
I dont like the idea of giving my phone number to Nintendo though.. the last thing I need is someone that isn't me answering a call from them...
Yep, i remember deleting it.
Sure did... ordered 4 for my Wii. Go Canada!
Yep and I ordered 4 of them
ordered 4
I did not get the notice and when i try to order them it says that i already ordered to many... Nintendo is screwing canada!
i'm in the u.s and didn't get a message.
i did but i didnt order them, they dont seem to have any added benefit and look uncomfortable
[QUOTE=''dese1'']i did but i didnt order them, they dont seem to have any added benefit and look uncomfortable[/QUOTE] Who cares? there free
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''themagicbum9720'']i'm in the u.s and didn't get a message.[/QUOTE] we all voted in the everybody votes channel not to let you have the message. everybody pwnzorz themagicbum9720
I did. it said basicially to go to and there will be a place where you can order them. Also they updated the wii with version 3.1 so to get that go to the wii options and say update. and it will download the new version for you.Canadian Wii owners: did you get a msg a ...
I did.
No... but my Wii is not connected to the internet so...
Yeah, I did about 2 weeks ago. Also, here's another ''Canadian Wii owners'' Announcement:I was at the mall (I live in Vancouver) and HMV had a sign that said ''Wii's in stock'' as well as ''New price'' for $169.99Just thought I'd let peeps know.
I had this message last week before I downloaded Sin %26 Punishment and Super Mario Bros Lost Levels.
Yeah I got that message about maybe a week or two ago.
I dont like the idea of giving my phone number to Nintendo though.. the last thing I need is someone that isn't me answering a call from them...
Yep, i remember deleting it.
Sure did... ordered 4 for my Wii. Go Canada!
Yep and I ordered 4 of them
ordered 4
I did not get the notice and when i try to order them it says that i already ordered to many... Nintendo is screwing canada!
i'm in the u.s and didn't get a message.
i did but i didnt order them, they dont seem to have any added benefit and look uncomfortable
[QUOTE=''dese1'']i did but i didnt order them, they dont seem to have any added benefit and look uncomfortable[/QUOTE] Who cares? there free
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''themagicbum9720'']i'm in the u.s and didn't get a message.[/QUOTE] we all voted in the everybody votes channel not to let you have the message. everybody pwnzorz themagicbum9720
Zombie games?
Is anyone else out there just craving a zombie game for the Wii? I know most of you are going to say RE4, but I want something like Dead Rising where you can run around randomly decapitating zombies with motion controls.Does anyone else have thiszombie blood lustor just me.Zombie games?
I was not planning to mention Resident Evil 4, because it doens't have zombies in it. I'm just saying.I don't know of any Wii games where you run around decapitating zombies with motion controls.Zombie games?
yes i want one soooooooo bad :cry:
same here, though im sure umbrella chronicles will quench my thirst:D
I'm glad others feel the same way.
Yeah. I have a bloodlust building inside me as well. No blood in MP3 didn't help.
UMBRELLA CHRONICLES. Blood, Zombies, No more puzzles from the previous games, insane boss fights, and possibly the best graphics on the wii besides Galaxy.Wii Zapper FTW.
[QUOTE=''meetuatdepub'']UMBRELLA CHRONICLES. Blood, Zombies, No more puzzles from the previous games, insane boss fights, and possibly the best graphics on the wii besides Galaxy.Wii Zapper FTW.[/QUOTE]Actually the correct term is ''ganados'' (if i spelled that right) they get offended when you call them zombis. :P
[QUOTE=''rjs927''][QUOTE=''meetuatdepub'']UMBRELLA CHRONICLES. Blood, Zombies, No more puzzles from the previous games, insane boss fights, and possibly the best graphics on the wii besides Galaxy.Wii Zapper FTW.[/QUOTE]Actually the correct term is ''ganados'' (if i spelled that right) they get offended when you call them zombis. :P[/QUOTE] You're thinking of RE4. Umbrella Chronicles is based on the old games, and thus has zombies.
zombie massacre doesn'y seem all that great, i wish they woulda made a resident evil fps but like not on rails or it woulda been awsome if they made it like re 4. now i want resi 5 :cry:
[QUOTE=''xxxBravo_3xxx'']yes i want one soooooooo bad :cry:[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=''xxxBravo_3xxx'']zombie massacre doesn'y seem all that great, i wish they woulda made a resident evil fps but like not on rails or it woulda been awsome if they made it like re 4. now i want resi 5 :cry:[/QUOTE]
yup. ive always wanted to play dead rising so i hope they bring something like it
I was not planning to mention Resident Evil 4, because it doens't have zombies in it. I'm just saying.I don't know of any Wii games where you run around decapitating zombies with motion controls.Zombie games?
yes i want one soooooooo bad :cry:
same here, though im sure umbrella chronicles will quench my thirst:D
I'm glad others feel the same way.
Yeah. I have a bloodlust building inside me as well. No blood in MP3 didn't help.
UMBRELLA CHRONICLES. Blood, Zombies, No more puzzles from the previous games, insane boss fights, and possibly the best graphics on the wii besides Galaxy.Wii Zapper FTW.
