Friday, April 16, 2010

Wii for NGC games questions? help!!!

Recently, I want to play Biohazard zero%261(remake) with Wii. Using component cable , set progressive scan on. Is there any improvement about graphic, or may be I'd better turn off the progressive scan. By the way, anyone got the English script of these two games. Thank you very much.Wii for NGC games questions? help!!!
Well if you do run it in progressive scan then yes, the graphics will improve somewhat. But if your asking if playing GC games in a Wii will improve the graphics then your answer is no. Playing a GC game in a Wii is like playing a PS2 game in a PS2. Nothing changes and graphics remain the same.About the scripts, no I don't know where to find them but if you Google search them I'm sure you'll find them somewhere.Wii for NGC games questions? help!!!
If the game supported P-scan, then you would notice an improvement in the output... just as you'd notice that same improvement if you used the GCN's component cables.Offtopic: The abr. for nintendo gamecube is actually ''GCN'' (''NGC'' refers to the Neo Geo Color)
Some times when you turn on Progressive scan, the graphic degrade somewhat. More sawtooth. Without HDMI and powerful chips.
[QUOTE=''superairlike'']Some times when you turn on Progressive scan, the graphic degrade somewhat. More sawtooth. Without HDMI and powerful chips.[/QUOTE]I think that may be a compatability issue with your TV.
Actually, I means it seemes degrade. I got a LCD . The graphic do improve. But sometimes too ''clear'' is not good. Like Zelda Tp. MP3 perform better.
[QUOTE=''superairlike'']Some times when you turn on Progressive scan, the graphic degrade somewhat. More sawtooth. Without HDMI and powerful chips.[/QUOTE]That's Aliasing. Strictly speaking, it was there to begin with.. the higher quality of P-scan simply makes it more apparent. The way to counteract this is with anti-aliasing, which sadly a lot of GCN games didn't use (despite the system having the capablity). Also, outputing in HDMI wouldn't help in this case (if anything, it'd make the problem worse).
That's my point~! But Wii got limited hardware power for low cost. It's gpu is not power enough to performanti-aliasing,which will do affect its game genre.
[QUOTE=''superairlike'']That's my point~! But Wii got limited hardware power for low cost. It's gpu is not power enough to performanti-aliasing,which will do affect its game genre.[/QUOTE]The Wii does in fact possess Anti-Aliasing. You can see that in the latest Mario Galaxy screens.

too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(

i want a wii so friggin bad now that MP3 has been out for the longest time, SSBB is making its way, Bwii looks pretty anticipated, super mario galaxy is also coming soon, mario games in general, and all the other stuffsomeone please tell me where I can find a wii, and will it be hard to get one on xmas?!?my sis wants one, and I secretly do tootoo late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
I used to find mine online. They are really hard to come by.too late to get a wii?? i want one :'(
its been like over a year and they're still hard to come by? seriously?
dang now i want one even more lol
try calling your local stores and ask when will they get new shipments.
If your town has Best Buys, Targets, Circuit City's, etc., go at open on Sundays. Thats your best bet, or thats the way it used to be.It will take some luck. I see them at my nearest WalMart from time to time, but even big shipments only last a day or two.
Yes, it's too late for you. We're going to have to leave you behind, as you'd just slow us all down.:PSeriously, you should definately get one if you're interested in the games that the Wii has to offer, and it's never too late! There's a slew of great games already out, and plenty more on the way.
so you're saying that going to every store in the counrty on Sunday's will increase my chances of getting it...even slightly? (lol) and what other games are there that are insanely great for the wii?btw, i need some help convincing my dad to get it, he is paranoid that the wiimote will slip off my hand (i highly doubt that) and fly straight through his precious tv, and he's been like that ever since, what can I do to convince him?!?!
call ur local retail outlets-target, circuit city, walmart, etc.
try ebay. good luck.
it's funny, i read about how rare Wii's are, but our city is pretty sweet, it's about 80,000 people, so we DO get wii's but for some reason i can always find i could go down to rogers video and there are about 3 sitting on the shelf, theres always a good 2-3 sitting at future shop! to bad you don't live here ^_^ otherwise you'd be able to snap one up! maybe i should take advantage of this and start selling them on ebay? hmmmmm!
targets get a new shipment weekly. just spend one night for a couple of hours at the most and you will get your wii. do it now before the rush comes
It's really not that hard, unless you want it right now, in a day or something(ebay/craigslist is your only choice for that).. I've observed improved availability in the last month or so in fact, but things might get tighter towards the holidays. Your best bet is to subscribe to an email/cellphone tracker like . The main problem is that you can't depend on being at your desk and refreshing a tracker site. they can happen anytime and will go out of stock in a few minutes. I got the email alerts on my gmail account and forwarded it to my cell phone. I think you can do that with other email accounts too.. I was hanging around with a few buddies a couple of weeks back and my cellphone went off. I ran in and managed to buy a couple from amazon in about 5 minutes. they went out of stock after about 15 minutes. You can try also for local store availability. It's okay but pretty error prone because stores have been hoarding Wiis for weekend sales so itrackr gets false positives. I signed up(doesnt hurt, but incorrect alerts might be annoying) but didn't end up using it.