[QUOTE=''meetuatdepub'']UMBRELLA CHRONICLES. Blood, Zombies, No more puzzles from the previous games, insane boss fights, and possibly the best graphics on the wii besides Galaxy.Wii Zapper FTW.[/QUOTE]Actually the correct term is ''ganados'' (if i spelled that right) they get offended when you call them zombis. :P
[QUOTE=''rjs927''][QUOTE=''meetuatdepub'']UMBRELLA CHRONICLES. Blood, Zombies, No more puzzles from the previous games, insane boss fights, and possibly the best graphics on the wii besides Galaxy.Wii Zapper FTW.[/QUOTE]Actually the correct term is ''ganados'' (if i spelled that right) they get offended when you call them zombis. :P[/QUOTE] You're thinking of RE4. Umbrella Chronicles is based on the old games, and thus has zombies.
zombie massacre doesn'y seem all that great, i wish they woulda made a resident evil fps but like not on rails or it woulda been awsome if they made it like re 4. now i want resi 5 :cry:
[QUOTE=''xxxBravo_3xxx'']yes i want one soooooooo bad :cry:[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=''xxxBravo_3xxx'']zombie massacre doesn'y seem all that great, i wish they woulda made a resident evil fps but like not on rails or it woulda been awsome if they made it like re 4. now i want resi 5 :cry:[/QUOTE]
yup. ive always wanted to play dead rising so i hope they bring something like it
Super Mario Galaxy Launch Center ,what d ...
what do you guys think of gamespots super mario galaxy launch centerlink seems cool to mii why didnt they do this to MP3thisis only wii game Jeff plans to buy so it might get a good scoreSuper Mario Galaxy Launch Center ,what d ...
Seems like GS love the game a lot.Super Mario Galaxy Launch Center ,what d ...
Yeah maybe we'll get a fair review for this game.
[QUOTE=''m_machine024'']Seems like GS love the game a lot.[/QUOTE]GS loving a wii game! :o
It seems so. I hope they really do justice to the game >_>Great game, looks very nice xD
I'm honestly expecting 10s from people.
SMG is looking up to be the best Wii game of the year.
People are definitely going to give it 10s somewhere. I expect 9.3-9.7 from GS, but that's a pretty huge range.
[QUOTE=''m_machine024'']Seems like GS love the game a lot.[/QUOTE]Not as much as other games, why isn't there a marathon or a live event for it like there were for some ''other'' games. Madden had one, as did Halo 3 I believe. Does madden really deserve its own launch event when there is one every year? Theres only a mario platformer maybe once ever generation.[QUOTE=''Arkthemaniac'']People are definitely going to give it 10s somewhere. I expect 9.3-9.7 from GS, but that's a pretty huge range.[/QUOTE]It can only get a 9, 9.5 or 10 from gamespot
GOTY no doubt
it's an evil ploy by anti-nintendo (aka gamespot) to make a supposedly special launch center for the game, then slap the game in the face with a 6.5 rating to annoy you pro-nintendo players.
It's a launch center......not much else to say. :?
Phantom Hourglass had one, and that's pretty amazing seeing as how its a handheld game. It's not much at all really, they don't even have anything scheduled yet so whats the point of having it so soon?
[QUOTE=''edd678''] [QUOTE=''m_machine024'']Seems like GS love the game a lot.[/QUOTE]GS loving a wii game! :o[/QUOTE]WHAT!? Impossible!
Seems like GS love the game a lot.Super Mario Galaxy Launch Center ,what d ...
Yeah maybe we'll get a fair review for this game.
[QUOTE=''m_machine024'']Seems like GS love the game a lot.[/QUOTE]GS loving a wii game! :o
It seems so. I hope they really do justice to the game >_>Great game, looks very nice xD
I'm honestly expecting 10s from people.
SMG is looking up to be the best Wii game of the year.
People are definitely going to give it 10s somewhere. I expect 9.3-9.7 from GS, but that's a pretty huge range.
[QUOTE=''m_machine024'']Seems like GS love the game a lot.[/QUOTE]Not as much as other games, why isn't there a marathon or a live event for it like there were for some ''other'' games. Madden had one, as did Halo 3 I believe. Does madden really deserve its own launch event when there is one every year? Theres only a mario platformer maybe once ever generation.[QUOTE=''Arkthemaniac'']People are definitely going to give it 10s somewhere. I expect 9.3-9.7 from GS, but that's a pretty huge range.[/QUOTE]It can only get a 9, 9.5 or 10 from gamespot
GOTY no doubt
it's an evil ploy by anti-nintendo (aka gamespot) to make a supposedly special launch center for the game, then slap the game in the face with a 6.5 rating to annoy you pro-nintendo players.
It's a launch center......not much else to say. :?
Phantom Hourglass had one, and that's pretty amazing seeing as how its a handheld game. It's not much at all really, they don't even have anything scheduled yet so whats the point of having it so soon?
[QUOTE=''edd678''] [QUOTE=''m_machine024'']Seems like GS love the game a lot.[/QUOTE]GS loving a wii game! :o[/QUOTE]WHAT!? Impossible!
If they add this to minigames would you ...
If they add online to it would it make they game have more replayibility. I know most of you are tired of minigames but would this little option make you appreciate it a little more or still ignore every minigame for the WiiIf they add this to minigames would you ...
I don't like the idea of an entire game of mini games. Just not my type of game, online or not.If they add this to minigames would you ...
[QUOTE=''dgbeard45'']I don't like the idea of an entire game of mini games. Just not my type of game, online or not.[/QUOTE]My thoughts exactly.
I'd actually appreciate mario Party online
ugh i just its me i had this idea because of mario party ds and if it had online i would camp for it but know i feel like an outcast
carnival games online would be a nice addition as well,maybe games like raving rabbits with online aspects would be good as well. one game i wish had some online parts would be Brunswick Pro Bowling for posting scores and things like that.
actually no to tell you the truth. minigames can last quite a while in the eyes of younger kids, but to ages 13+ i think people would start to have a slowly detiorating feeling and you can waste your time playing an actual game meant for online. I would much rather have something like bwii rather than mario party 8 or carnival games.
[QUOTE=''Knuckleball93'']I'd actually appreciate mario Party online[/QUOTE] same. if they add online to the next mario party i will concider getting it
I don't like the idea of an entire game of mini games. Just not my type of game, online or not.If they add this to minigames would you ...
[QUOTE=''dgbeard45'']I don't like the idea of an entire game of mini games. Just not my type of game, online or not.[/QUOTE]My thoughts exactly.
I'd actually appreciate mario Party online
ugh i just its me i had this idea because of mario party ds and if it had online i would camp for it but know i feel like an outcast
carnival games online would be a nice addition as well,maybe games like raving rabbits with online aspects would be good as well. one game i wish had some online parts would be Brunswick Pro Bowling for posting scores and things like that.
actually no to tell you the truth. minigames can last quite a while in the eyes of younger kids, but to ages 13+ i think people would start to have a slowly detiorating feeling and you can waste your time playing an actual game meant for online. I would much rather have something like bwii rather than mario party 8 or carnival games.
[QUOTE=''Knuckleball93'']I'd actually appreciate mario Party online[/QUOTE] same. if they add online to the next mario party i will concider getting it
Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Is anyone getting it. I warn you, I pwn.i mostly excited about online play, tis one of the few games im good ator am Iim at the rate where i can beat very hard ss4 vegeta,ss4 goku and ss4 gogeta at the same time,is that good(on very hard)Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] Is anyone getting it. I warn you, I pwn.i mostly excited about online play, tis one of the few games im good ator am Iim at the rate where i can beat very hard ss4 vegeta,ss4 goku and ss4 gogeta at the same time,is that good(on very hard)[/QUOTE] im getting it. and i dont know if its good because i never had 2. but i played it at my friends house and it was soo much fun and im defienatly picking up 3. But as for me playing online i will proboaly want to beat 1p mode first so i can get good at the fighting then go online.Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
is 2 good? and is it hard?
2 is fantastic and nearly impossible on hardbut you should wait for 3edit: its nearly impossible to get 100%....becuase of the hidden missionsim on the one its raditz vs not gonna take the time to upgrade him..not worth it
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] 2 is fantastic and nearly impossible on hardbut you should wait for 3[/QUOTE] UM lol Are you sure... i thought it was easy and that the first 1 was ver hard on hard
Numeber 2 was way to easy. I hope they make the next one hard. I am getting it and will go online
The online is laggy at least that's what I hear but I'm still getting it.
Im getting it!!! Cant wait to dominate everybody with piccolo!!!!!
I am getting it but Im mad that they still wont fix some things. Like making 4 different characters for each Vegeta and Goku when they could all be put into one character just as different transformations.I hope they tighten the screws and make this game really good. Even though these games have petty mistakes that should not be there the games are so fun.
I doubt you're as good as you think. I thought I was good after I beat it 100%, but then I started playing competitively against my friend who is very good. Now I'm multitudes ahead ofwhere I was.
The problem with 2 was there were some characters that if exploited for there unfair moves could not be beaten. My mate is only good with those characters.He beat the crap out of me with Hercule by using his special non stop and then charging and then repeating. Of course these characters might need to have moves like that to make the single player possible but when multiplayer comes into play i hate it so much.Thats my problem with 2 i hope 3 has a better balance, although i doubt it with all those characters. BABY VEGETA''S FIGER BLAST, most annoying move of all.However, im definatly getting 3.
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] Is anyone getting it. I warn you, I pwn.i mostly excited about online play, tis one of the few games im good ator am Iim at the rate where i can beat very hard ss4 vegeta,ss4 goku and ss4 gogeta at the same time,is that good(on very hard)[/QUOTE] im getting it. and i dont know if its good because i never had 2. but i played it at my friends house and it was soo much fun and im defienatly picking up 3. But as for me playing online i will proboaly want to beat 1p mode first so i can get good at the fighting then go online.Dragon BalZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
is 2 good? and is it hard?
2 is fantastic and nearly impossible on hardbut you should wait for 3edit: its nearly impossible to get 100%....becuase of the hidden missionsim on the one its raditz vs not gonna take the time to upgrade him..not worth it
[QUOTE=''blingchu55''] 2 is fantastic and nearly impossible on hardbut you should wait for 3[/QUOTE] UM lol Are you sure... i thought it was easy and that the first 1 was ver hard on hard
Numeber 2 was way to easy. I hope they make the next one hard. I am getting it and will go online
The online is laggy at least that's what I hear but I'm still getting it.
Im getting it!!! Cant wait to dominate everybody with piccolo!!!!!
I am getting it but Im mad that they still wont fix some things. Like making 4 different characters for each Vegeta and Goku when they could all be put into one character just as different transformations.I hope they tighten the screws and make this game really good. Even though these games have petty mistakes that should not be there the games are so fun.
I doubt you're as good as you think. I thought I was good after I beat it 100%, but then I started playing competitively against my friend who is very good. Now I'm multitudes ahead ofwhere I was.