wii qesttions

sorry about the spelling but which game system should i get a wii or a Xbox360?? is the wii have free wifi?? and are the grafics good??wii qesttions
Don't let people on forums make your decision. Get whichever.wii qesttions
[QUOTE=''Imperial_blader'']sorry about the spelling but which game system should i get a wii or a Xbox360?? is the wii have free wifi?? and are the grafics good??[/QUOTE]this is probably the wrong form for this discussion, but then again I'm not sure what forum is the right one, maybe system wars. The wii's wifi is free and they are really starting to bump up support for online gaming later this year and beyond.
Do you mean ''does it have the Wifi adapter built-in'' or ''is the online play free''? Well, yes either way.
It's a system wars topic. You compare 2 consoles. I think JordanElek will close this.
Look videos, read what you need to read and try both consoles. This is your choose.
oh boy! such simple questions.. Must be the thousandth time, they never stop coming..
  • blue eyeshadow
  • Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...

    I originally though it would come out this Friday (19th) but on the preview channel it clearly says the release date is the 17th, which is Wedesday. Game's are traditionally released on fridays so.... wtf? :(Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...
    I thought it was comn out on the 26th Oct in the UK. I live in Australia so i have to wait till 8th Nov. Confusion about MP3's UK release date... ...
    The release date for MP3 in NZ should be the same as in Australia right? I'm going to be gutted if I have to wait any longer than necessary:P Manicfoot i thought it arrived on the 26th lol> you'd be best to check in at an EB games or something and see when they're supposed to get it in.
    I believe you have mistaken the game's release date for a movie's. There is a movie coming to the Metroid Preview Channel the 17th. The game's release date is the 26th.

    Should I or shouldn't I?

    Recently I've been thinking about buying a Wii. I would lin UNBIASED opinion on whether or not I should buy one and if it's worth the money that I'm going to spend on it.ThanksShould I or shouldn't I?
    if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth itShould I or shouldn't I?
    its more than worth the money!
    You should. - Very unbiased opinion right there...
    I think its worth it. Plus it is cheaper than some of the other consoles. If you are more of a causual gamer, than it is a must.
    Thanks for your input everyone, I guess I'll start saving up for one and figure out where I'm going to put it.
    [QUOTE=''blingchu55''] if you want unbiased you shouldve potsed in genralyes it is worth it (corrected).............[/QUOTE] ......... ONLY if you have games on it you like. :)
    You're in the wrong place for an unbiased opinion. Most people here are either big Nintendo fans, or Nintendo haters.
    There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion. It would not be an opinionif it was unbiased.It is a great system. Look further into it, play a friends, go to an EB games and try it out (if it is availabe to try). I'm sure you'll love it.
    i dont get it, u ask if u should or shouldnt get a wii knowing that u dont even have the money too, why bother asking this question when clearly u have answered your own question for yourself. you should ask are you able or unable too and when your able too then you should still ask yourself if your able or unable too, and u just might not be able too still when york able too this year cause of xmas is right around the corner and might be hard to come by

    I need help, why biohazard series don't ...

    I really loves biohazard series. But I can just understand part of the plot because there is no caption with CG, Why capcom always don't add subtitles to CG. Did anyone can find english script of BIO 0,1,2,3,4 ,veronica. It will be highly appreciated!My E_Mail: also my msn account.

    trade in value?

    Just wondering the trade in value for a wii, classic controller, RE4, and Paper Mario?trade in value?
    you'll get next to nothing, the wii is way to valuable to trade in, i traded my 60g ps3 for a wii, 2 wiimotes w/ nunchuks 4 games and a modded ps2 w/ 14 gamestrade in value?
    Maybe you could use an internet auction site, and had you some common sense you could have just run a search on one to check prices rather than making a pointless thread.
    seriously put it on ebay because you will easily make $400+ especially with the games and extra controller. For some reason the Wii is still hard to come by in alot of places.
    that would be the worst timing ever...