The problem with 2 was there were some characters that if exploited for there unfair moves could not be beaten. My mate is only good with those characters.He beat the crap out of me with Hercule by using his special non stop and then charging and then repeating. Of course these characters might need to have moves like that to make the single player possible but when multiplayer comes into play i hate it so much.Thats my problem with 2 i hope 3 has a better balance, although i doubt it with all those characters. BABY VEGETA''S FIGER BLAST, most annoying move of all.However, im definatly getting 3.
less than 4 weeks who is excited about m ...
i wasnt too excited until i saw the video feature on ign now im pumped for the game i really want it but right now im playing crash bandicoot and im getting through it pretty fast i don't think its gonna last me 4 weeks :cry:less than 4 weeks who is excited about m ...
i feel your pain no way a game can last me 4 weeks but at least less than a month till we get SMGless than 4 weeks who is excited about m ...
i can't wait for mario, but games like manhaunt and fire emblem will tie me overuntil then.
not me
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
ME, i can't wait to play this title, since i saw this last videos in IGN and GameSpot, Mario Galaxy really hit me, i guess this is gonna be my next game.
nah...galaxy ain't nothin special...I might get FFt PSP soon...or sumthin else...MHF2 has had me hooked for over a month now!!...still havn't gotten arountd to beating crono trigger on PS1...maybe next week lol
I'm hoping i have the money in time.
I can't wait either man.
I am but sadly I won't have enough money cause I'm gonna see Led Zeplica. They better be good or else I'm coming after them Personally.
i am, i just wanna see how it turns out
I'm uber excited, this game stirs up way more in me than any other next gen title coming out soon.
I'm getting Naruto next week, and Manhunt 2 after that. Those should hold me over until Galaxy.
im excited for GH3!
Me for sure.
I am extremely excited for this game. Been waiting for a good wii game for awhile now. Glad im getting another mario game. I admit that i did like mario sunshine so this one should be great.
Deffo. Looks like an amazingly creative game, and slick, too.
i feel your pain no way a game can last me 4 weeks but at least less than a month till we get SMGless than 4 weeks who is excited about m ...
i can't wait for mario, but games like manhaunt and fire emblem will tie me overuntil then.
not me
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
ME, i can't wait to play this title, since i saw this last videos in IGN and GameSpot, Mario Galaxy really hit me, i guess this is gonna be my next game.
nah...galaxy ain't nothin special...I might get FFt PSP soon...or sumthin else...MHF2 has had me hooked for over a month now!!...still havn't gotten arountd to beating crono trigger on PS1...maybe next week lol
I'm hoping i have the money in time.
I can't wait either man.
I am but sadly I won't have enough money cause I'm gonna see Led Zeplica. They better be good or else I'm coming after them Personally.
i am, i just wanna see how it turns out
I'm uber excited, this game stirs up way more in me than any other next gen title coming out soon.
I'm getting Naruto next week, and Manhunt 2 after that. Those should hold me over until Galaxy.
im excited for GH3!
Me for sure.
I am extremely excited for this game. Been waiting for a good wii game for awhile now. Glad im getting another mario game. I admit that i did like mario sunshine so this one should be great.
Deffo. Looks like an amazingly creative game, and slick, too.
Give Bleach a chance?
I am looking for a fighter and wondering if I should give Bleach a chance for the Wii? Anybody have hands on expierence with the game and what they think of it. Mainly looking for a good groupof fighters that have a vast aray of different specialties between them and tight controls.Give Bleach a chance?
AI sucks onnormalas is typical in fighting games but battles between people are considered quite good. It does have an interesting cell shaded visual style and lots of stuff to unlock. So if you like Bleach by all means by it. It's 39.99 in a lot of stores. It's part of the buy 2 get 1 free toy's r us deal and you can do the deal online if you live in the states. Give Bleach a chance?
go for can be a fun fast paced sword fighting game. I've only managed to beat it with one character so far haha
have not played the game but i love the anime series so i also have some interest in it
All-we-are-say-ing, is-give-bleach-a-chance. All-we-are-say-ing, is-give-bleach-a-chance.
Yes if your only into the anime series and some quick fighting
I have been thinking of giving it a shot, though I already have DBZ and it wasn't that hot.
i guess
I didn't play it yet but it looks good i say go for it.
I thought Bleach DS Souten ni Kakeru Unmei, and Bleach DS 2nd Kokui Hirameku Reqiuem, games were better than this one. You can rent it though.
[QUOTE=''Warfust'']I have been thinking of giving it a shot, though I already have DBZ and it wasn't that hot.[/QUOTE]DBZ BT2 is awesome.
I'm a huge Bleach fan, and I think the games look fun, however I dont think that the games so far have done alot of justice into capturing the series.
Yeah. Definitely give it a chance. It's a really fun game, and having friends come over and swing that Wii remote around like a real sword is REALLY funny. :D
Im looking forward to naruto actually, but i have seen this game and i too was wondering if its worth it. But if it has any comparison to naruto then whats the point right? I mean same fighting style and everything...
I've never played this game but from what I know about games that are based on shows they don't tend to be great as games that aren't based on shows. So basically I wouldn't get it but I would RENT it and see if its any good, but thats just me.
i hate bleach, it just f***ed up my sweatshirt earlier todayoh...are we talking about video games?
Thanks for the comments, I will probably rent it or if I find it below $40 I might buy it.
awesome game! good controls, good gameplay, good characters, and decent visuals. It's also 2x as fun with a friend to play.
39.99 last time I looked and it's part of the toy's r us buy 2 get 1 free game deal.
I would definately pick this up if I didn't have all my money tied up in Zack and Wiki, Fire Emblem, SMG, and RE:UC but eventually it will be mine
AI sucks onnormalas is typical in fighting games but battles between people are considered quite good. It does have an interesting cell shaded visual style and lots of stuff to unlock. So if you like Bleach by all means by it. It's 39.99 in a lot of stores. It's part of the buy 2 get 1 free toy's r us deal and you can do the deal online if you live in the states. Give Bleach a chance?
go for can be a fun fast paced sword fighting game. I've only managed to beat it with one character so far haha
have not played the game but i love the anime series so i also have some interest in it
All-we-are-say-ing, is-give-bleach-a-chance. All-we-are-say-ing, is-give-bleach-a-chance.
Yes if your only into the anime series and some quick fighting
I have been thinking of giving it a shot, though I already have DBZ and it wasn't that hot.
i guess
I didn't play it yet but it looks good i say go for it.
I thought Bleach DS Souten ni Kakeru Unmei, and Bleach DS 2nd Kokui Hirameku Reqiuem, games were better than this one. You can rent it though.
[QUOTE=''Warfust'']I have been thinking of giving it a shot, though I already have DBZ and it wasn't that hot.[/QUOTE]DBZ BT2 is awesome.
I'm a huge Bleach fan, and I think the games look fun, however I dont think that the games so far have done alot of justice into capturing the series.
Yeah. Definitely give it a chance. It's a really fun game, and having friends come over and swing that Wii remote around like a real sword is REALLY funny. :D
Im looking forward to naruto actually, but i have seen this game and i too was wondering if its worth it. But if it has any comparison to naruto then whats the point right? I mean same fighting style and everything...
I've never played this game but from what I know about games that are based on shows they don't tend to be great as games that aren't based on shows. So basically I wouldn't get it but I would RENT it and see if its any good, but thats just me.
i hate bleach, it just f***ed up my sweatshirt earlier todayoh...are we talking about video games?
Thanks for the comments, I will probably rent it or if I find it below $40 I might buy it.
awesome game! good controls, good gameplay, good characters, and decent visuals. It's also 2x as fun with a friend to play.
39.99 last time I looked and it's part of the toy's r us buy 2 get 1 free game deal.
I would definately pick this up if I didn't have all my money tied up in Zack and Wiki, Fire Emblem, SMG, and RE:UC but eventually it will be mine
Anyone get their control grips shipped y ...
Topic^^^ but just wondering if anyone has gotten the confirmation email yet? I personally just ordered them like 2 days ago and i dont expect to get them for a while.Anyone get their control grips shipped y ...
I got the confirm email, but not the grips yet.Anyone get their control grips shipped y ...
I checked a little while ago and it said they sent them.
Its stupid i live in Australia so i had to call up and order them i cant order online.
i received my order today i got two, but they didn't send me the wrist straps i told them to get me. Oh well, i think it will come in another piece of packaging. My first impression was that the grip is really good, but the most annoying thing about it is that the cover covers the power button! and i'm like what the fat??? How could they miss that
I only filled out the form on-line the other night still no confirmation email yet, but I live in the UK so I'll no doubt be longer waiting.
The form on their website to check the status of your order wasn't working when I tried, but I'm expecting it probably monday at the earliest.
The original Nintendo email said shipments of the grips would start October 15, so people will probably start seeing them next week.
Didn't received shipping confirmation but sure soon.
I got the confirm email, but not the grips yet.Anyone get their control grips shipped y ...
I checked a little while ago and it said they sent them.
Its stupid i live in Australia so i had to call up and order them i cant order online.
i received my order today i got two, but they didn't send me the wrist straps i told them to get me. Oh well, i think it will come in another piece of packaging. My first impression was that the grip is really good, but the most annoying thing about it is that the cover covers the power button! and i'm like what the fat??? How could they miss that
I only filled out the form on-line the other night still no confirmation email yet, but I live in the UK so I'll no doubt be longer waiting.
The form on their website to check the status of your order wasn't working when I tried, but I'm expecting it probably monday at the earliest.
The original Nintendo email said shipments of the grips would start October 15, so people will probably start seeing them next week.
Didn't received shipping confirmation but sure soon.
Ive been gone for 3 weeks. whats the big ...
anything at all? i know about the wii jackets thats it.Ive been gone for 3 weeks. whats the big ...
nintendo shut down and their giving away free gamesIve been gone for 3 weeks. whats the big ...
Wiimotes not only sense motion but come with rumble?Whole bunch of things. The Wii is turning into a DS download station for DS demos, just one fancy thing.
brawl's been delayed :)
If you click on here, and look in the News box on the page, it should update you. :D Look at the news box
sonic in brawl!
[QUOTE=''gooflee'']If you click on here, and look in the News box on the page, it should update you. :D Look at the news box[/QUOTE]Quality posting right here folksKudos
Sonic is set to be in Brawl as well. Galaxy is gonna be awesome, NiGHTS has a december release, Barrel Blast sucked. Was that good?
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''gooflee''] If you click on here, and look in the News box on the page, it should update you. :DLook at the news box[/QUOTE]Quality posting right here folksKudos[/QUOTE] only problem is they are as far behind as the guy whose not been here for 3 weeks
The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.''
[QUOTE=''ThePlothole'']The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.'' [/QUOTE]
is the everybody's nintendo channel thing true? if so thats pretty cool. and how would i hook up a keyboard to the wii?
[QUOTE=''Shotfire20''][QUOTE=''ThePlothole'']The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.'' [/QUOTE]
is the everybody's nintendo channel thing true? if so thats pretty cool. and how would i hook up a keyboard to the wii?
[/QUOTE]I wouldn't have said it if it weren't: are two standard USB ports on the back of the Wii. As long as the keyboard connects through USB (as most off the shelf keyboards these day do), it's simple plug-and-play.
[QUOTE=''ThePlothole''][QUOTE=''Shotfire20''][QUOTE=''ThePlothole'']The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.'' [/QUOTE]
is the everybody's nintendo channel thing true? if so thats pretty cool. and how would i hook up a keyboard to the wii?
[/QUOTE]I wouldn't have said it if it weren't: are two standard USB ports on the back of the Wii. As long as the keyboard connects through USB (as most off the shelf keyboards these day do), it's simple plug-and-play. [/QUOTE]
so you use it for when you go on the internet?
The earth caved in on it self.Plus, all those awesome games everybody has been looking forward to, are going to be as amazing as promised.
nunchuck jackets jk but yeah all that mario and sonic got moved up to november 6 and links crossbow training wait were you here for that
so you use it for when you go on the internet?
[/QUOTE]You can use it to type in any of the channels, including (as of the most recent update) the internet channel.[QUOTE=''dgbeard45'']The earth caved in on it self.[/QUOTE]That would explain the big hole...
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
nintendo shut down and their giving away free gamesIve been gone for 3 weeks. whats the big ...
Wiimotes not only sense motion but come with rumble?Whole bunch of things. The Wii is turning into a DS download station for DS demos, just one fancy thing.
brawl's been delayed :)
If you click on here, and look in the News box on the page, it should update you. :D Look at the news box
sonic in brawl!
[QUOTE=''gooflee'']If you click on here, and look in the News box on the page, it should update you. :D Look at the news box[/QUOTE]Quality posting right here folksKudos
Sonic is set to be in Brawl as well. Galaxy is gonna be awesome, NiGHTS has a december release, Barrel Blast sucked. Was that good?
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy''][QUOTE=''gooflee''] If you click on here, and look in the News box on the page, it should update you. :DLook at the news box[/QUOTE]Quality posting right here folksKudos[/QUOTE] only problem is they are as far behind as the guy whose not been here for 3 weeks
The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.''
[QUOTE=''ThePlothole'']The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.'' [/QUOTE]
is the everybody's nintendo channel thing true? if so thats pretty cool. and how would i hook up a keyboard to the wii?
[QUOTE=''Shotfire20''][QUOTE=''ThePlothole'']The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.'' [/QUOTE]
is the everybody's nintendo channel thing true? if so thats pretty cool. and how would i hook up a keyboard to the wii?
[/QUOTE]I wouldn't have said it if it weren't: are two standard USB ports on the back of the Wii. As long as the keyboard connects through USB (as most off the shelf keyboards these day do), it's simple plug-and-play.
[QUOTE=''ThePlothole''][QUOTE=''Shotfire20''][QUOTE=''ThePlothole'']The Wii internet channel now has USB keyboard support.A number of Wiiware titles were announced, including a new FFCC game (seperate from the one already in development for the Wii)DS Demos and Wii videos will soon be available through the upcoming ''Everybody's Nintendo Channel.'' [/QUOTE]
is the everybody's nintendo channel thing true? if so thats pretty cool. and how would i hook up a keyboard to the wii?
[/QUOTE]I wouldn't have said it if it weren't: are two standard USB ports on the back of the Wii. As long as the keyboard connects through USB (as most off the shelf keyboards these day do), it's simple plug-and-play. [/QUOTE]
so you use it for when you go on the internet?
The earth caved in on it self.Plus, all those awesome games everybody has been looking forward to, are going to be as amazing as promised.
nunchuck jackets jk but yeah all that mario and sonic got moved up to november 6 and links crossbow training wait were you here for that
so you use it for when you go on the internet?
[/QUOTE]You can use it to type in any of the channels, including (as of the most recent update) the internet channel.[QUOTE=''dgbeard45'']The earth caved in on it self.[/QUOTE]That would explain the big hole...
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Will Call of Duty 4 come to the wii?
I would love for this game to come to the wii, even though its not out yet, still would reak of awesomeness. Would any one eles like for it to. I sure the answer will be yes.Will Call of Duty 4 come to the wii?
Nope.Will Call of Duty 4 come to the wii?
It will not.
In my wildest dreams.
Not in a million years.
maybe not right now but i think will some time in 2009. right now my only hole for a good shooter in heroes 2
haha no
haha no
wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs,
wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs,
[QUOTE=''aeropride'']wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs, [/QUOTE] That would mean a complete re-make of the entire game. The only $$$ they'd see is $$$ going down the toilet.
[QUOTE=''aeropride'']wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs, [/QUOTE]That's exactly what they don't see. Recently in an interview with Mark Rein, the vice president of Epic Games, he stated that there wasn't any money into converting graphic engines for the Wii, (a sentiment I agree with). The only other option would be to build the game and it's engine for the Wii ground up, which the developer simply doesn't have the time or resources for.
thats the answer i was looking for rather than just a no
No, and I don't really care.
It seems highly unlikely.
when the Wii has power to fly just maybe call of duty 4 will come to the wii
i really doudbt it
You never know.
[QUOTE=''shockwave04''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']Nope.[/QUOTE] You never know.[/QUOTE] Well then I doubt it then.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''shockwave04''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']Nope.[/QUOTE] You never know.[/QUOTE] Well then I doubt it then.[/QUOTE]
Thats better lol
Nope.Will Call of Duty 4 come to the wii?
It will not.
In my wildest dreams.
Not in a million years.
maybe not right now but i think will some time in 2009. right now my only hole for a good shooter in heroes 2
haha no
haha no
wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs,
wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs,
[QUOTE=''aeropride'']wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs, [/QUOTE] That would mean a complete re-make of the entire game. The only $$$ they'd see is $$$ going down the toilet.
[QUOTE=''aeropride'']wow no one think it will? or is it you dont want to get your hopes up. come on do you really think they look at eh wii and dont see money signs, [/QUOTE]That's exactly what they don't see. Recently in an interview with Mark Rein, the vice president of Epic Games, he stated that there wasn't any money into converting graphic engines for the Wii, (a sentiment I agree with). The only other option would be to build the game and it's engine for the Wii ground up, which the developer simply doesn't have the time or resources for.
thats the answer i was looking for rather than just a no
No, and I don't really care.
It seems highly unlikely.
when the Wii has power to fly just maybe call of duty 4 will come to the wii
i really doudbt it
You never know.
[QUOTE=''shockwave04''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']Nope.[/QUOTE] You never know.[/QUOTE] Well then I doubt it then.
[QUOTE=''Duckman5''][QUOTE=''shockwave04''][QUOTE=''Duckman5'']Nope.[/QUOTE] You never know.[/QUOTE] Well then I doubt it then.[/QUOTE]
Thats better lol
Do you think Wii games will get better o ...
What I mean is, we all complain about how the Wii is always getting shody half-assed ports of games instead of actual ''Wii'' games designed from the ground up and given the proper attention and make use of the hardware and controller. Let's face it - what we're really talking about are PS2 games that become Wii ''version''. They don't start with the 360 version and bring the games specs down a little untill they max out the Wii, which would look great incidentally, or much of the time do they make Wii specific version from the ground up, but take the version for last generation's weakest system and convert that. What a load of bollocks!Now in a year or so when the PS2 is finally dead and we are truly left with just this generation, consisting of the Wii, PS3, and 360 only, developers will no longer have crappy last gen games to work with as the foundation. If logic serves me properly then that should mean that the quality of a lot of the offshoot and 3rd party games will increase as they'll only be taylored for all three more powerful systems or really be developed from the ground up for the Wii. Right? I mean it's gotta be that way. That actually makes me pretty excited!Thoughts?And a poll for fun....Do you think Wii games will get better o ...
The devs will probabaly get their senses together and start making some respectable games. I am really tired of devs making crap on Wii and then blaming Nintendo and its fans for utter failure.Do you think Wii games will get better o ...
WHy wont it show new posts?
Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, alwasy Wii, No more Heros, coming out next year looks origanal, cel-shaded graphix, but origanal and always ment for the wii. 360 took about 2 years befor it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probly take the Wii two years to be realy good, maybe more, or less.
Well in theory it should, since there will be nowhere to port games from. All Wii games should be ports from other next gen consoles, or more likely games built from the ground up. Also I think that they will make better use of the Wii's hardware instead, because they will probaly start designing engines specifically for the Wii.
[QUOTE=''Jonthin'']Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, alwasy Wii, No more Heros, coming out next year looks origanal, cel-shaded graphix, but origanal and always ment for the wii. 360 took about 2 years befor it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probly take the Wii two years to be realy good, maybe more, or less.[/QUOTE]Beleieve it or not the GC still Sells a little bit. As long as it makes the money.
I can only see new post when I post myself because of this glitch.
need a link avatar to post here?
[QUOTE=''Jonthin'']Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, always Wii, No more Heroes, coming out next year looks original, cel-shaded graphics, but original and always meant for the wii. 360 took about 2 years before it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probably take the Wii two years to be really good, maybe more, or less.[/QUOTE]Two years is usually what it takes for any system to be fully realized, heck even the NES took a couple of year to really get going. I don't think the Wii will have better games as a result of developers moving away from the Playstation 2, I think it will have better games because developers will have a better idea of what does and doesn't work on the Wii.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
lol I said this very same thing a while ago...
[QUOTE=''mov'']need a link avatar to post here?[/QUOTE]just thinking the same thing
[QUOTE=''sonic_rusher'']I can only see new post when I post myself because of this glitch.[/QUOTE] SAme here It has been going crazy the past few days...
Either devs will start giing it real attention or they will ignore it even more, it could go either way.
if you are going to blame anyone, blame Nintendo themselves. This has nothing to do with PS2, PS3, Xbox360. 1st party developers from Nintendo need to actually put together a new title instead of re-using the same old franchise. And second of all, the Wii to me is in a completely different category because of its unique game-play. Don't blame other consoles, think about Nintendo's issues...there are plenty. It's quite sad that the same franchises are re-used over and over and over again by adding in a few waving controls for the wii remote and consumers continue to buy them. If you want to send out a message to Nintendo, stop buying crappy re-hashed games. I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.
[QUOTE=''gokuofheaven'']if you are going to blame anyone, blame Nintendo themselves. This has nothing to do with PS2, PS3, Xbox360. 1st party developers from Nintendo need to actually put together a new title instead of re-using the same old franchise. And second of all, the Wii to me is in a completely different category because of its unique game-play. Don't blame other consoles, think about Nintendo's issues...there are plenty. It's quite sad that the same franchises are re-used over and over and over again by adding in a few waving controls for the wii remote and consumers continue to buy them. If you want to send out a message to Nintendo, stop buying crappy re-hashed games. I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.[/QUOTE]Comes from the guy whose MS promised us Halo 3 would end the story and they lied with that. It has nothing to do with Nintendo first party. Nintendo first party games are so fun the third party companies have trouble competing. So if anything they have to make less games. So your just plain wrong. Besides that Nintendo has made battalion wars, Pikmin, and a couple others like that but you wouldnt notice it because the only games you like are shooters cause that all xbox ever will have to offer.
The only flaw I see here is that you expect the PS2 to die so quickly. Have you seen the numbers? That damned system is still selling. The quicker it dies, the better as far as I'm concerned. Don't get me wrong, I loved my PS2, but its time to move on everyone who's still buying them. But, yes, if it ever dies, the Wii will be better for it.
[QUOTE=''gokuofheaven''] I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.[/QUOTE] Elebits is NOT amazingly fun... its amazingly frustrating. I really don't understand how that single game has managed to sustain you for almost a year.... unless you're 9 and your parents won't buy you another videogame until you beat that one.
me hate glitch on gsscars
The devs will probabaly get their senses together and start making some respectable games. I am really tired of devs making crap on Wii and then blaming Nintendo and its fans for utter failure.Do you think Wii games will get better o ...
WHy wont it show new posts?
Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, alwasy Wii, No more Heros, coming out next year looks origanal, cel-shaded graphix, but origanal and always ment for the wii. 360 took about 2 years befor it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probly take the Wii two years to be realy good, maybe more, or less.
Well in theory it should, since there will be nowhere to port games from. All Wii games should be ports from other next gen consoles, or more likely games built from the ground up. Also I think that they will make better use of the Wii's hardware instead, because they will probaly start designing engines specifically for the Wii.
[QUOTE=''Jonthin'']Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, alwasy Wii, No more Heros, coming out next year looks origanal, cel-shaded graphix, but origanal and always ment for the wii. 360 took about 2 years befor it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probly take the Wii two years to be realy good, maybe more, or less.[/QUOTE]Beleieve it or not the GC still Sells a little bit. As long as it makes the money.
I can only see new post when I post myself because of this glitch.
need a link avatar to post here?
[QUOTE=''Jonthin'']Well i think by the end of next year the Wii will be doing even better than what it is now and the PS3 might even start doing good, until the Ps2 dies out, the Ps3 will most likely suck still. GC and xbox have already died out. So i think they are already making games from the next gen starting from scratch. Brawl was always set out for the Wii, Battalion wars 2, always Wii, No more Heroes, coming out next year looks original, cel-shaded graphics, but original and always meant for the wii. 360 took about 2 years before it got all its good games, such as Gears, Bioshock, Halo 3, Orange Box, and a few others. So it will probably take the Wii two years to be really good, maybe more, or less.[/QUOTE]Two years is usually what it takes for any system to be fully realized, heck even the NES took a couple of year to really get going. I don't think the Wii will have better games as a result of developers moving away from the Playstation 2, I think it will have better games because developers will have a better idea of what does and doesn't work on the Wii.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
lol I said this very same thing a while ago...
[QUOTE=''mov'']need a link avatar to post here?[/QUOTE]just thinking the same thing
[QUOTE=''sonic_rusher'']I can only see new post when I post myself because of this glitch.[/QUOTE] SAme here It has been going crazy the past few days...
Either devs will start giing it real attention or they will ignore it even more, it could go either way.
if you are going to blame anyone, blame Nintendo themselves. This has nothing to do with PS2, PS3, Xbox360. 1st party developers from Nintendo need to actually put together a new title instead of re-using the same old franchise. And second of all, the Wii to me is in a completely different category because of its unique game-play. Don't blame other consoles, think about Nintendo's issues...there are plenty. It's quite sad that the same franchises are re-used over and over and over again by adding in a few waving controls for the wii remote and consumers continue to buy them. If you want to send out a message to Nintendo, stop buying crappy re-hashed games. I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.
[QUOTE=''gokuofheaven'']if you are going to blame anyone, blame Nintendo themselves. This has nothing to do with PS2, PS3, Xbox360. 1st party developers from Nintendo need to actually put together a new title instead of re-using the same old franchise. And second of all, the Wii to me is in a completely different category because of its unique game-play. Don't blame other consoles, think about Nintendo's issues...there are plenty. It's quite sad that the same franchises are re-used over and over and over again by adding in a few waving controls for the wii remote and consumers continue to buy them. If you want to send out a message to Nintendo, stop buying crappy re-hashed games. I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.[/QUOTE]Comes from the guy whose MS promised us Halo 3 would end the story and they lied with that. It has nothing to do with Nintendo first party. Nintendo first party games are so fun the third party companies have trouble competing. So if anything they have to make less games. So your just plain wrong. Besides that Nintendo has made battalion wars, Pikmin, and a couple others like that but you wouldnt notice it because the only games you like are shooters cause that all xbox ever will have to offer.
The only flaw I see here is that you expect the PS2 to die so quickly. Have you seen the numbers? That damned system is still selling. The quicker it dies, the better as far as I'm concerned. Don't get me wrong, I loved my PS2, but its time to move on everyone who's still buying them. But, yes, if it ever dies, the Wii will be better for it.
[QUOTE=''gokuofheaven''] I for one only own 1 game so far and that is Elebits...not the best looking game but it's original, new and amazingly fun to kill some time.[/QUOTE] Elebits is NOT amazingly fun... its amazingly frustrating. I really don't understand how that single game has managed to sustain you for almost a year.... unless you're 9 and your parents won't buy you another videogame until you beat that one.
me hate glitch on gs
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